dear the eartH by JP Vallières
dear the eartH
sendar saying maybe the earth help sendaR sendar in quest of the earth habitatioN sendar from nodaN nodians now gone inexplicably removed from galaxY
dear the eartH
maybe help sendaR sendar last one current in nodaN big day of reckoninG only sendar livinG
dear the eartH
sendar an artisT before big day of reckoning fatherman saying sendar not be artisT
dear the eartH
when existing fatherman saying sendar achieve license for galaxy rideR sendar saying galaxy rider does not fit into artist incarnatioN
dear the eartH
sendar now shameful not knowing how to fly galaxy rideR could come in handy in pursuit of the earth habitatioN fatherman maybe precisE sendar trying not to think about fathermaN fatherman departeD sendar truthfully wearisomE
dear the eartH
artist forbids practicalitieS comrade once saying sendar get no femalian without galaxy rideR sendar write stunning poem of nodan for many femalians but poems transporting no appreciatioN
dear the eartH
femalians affectioning those with galaxy rider licensE sendar stuck on regreT sendar trying to forget nodianS maybe the earth help sendaR maybe the earth fly galaxy rider to nodan for pickuP maybe the earth teach sendar the ways of meN
dear the eartH
sendar wait long-sufferingly for the earth solutioN
dear the eartH
sendar noticing distances in galaxY meaning sendar dreading lonesome infinitieS meaning agony magnifies in light of daY
dear the eartH
does the earth-artist bring femalian delighT does the earth femalian agree to artist like-abilitieS
dear the eartH
when existing fatherman looking northway pointing to the eartH blue light meaning the eartH fatherman saying it is where men abidE
dear the eartH
when existing fatherman saying achieve galaxy rider licensE fatherman saying license engages practicalitieS sendar saying fatherman neglecting comprehension of artisT sendar so youthful and rageful with fathermaN sendar then going off finding hole in rocK
dear the eartH
in time sendar crawling out of hole in rocK sendar finding nodan empty of habitatioN sendar waiting good-naturedly for emerging nodianS waiting for merriment of big jest on sendaR no jibe no jest on sendaR sendar finding only silence under starS
dear the eartH
now sendar seeking the earth assistancE now sendar waiting hopeful for successful deliverancE
dear the eartH
sendar expecting increase in communicationS eons pass sendaR maybe men of the earth grasping all sendar sayinG maybe men of the earth reflecting on ways of nodaN
dear the eartH
maybe men of the earth will save sendaR maybe men of the earth will relate communications back to sendaR
dear the eartH
if only femalian in hole with sendar on big day of reckoninG sendar thinking femalian would then transport appreciation of poeM femalian with no other possibilities bringing affections to sendaR femalian would then have no objection to sendar artistrY
dear the eartH
if only licensed femalian in hole with sendar on big day of reckoninG sendar thinking licensed femalian gliding sendar and poem to the earth like shooting staR
dear the eartH
sendar giving in to ways of the losT femalians no morE fatherman no morE galaxy rider possibilities no morE sendar fading in to the sands of nodaN meaning sendar facing finalitieS
dear the eartH
sendar keen-sighteD sendar observing the earth blue light diminishinG
dear the eartH
sendar sending one last star corE one final communicatioN does the earth retain inhabitantS does the earth remain existinG
dear the sands of nodaN
nodan longstanding and graY no more blue in the galaxY darkness occupying immensitieS under three moons sendar dreaming of femalianS sendar remembering femaliaN her body curving identical to ray of lighT