[sarah] Cavar is an anti-genre writer, PhD candidate, and instructor of undergraduates on both u.s. coasts. They are the author of Failure to Comply (featherproof books, 2024). Cavar edits manywor(l)ds.place, and has had work published in The Offing, Split Lip Magazine, Nat. Brut, Electric Lit, and elsewhere. More at www.cavar.club, librarycard.substack.com, and @cavarsarah on twitter.
A.V. Greene is a writer and librarian living in the Ozarks with her family and a collection of carnivorous flora and fauna. For more, visit avgreene.com or follow her on Twitter at @avgreenewrites.
Aaron Buchanan is a philosophy and Latin instructor in Tampa, Florida. He is a native of Michigan —a mystical, incongruous land which features prominently in his work.
Aaron Burch is the author of the essay collection, A Kind of In-Between, and the editor of the craft anthology, How to Write a Novel: 20 Craft Essays About Writing, None of Which Ever Mention Writing, both out THIS WEEK from Autofocus Books. He is also the author ofYear of the Buffalo, Stephen King's The Body, and Backswing. He started the literary journal Hobart, which he edited for twenty years, and is currently the co-editor of WAS (Words & Sports), HAD, and Short Story, Long (on Substack). He lives in Michigan and is online: on Twitter and Instagram at @aaron__burch, and the world wide web at aaronburch.net.
Aaron Kreuter is the author of the poetry collection Arguments for Lawn Chairs (Guernica Editions, 2016) and the short story collection You and Me, Belonging (Tightrope Books, 2018), which won the Miramichi Reader's 2019 'The Very Best!' Short Fiction Award and was shortlisted for a Vine Award for Canadian Jewish Literature. His second collection of poetry, Shifting Baseline Syndrome, is forthcoming from Oskana Poetry and Poetics in spring 2022. Aaron is an assistant fiction editor at Pithead Chapel. He lives in Toronto, Canada, where he is currently writing a novel that takes place at Jewish sleepover camp. Follow him on Twitter @aaronkreuter.
Aatif Rashid is a writer living in Los Angeles and a graduate of UC Berkeley and Oxford University. His debut novel, Portrait of Sebastian Khan, came out in 2019 from 7.13 Books. His short stories appear in The Massachusetts Review, Arcturus, Barrelhouse, and Triangle House Review and nonfiction in The Los Angeles Review of Books and Lit Hub, among other places. He writes regularly for The Kenyon Review blog.
Abbie Barker earned a degree in fiction from the Mountainview MFA and an MA in Literature from Fordham University. She teaches college English courses and lives with her husband and two kids in New Hampshire. Almost every morning, she wakes up early and writes.
Abby Feden is a fiction writer living in Stillwater, Oklahoma. She is the winner of The 2020 SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction. Her work appears or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, JMWW, Third Coast, Best Small Fictions 2021, and elsewhere. Feden received her MFA from Western Washington University and is in her third year of Oklahoma State University's PhD in Creative Writing.
Abigail Stewart is a fiction writer from Berkeley, California. Her work is published in or forthcoming from Corvid Queen, Taco Bell Quarterly, Maudlin House, Back Patio Press, Mookychick, and elsewhere. She is a contributing writer for Pussy Magic. Her website is here: www.helloabigailstewart.com.
Adam Lock writes in the Black Country in the UK. He recently won the TSS Summer Quarterly Flash Competition 2018 and the STORGY Flash Fiction Competition 2018. His stories have been published online and in print, links to which can be found on adamlock.net. You can also connect with him on Twitter @dazedcharacter.
Adam Peterson is the author of the collections My Untimely Death, The Flasher, and [SPOILER ALERT] (with Laura Eve Engel). His fiction has appeared in Epoch, The Kenyon Review, The Southern Review, and elsewhere.
Adam Soldofsky is the author of Memory Foam (poems) and Telepaphone (a novella).
Adedapo Adeniyi can be found at Instagram and X
Adrian Belmes is a Jewish Ukrainian writer and book artist residing currently in San Diego. He is a senior editor for Fiction International, editor in chief of Badlung Press, and vice president of State Zine Collective. He has been previously published in SOFT CARTEL, Philosophical Idiot, and elsewhere. You can find him at adrianbelmes.com or @adrian_belmes.
Adrienne Marie Barrios is a writer and an editor. She writes about mental health and relationships, the interplay between the two and the external world. She edits novel manuscripts and short stories, both independently and for Magnolia Press, and is currently writing her second novel. She is a frequent writer in residence at L’ATELIER Writers. You can find her online here.
Ahimaz Ponrasa (a.k.a Rajessh, @ahimaaz) has been published recently with RIC Journal, Ligeia, Twin Pies Literary and Unfortunately. He lives in the Union of India.
Aileen O’Dowd lives in Toronto. Her writing has appeared in Peach Mag, Maudlin House, Rejection Letters, Monkeybicycle, and elsewhere.
Aimée Keeble has her Master of Letters in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow and is represented by Ayla Zuraw-Friedland at the David Black Agency. Aimée lives in North Carolina with her dog Cowboy and is working on her first novel. She is the grand-niece of Beat writer and poet Alexander Trocchi.
Aisha Hassan is a Malaysian writer and journalist. She previously worked for Quartz in New York and Harper's Bazaar in Malaysia. Aisha currently works at a foundation that supports underprivileged children. You can follow her on Twitter @aishabhassan.
Aishwarya Mishra is a short story writer and dancer from Jharkhand, India. She deliciously confuses the two forms of moving and being, and wants her bones to forget the difference. Her work has received an honorable mention in New Millennium Writings.
Alan Rossi's writing has been published in Granta, New England Review, Missouri Review, Agni, and many other journals. His first novel, Mountain Road, Late at Night, was published by Picador in 2021, and his next novel is forthcoming in 2022. His fiction has won a Pushcart Prize, an O. Henry Prize, and New England Review’s Emerging Writer Award.
Alana Mohamed is a writer and librarian from Queens, NY. Her writing has most recently appeared in Full Stop Mag, Grody Mag, and Tiny Nightmares: Very Short Tales of Horror. She is currently at work on a collection of short stories about making it in a ghost city and a collection of essays about being late to the party. Find her agitated and online: @alanamhmd.
Alayna Becker is a writer, journalist and standup comic in Portland, OR. Her work has appeared in the Shout Your Abortion anthology (PM Press), Autostraddle, Yalobusha Review, and Pacifica Review, among others. She is the host of Aid + Abet comedy in Portland, an abortion comedy show. She is the managing editor of Moss Lit. You can find more from Alayna at alaynabecker.com or @alaynaokayna on Twitter.
Alec Berry lives in Wheeling, WV. He wrote and self-published All Pretty Sore. See more of his stuff here.
Alecz Yeager is a 22-year-old writer from South Carolina, currently finishing a BA of English at Winthrop University. She has previously had a prose piece published by Soft Cartel. Across the board, using dialogue to showcase a character’s personality is one of her favorite aspects of writing prose, but her passion for writing stems from her belief that stories are what guide every new generation. Stories are what carry on the memories of the past.
Alex Behr's debut story collection, Planet Grim, was published by 7.13 Books in 2017. Her work has appeared in Tin House, Salon, Cosmonauts Ave., The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She teaches creative writing residencies at Portland, OR, high schools through Writers in the Schools. Her website: http://alexbehr.com.
Alex Evans lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and has done for a while now. He writes stories, makes coffee, sings songs, drinks wine, and doesn’t sleep nearly enough. He loves wrinkly dogs and hates the smell of airplanes. His little fictions have been featured in the Jet Fuel Review, Five on the Fifth, and Ohio’s Emerging Writers: an Anthology of Fiction. He tweets here and lives here.
Alex Juarez is a Chicanx lesbian writer, editor, and pop culture enthusiast from Los Angeles. A recent graduate of the BFA Writing Program at Pratt Institute, you can find her and pictures of her cats–Oscar and Dorian–on Twitter @alexbethjuarez.
Alex Juffer lives in a small town in Minnesota with his fiancé, two dogs, and a family of attic squirrels. Recently, he won the 2022 Forge Literary Flash Fiction Competition and his piece “Path of a Bullet” was a Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions for 2023. His work has been previously published in Epoch, Cleaver, Monkey Bicycle, Hobart, The Los Angeles Review and more.
Alex S. French writes from Montana. His work can be found here. Twitter: @asfrenchaf.
Alex Sullivan was born in western Massachusetts and now lives and works in Washington, DC, with his fiancée and always-sleepy rescue cat. He is a member of the Writer's Center and a graduate of the University of South Carolina and Northeastern University. "Heartless" is his first publication credit. His fiction is forthcoming in Eunoia Review.
Alex Weidman lives in West Virginia and works at a cooperative. He can be found on Twitter @Weidman_Alex, and at his website A Small Desk.
Alexander Fredman is a writer living in New York. He teaches at The City College of New York. His work has appeared in Heavy Feather Review, Hobart, and Dark Mountain.
Alexander Perez lives in Upstate New York. His work has appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine, Defenestration, SOFT CARTEL, mac(ro)mic, Anti-Heroin Review and elsewhere.
Alexandra M. Matthews is a teacher and writer living in the Hudson Valley. Her work has appeared in Jellyfish Review.
Alexandra Wuest is a writer based in New York. Her fiction has appeared in or is forthcoming from Electric Literature's Recommended Reading, Joyland, and Peach Mag.
Alexandrine Ogundimu is a Nigerian-American, depressed, transgender garbage fire from Indiana. She lives in Seattle and works for a housing nonprofit. She cares a lot about equality and diversity and using our own voices, but mostly is waiting for the day she can loot Tiffany's with a pack of feral drag queens. She received an MFA in Fiction at NYU, and her debut novella Desperate was published by Amphetamine Sulphate in January 2021. Her fiction can be found in Five:2:One, Flapperhouse, Exposition Review, Maudlin House, and elsewhere.
Alexondria Jolene is a Colorado-based fiction writer and teacher. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Professional Creative Writing from the University of Denver. She teaches college composition and is currently working on a collection of flash fiction. She has work forthcoming in The Sunlight Press and Nightingale and Sparrow.
Ali Raz’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in the LA Review of Books, The Believer, 3:AM Magazine, Tupelo Quarterly, Firmament, and elsewhere. Her first novella, Alien, comes out in Spring 2022 from 11:11 Press.
Alice M. Alice is a pseudonymous nonbinary writer from London. Aer work has appeared in Salt Publishing's "Best British Short Stories," HAD, Rejection Letters, and Hobart. Alice paints, and is obsessed with nuclear physics and languages for some reason.
Alice Maglio’s fiction has appeared in DIAGRAM, Black Warrior Review, Wigleaf, Pithead Chapel, and others. Her work has also been included in Best Microfiction 2020. She is the book review editor of The Rupture, and she holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College.
Aliceanna Stopher's short fiction and essays can be found, or are forthcoming, in Split Lip Magazine, Gulf Coast, Hobart, The Best Small Fictions 2019, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA from Colorado State University, where she was a Gill Rhonda Fellow. She lives offline in Colorado with her family, and on Twitter @_itwillbeloud.
Alicia Bones is a Seattle-based writer and college English instructor. Her work has been published in Paper Darts, Pidgeonholes, Necessary Fiction, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere.
Alienor Bombarde is passionate about literature, people and language. After graduating First Class from the University of Manchester, she is in the midst of a Creative Writing MA, and works part-time with charities across Liverpool. She loves running, fresh-water swimming, and her dog Tips.
Alisha Wexler is a NY-based writer whose work has appeared in ExPat, The Observer, Surface, and Artsy. Find her shouting into the void on Twitter @alishawexlr.
Alistair McCartney is the author of two cross-genre novels The Disintegrations (2017) and The End of The World Book (2008), both published with University of Wisconsin Press. The Disintegrations is the winner of the Publishing Triangle’s Ferro-Grumley award for LGBTQ Fiction. TEOTWB was a finalist for the PEN USA Fiction Award and the Publishing Triangle’s Edmund White debut fiction award. Other work has appeared in journals such as 3:AM, Fence, SCAB, Animal Shelter, Blood-Tree Literature, 1913, Gertrude, and Bloom. Originally from Australia, he live in Los Angeles, where he teaches fiction in Antioch University’s MFA program, and directs their undergraduate creative writing concentration.
Alle C. Hall’s work appears in Dale Peck’s Evergreen, Tupelo Quarterly, and Creative Nonfiction Magazine. She is a Best of the Net nominee, the Senior Nonfiction Editor at JMWW Journal, and an Associate Editor for Vestal Review. Her novel is available for representation. Find her here, here, and on twitter @allechall1.
Allie Marini is a cross-genre Southern writer. In addition to her work on the page, Allie was a 2017 Oakland Poetry Slam team member & writes poetry, fiction, essays, performing in the Bay Area, where as a Floridian, she is always cold. Find her online here or @kiddeternity.
Allie Zenwirth asks, if you have the means, please consider donating to Footstepsorg.org, an organization making escaping the Chasidic community a survivable possibility. Oh, and if you're an agent reading this: Allie is working on a memoir - wink. Find her here.
Alyssa Asquith's stories and translations have appeared in Hobart, Prime Number Magazine, the Washington Square Review, and Portland Review. She has an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
Alyssa Jordan is a writer living in the United States. She pens literary horoscopes for F(r)iction Series. Her stories can be found or are forthcoming in The Sunlight Press, X–R-A-Y Literary Magazine, Reflex Fiction, Ghost Parachute, and more. When she's not writing, she's hanging out with her partner or watching too many movies. You can find her on Twitter @ajordan901 and Instagram @ajordanwriter.
Amanda Anderson is a former public and private librarian. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two dogs (one big, one small) who are old and weird and sweet and have few teeth between them.
Amanda Baldeneaux is a writer living in Denver, Colorado. She attended the University of Arkansas and is a member of the Lighthouse Writers Workshop, a contributing editor at FictionUnbound.com, and a Tin House workshop alumna. She was the recipient of The Missouri Review Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize in fiction in 2018. She tweets at @AmandaBold.
Amanda Claire Buckley is a writer who was once a waitress who was once a philosophy student who was once part of a traveling sketch comedy troupe. Her work has been featured on the web, in print, and at festivals nationally. She is currently an MFA candidate at Sarah Lawrence College and is a contributing editor at Pigeon Pages. Her site is maintained here.
Amanda Gersh is a fiction writer in Portland, OR. Her stories have appeared in Tin House, One Story, Open City, and The Mississippi Review. Find her at amandagersh.com.
Amanda Tu is a writer and designer who resides in Northern California by way of Louisville, Kentucky. She has a website.
Amber Burke has two big mutts, Shep and Smoochie. She is a grad of Yale and the JHU Writing Seminars who now teaches writing at the UNM in Taos. Her work has been published here and there.
Amelia C. Winter is a writer of poetry and fiction from Adelaide, Australia, now living in Melbourne. Her work has previously appeared in Cordite Poetry Review and as part of the Adelaide poetry reading series No Wave.
Amie Norman Walker is a writer from Detroit, Michigan. Poetry and prose forthcoming. This is her first recent publication.
Amina Frances grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, reading many of her early stories to her extremely patient siblings and dogs. She later graduated from Amherst College and worked as an advertising strategist in Chicago for several years, before moving across the pond. She now lives in Switzerland with her husband, Matthew. Her work is forthcoming in PANK Magazine.
Amy Barnes is the author of three collections: Mother Figures (ELJ Editions, 2021), Ambrotypes (Word West LLC, 2022), and Child Craft (Belle Point Press, 2023). She has words at The Citron Review, Spartan Lit, JMWW Journal, No Contact Mag, Leon Review, Complete Sentence, Gone Lawn, The Bureau Dispatch, Nurture Lit, X-R-A-Y Lit, McSweeney’s, -ette review, Southern Living, Cease, Cows and many other sites. Her writing has been nominated for Best of the Net, the Pushcart Prize, Best Microfiction, long-listed for the Wigleaf Top50 in 2021-2024, and included in The Best Small Fictions, 2022. She’s a Fractured Lit Associate Editor, Gone Lawn co-editor, Ruby Lit assistant editor, Narratively Chief Submissions Reader, and reads for The MacGuffin, The Best Small Fictions, The Porch TN, and CRAFT.
Amy DeBellis is a writer from New York. Her writing has appeared in various publications including Pithead Chapel, HAD, Ghost Parachute, and Pinch. Her debut novel is forthcoming from CLASH Books (2025). Read more at amydebellis.com
Amy Kiger-Williams holds an MFA in Fiction from Rutgers-Newark and a bachelor’s degree from New York University. She has also attended the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. Her work has been published in the Yale Review Online, Queen Mob’s Tea House, Juked, and Vestal Review. She is at work on a novel and a short story collection. You can read more of her work at amykigerwilliams.com and follow her on Twitter at @amykw.
Amy L. Freeman has bylines and upcoming work in The Washington Post, Parents.com, HuffPost, Santa Fe Writer’s Project, Furious Gravity anthology, Gargoyle Magazine, and, and, and. Tweets at @FreemanAmyL, slightly dusty website AmyLFreeman.com.
Amy Wang is a sophomore from California. She has been nationally recognized by Scholastic and was a mentee in Adroit's summer mentorship. In her free time, you can find her reading fanfiction. Her work is forthcoming in Twin Pies Literary, Ogma, and Myrina Journal.
Ana Carrete is a poet. Her latest collection is Blush & Blink (Lang Books, 2023). Instagram: @ana__carrete
Anastasia Jill (Anna Keeler) is a queer poet and fiction writer living in the southern United States. She is a current editor for the Smaeralit Anthology. Her work has been published or is upcoming with Poets.org, Lunch Ticket, FIVE:2:ONE, Ambit Magazine, apt, Into the Void Magazine, 2River, and more. You can find her here.
Andrea Rinard is a veteran high school English teacher whose midlife luxury is writing. She has work in some of her favorite literary magazines, including The Jellyfish Review, Spelk, and Crack the Spine, and her YA manuscript recently won the Key West Literary Seminar's 2020 Marianne Russo Award for a novel-in-progress. A native Floridian who wears shoes against her will, Rinard lives in Tampa with her three kids and her 1988 Prom date. You can find her online at www.writerinard.com and on Twitter @aprinard.
Andrew C. Miller retired from a career that included university teaching and research in aquatic systems. Now he has time to pursue his long-held interest in creative writing. Recent work has appeared in: Typehouse Literary Magazine, Front Porch Review, Blue Lake Review, The Meadow, and The Magnolia Review. His website is here.
Andrew Ciaccio got his start in the word business delivering Warren Buffett’s newspaper. Now he makes a living as a freelance writer working on commercials. He also writes poetry, prose and text messages. His work has been published in Liquid Imagination and YogaPoetica.
Andrew Graham Martin's writing has appeared or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, Post Road, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, and elsewhere. He lives in Indianapolis. andrewgrahammartin.com
Andrew Miller is an MFA candidate at Miami University and author of the memoir If Only the Names Were Changed (CCM 2016). He’s done with Facebook but still dumping photos to Instagram and documenting the antics of Columbus Skateboarding & Geriatrics on YouTube. See more at Andrew-Miller.com.
Andy Spain is a video editor and motion graphics designer living in the utopian city of Durham, NC, with his wife and four children. Or is it five? His humor writing has appeared in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Slackjaw, Weekly Humorist, and other humor sites. Find him adding nothing to the cultural zeitgeist on Twitter @citizenspain.
Andy Tran is a writer from Virginia.
Ange Yeung (they/them) is a writer from Vancouver. While not writing, they enjoy trying to minimize their time spent touching grass and catching up on sleep from pulling too many all-nighters. You can find them @ang_yeungg on twitter.
Angela Miyuki Mackintosh is a writer and illustrator living in Los Angeles with her husband and tuxedo cat. A 2019 Pushcart Prize and Best of Net nominee, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Vice, Maxim, Red Fez, Awakenings, The Nervous Breakdown, iō Literary Journal, Eastern Iowa Review, Writer’s Digest, and elsewhere. She’s working on a memoir about grief, LSD, and domestic violence, titled HIT. As founding editor of WOW! Women On Writing, she loves supporting writers.
Angelo Maneage is a poet and book designer in Cleveland. He has work on or in or coming to poets.org, Wax Nine, HAD, The Hunger, others. His plays have been produced by convergence-continuum. Visit him at angelomaneagethewebsite.com
Angie McCullagh is a Seattle writer and Pushcart Prize nominee published in a handful of literary journals including Colorado Review, The Florida Review, Barren Magazine, and others. She loves sparkling sentences, skittish mutts, and black coffee in bed. She’s currently spit-polishing her novel, WE ARE BROKEN about a young woman trying to make it in grunge-era Seattle.
Anissa Elmerraji was born in Monterey, California. She currently writes fiction in the mornings, and writes grant proposals for an environmental nonprofit in the afternoons. She lives in Berkeley, CA with her boyfriend and their cat, Nonni.
Anita Goveas is British-Asian, based in London, and fueled by strong coffee and paneer jalfrezi. She was first published in the 2016 London Short Story Prize anthology, most recently in Spelk, Lost Balloon and Terse. She’s on the editorial team at Flashback Fiction, a reader for Bare Fiction and tweets erratically @coffeeandpaneer.
Anith Mukherjee is a writer and artist living in Sydney, Australia. His writing has most recently been published in Micro/Macro, Philosophical Idiot, and Really Serious Literature. His paintings have been exhibited in the George Paton Gallery in Melbourne. He’s very anxious and recently deleted his social media presence.
Ankita Banerjee is a short story writer and poet based in Pune, India. Her works have appeared or will appear in The Bangalore Review, Coldnoon – International journal of travel writing & travelling cultures, Eunoia Review, Matter Press, Women’s Web, Kitaab and others. Her first short fiction series is published by Juggernaut Books in 2019. She can be reached at ankita.banerji88@gmail.com.
Ann Kathryn Kelly lives and writes in New Hampshire’s Seacoast region. She’s an editor with Barren Magazine, works in the technology sector, and leads writing workshops for a nonprofit that offers therapeutic arts programming to people living with brain injury. Her essays have appeared in a number of literary journals. https://annkkelly.com
Anna O'Brien is a writer and veterinarian in central Maryland. She writes about horses, livestock, and dogs for Horse Illustrated, Hobby Farms, and Just Labs and on the literary side she’s the managing blog editor for Luna Station Quarterly. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and her short fiction has appeared in numerous journals, most recently Barren Magazine, Bad Pony, and upcoming in The Society for MIsfit Stories. You can find her on Twitter @annaobriendvm.
Anna Pele is a Russian-Nigerian-German emerging poet and writer. Currently, she oscillates between her family in the Netherlands and her friends in Hamburg, Germany. When she isn't reading, doing yoga, or daydreaming, she chases words down rabbit holes in hopes of understanding what it means to be human. Her work has recently appeared in The Shore and The Perch. She tweets @AnnaPele_Writes.
Anna Vangala Jones is an Assistant Fiction Editor at Lunch Ticket and an Editorial Assistant on the fiction team at Split Lip Magazine. Her stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net Anthology, and selected for inclusion in Longform Fiction’s Best of 2018 list. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Catapult, Berkeley Fiction Review, Little Fiction, Necessary Fiction, and Hobart, among others. Find her online at annavangalajones.wordpress.com and on Twitter @anniejo_17.
Annie Delmedico is a writer from North Carolina. She is currently an MFA candidate at The University of California at Davis, where she also teaches creative writing and enjoys the bike lanes.
Anthony Dragonetti writes fiction and criticism. His work has appeared in Expat Press, Soft Cartel, Philosophical Idiot, and elsewhere. He writes book reviews at Neutral Spaces. Follow him on Twitter @dragoneddied.
Anthony Sabourin is a writer from Ottawa, Ontario. His work has previously been published by X-R-A-Y, Little Death, and Bad Nudes. Find him here.
Anthony Varallo is the author of a novel, The Lines (University of Iowa Press), as well as four short story collections. New work is out or forthcoming in The New Yorker “Daily Shouts,” One Story, STORY, Chicago Quarterly Review, DIAGRAM, The Best Small Fictions 2020, and elsewhere. Currently he is a professor of English at the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC, where he is the fiction editor of Crazyhorse. Find him online at @TheLines1979.
Ariel Clark-Semyck is a writer from Chicago. Her work has been published in Flypaper Lit, Heavy Feather Review, Grimoire Magazine, Witch Craft Magazine, Yes Poetry, and elsewhere. You can find her scuttling around on instagram: @mousecadet.
Ariel Courage is a writer, editor, and sometimes artist living in Brooklyn. More of her work can be found here.
Ariel Kusby is a writer based in Portland, Oregon. Her poems, stories, and reviews have appeared in Entropy, Bone Bouquet, SUSAN / The Journal, Bodega Magazine, and Pom Pom Lit Mag, amongst others. She works as a bookseller in the children’s room at Powell’s City of Books, and is the managing editor for Deep Overstock: the Booksellers’ Journal. Her first children’s book is forthcoming from Chronicle Books. Find her at www.arielkusby.com.
Arielle Burgdorf is a writer from Washington D.C. and current MFA candidate at Chatham University. Her work has been published by Lambda Literary, Crab Fat Magazine, many gendered mothers, and Maximum Rocknroll, among others. She is also the founder of Another Planet Press.
Arpita Roy is a third-year MFA candidate at George Mason University where she is the Thesis Fellow for 2023-2024. She has received the Cheuse Center Travel Award and Bread Loaf Katharine Bakeless Nason Award. Her work is upcoming in THRUSH Journal and Psaltery & Lyre. Arpita is from Kolkata, India.
Ash Kaul is a Kashmiri writer, mountaineer and strategist. His short stories, essays and flash pieces appear or are forthcoming in Indiana Review, Terrain, Consequence, Another Chicago Magazine, X-R-A-Y Magazine, The Ocotillo Review and elsewhere. He was a finalist in Cutbank’s Montana Prize for Fiction, won a ‘favorite’ in a Reflex Fiction (UK) competition, and was longlisted in a Retreat West, UK themed competition. He also enjoys writing political satire. He contributed an international political satire column in LITRO, UK and USA. His political satire also appears or is forthcoming in Barzakh magazine, The Satirist and Bella Caledonia. He can be contacted as LaughingAshes(at)gmail.com
Ashleigh Bryant Phillips is from Woodland, North Carolina. Read her work in The Tusk, Bull, Parhelion, drDOCTOR, and Show Your Skin. Or listen to it on the radio.
Ashley Hutson’s work has appeared in Catapult, Electric Literature, Wigleaf, matchbook, Fanzine, and SmokeLong Quarterly. She lives in rural Maryland. Read more at aahutson.com.
Ashley Jeffalone Ashley Jeffalone is a writer in Austin, Texas. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Wordrunner eChapbooks, Third Point Press, and Ellipsis Zine. She currently works in interactive narrative, contributing her words to a video game. Say hi to her on Twitter at @amaejef.
Ashley Naftule is writer from Phoenix, AZ. He’s been published in Pitchfork, Vice, Bandcamp, The Hard Times, and Ghost City Press. He’s written and produced two full-length plays, Ear and The First Annual Bookburners Convention, at Space55 theatre in downtown Phoenix.
Ashton Russell lives and writes in Birmingham, Alabama. Her work has previously been published in Cheap Pop Lit, Literary Orphans, and was a finalist in the Southeast Review's Worlds Best Short-Short Story contest.
Audra Kerr Brown lives betwixt the corn and soybean fields of southeast Iowa. Her fiction has appeared in Fjords Review, People Holding, F(r)iction, Fiction Southeast, Outlook Springs, Cheap Pop, and elsewhere. Brown has been listed on Wigleaf’s Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions and nominated for Vestal Review’s annual VERA award. Her story “The Way of the Woods” was selected by Aimee Bender as a winner for Best Small Fictions 2018. She is currently a Senior Fiction Editor at New Flash Fiction Review.
Audrey Lee is the author of the forthcoming short story collection American Girlfriend (Bullshit Lit, 2025) and the poetry collections Disjecta Membra (Bottlecap Press, 2022) and Probably, Angels (Maverick Duck Press, 2020). Her work has been featured in or is forthcoming from Wax Nine, Necessary Fiction, Okay Donkey, and Back Patio Press. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Find her at audreymorganlee.com.
Aug Stone is a writer, musician, and comedian. His collection of thirteen tall tales about the role facial hair has played in athletics over the years, Sporting Moustaches, was published by Sagging Meniscus in April 2024. His The Ballad Of Buttery Cake Ass was one of Vulture's Best Comedy Books of 2023. Aug is also the author of the memoir Nick Cave's Bar and the comedy novel Off-License To Kill. Aug writes The Counterforce newsletter on Substack and hosts The Counterforce with Aug Stone podcast talking to cool people making cool things.
aureleo sans is a Colombian-American, non-binary, queer, formerly unhoused writer with a disability who resides in San Antonio, Texas. She is also a 2022 Tin House Scholar, a 2022 Sewanee Writers Conference Scholar, a VONA alumna, and a Periplus fellow. She was named the second-place winner of Fractured Lit's 2021 Micro Fiction Contest and has been been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction. Her work has been published in The Offing, Shenandoah, and Electric Literature and is forthcoming in Passages North, Salamander, and elsewhere. Follow her at @aureleos.
Aurora Huiza is a New York-based writer originally from Los Angeles. She is an MFA candidate in fiction at Syracuse University.
Austin Farber is a writer and photographer from Rose Hill, Kansas, currently residing in Rogers, Arkansas. He is a Wichita State University alumnus where he studied English literature and writing. His writing and photography encompass different perspectives of people, time, and space.
Austin Putty is a writer from Louisville, Kentucky. He has heard every variation on the nickname "Silly Putty" and is often sleep deprived. Currently, he is the editor of mojo and Mikrokosmos, and is a third-year MFA candidate at Wichita State University.
Austin Ross lives near Philadelphia with his wife and son. His fiction has appeared at Hobart, Necessary Fiction, and elsewhere. You can follow him @AustinTRoss and find more at austinrossauthor.com.
Autumn Christian is a fiction writer from Texas. She is the author of several books including Girl Like a Bomb and The Crooked God Machine. She has written for several video-games, including Battle Nations and State of Decay 2. When not writing, she is usually practicing her side kicks and running with dogs, or posting strange and existential Instagram selfies.
Autumn Holladay is an ex-farmer, ex-filmmaker, current gallery attendant and wannabe librarian. You can find her in New York and at www.autumnholladay.com.
Avee Chaudhuri is from Wichita, Kansas. More of his work can be found at Fluland, FLAPPERHOUSE, and Necessary Fiction.
Avitus B. Carle (she/her) lives and writes outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her stories have been published in a variety of places including Electric Lit's The Commuter, JMWW, Moon City Review, Fractured Lit., ASP Bulletin, and elsewhere. Her debut flash fiction collection, "These Worn Bodies," will be published by Moon City Press in November 2024. She can be found online at avitusbcarle.com or online everywhere @avitusbcarle.
Avra Margariti is a queer Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms and writes about diverse identities and experiences. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Forge Literary, Baltimore Review, matchbook, Wigleaf, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Longleaf Review, and other venues. You can find her on twitter @avramargariti.
B.R. Yeager has lived in Western Massachusetts forever. He is the author of Negative Space (Apocalypse Party), Pearl Death (Inside the Castle), and Amygdalatropolis (Schism[2]).
Babak Lakghomi is the author of South (forthcoming from Dundurn Press, 2023) and Floating Notes (Tyrant Books, 2018). His fiction has appeared in American Short Fiction, NOON, Ninth Letter, New York Tyrant, and The Adroit Journal, among others.
Bailey Bujnosek is a writer from Southern California. Her past bylines include NYLON, Teen Vogue, The Adroit Journal, Heavy Feather Review, Girls' Life, and elsewhere. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Lunch Ticket and VIDA Review.
Barbara Lock's writing appears in STORY magazine, The Forge, Superstition Review, Yalobusha Review, and elsewhere. There's more about her at barbaralock.com.
Barrett Bowlin's stories and essays appear in places like Ninth Letter, Hobart, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Rumpus, Salt Hill, and Bayou. Photos and links to his work online can be found at barrettbowlin.com.
Becca Yenser is the author of the chapbook Too High and Too Blue In New Mexico (Dancing Girl Press, 2018) and The Grief Lottery (ELJ Editions, December 2021). Their writing appears in Hobart, Heavy Feather Review, Madcap Review, and elsewhere. Find them on Twitter @beccayenser.
Belinda Rowe is an emerging short fiction writer and English teacher. Born in New Zealand she now lives in Western Australia. She has words published by Night Parrot Press, Flash Frontier and Gone Lawn.
Ben Dreith is infamously not the famous NFL referee. Ben occasionally publishesessays on neodecadence and writing on his substackhttps://bendreith.substack.com
Ben Robinson is an artist and writer based in Dundee, Scotland. He was features editor at the Yuck 'n Yum art zine and is on Twitter @benjackrobinson.
Ben Segal is the author Pool Party Trap Loop (Queen's Ferry Press), co-author of The Wes Letters (Outpost 19), and co-editor of The Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature (Lit Pub Books). His short fiction has been published by or is forthcoming from The Georgia Review, Tin House, The Collagist, Tarpaulin Sky, and Puerto del Sol, among others. He currently lives in Los Angeles.
Benjain Ray Allee Benjamin’s work appears or is forthcoming in BULL, Roi Fainéant, and other journals. He lives with his wife in Athens, Georgia where he works as a professional copywriter, is writing a novel or two, and contributes arts and culture criticism to The Writing Cooperative, Counter Arts, and Fanfare. Website: https://medium.com/@benr.allee
Benjamin DeVos is the author of The Bar Is Low (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018), Lord of the Game (Apocalypse Party, 2017), and Madness Has a Moment and Then Vanishes Before Returning Again (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2016). He lives in Philadelphia.
Benjamin Kessler's work has appeared, or is forthcoming in, Hobart, DIAGRAM, Entropy, The Oakland Review, Jet Fuel Review, Epigraph, Superstition Review, The Masters Review, The Gravity of the Thing, What are Birds?, and Portland Review. He lives and writes in Portland, Oregon.
Benjamin Niespodziany is a Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction nominee with work in Fence, Hobart, Wigleaf, Sporklet, and various others. He works nights in a library in Chicago.
Beth Gilstrap is the winner of the 2019 Red Hen Press Women’s Prose Prize for her second full-length collection Deadheading & Other Stories (forthcoming 2021). She is also the author of I Am Barbarella: Stories (2015) from Twelve Winters Press and No Man’s Wild Laura (2016) from Hyacinth Girl Press. She serves as Fiction Editor at Little Fiction | Big Truths and a reader at Creative Nonfiction.
Beth Kanter’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in a range of publications including McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Emerge Literary Journal, and Cease, Cows. Beth is a Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fiction nominee. She won a UCLA James Kirkwood Literary Prize for her novel-in-progress, Paved With Gold. When not writing, she leads creative nonfiction workshops. You can read more of her work at bethkanter.com or follow her @beekaekae on Instagram.
Bill Merklee loves short stories, short films, and very short songs. His work has appeared in Anti-Heroin Chic, Ghost Parachute, Gravel, Columbia Journal, New Jersey Monthly, and the HIV Here & Now project. He lives in northern New Jersey. Occasional outbursts on Twitter @bmerklee.
Billy Irving is a writer from Delaware County, Pennsylvania. His work has appeared in The Penn Review.
Blake Bell is a writer and educator from South Louisiana. Read more from her at blakelbell.com or find her @blakelbell.
Blake L. Bell is finishing up her MFA at Mississippi University for Women and teaches at a magnet high school in South Louisiana. These days, she can usually be found at home, teaching and writing. To read more from her, visit blakelbell.com or follow her @blakelbell.
Blake Middleton lives in Jacksonville, FL. He tweets @blaketheidiot. You can read more of his work at blakemiddleton.tumblr.com.
Bob Hill is an essayist whose work has appeared in more than 40 publications including Pop Matters, Paste Magazine, and The Village Voice. He is also the co-founder of the Cloudburst Reading Series. For more, please visit thisisbobhill.com.
Bob Raymonda is the Founding Editor of Breadcrumbs Magazine. He graduated from SUNY Purchase with a focus in creative nonfiction and will be pursuing his MFA in speculative fiction at Sarah Lawrence College in the fall. Some of his other work can be found in Luna Luna Magazine, Peach Mag, and OCCULUM. Read more here or find him at bobbysnacks (Instagram) or @bobby_snacks.
Bob Schofield is the author and illustrator of The Burning Person, The Inevitable June, and Moon Facts. He currently lives in Rotterdam, working in game development. He likes what words and pictures do. In his next life he hopes to come back as a whale or beautiful tree.
Bodie Fox is an MFA student at George Mason University. Sometimes he plays the banjo. His work has appeared in Rejection Letters and STORGY.
Bojana Stojcic teaches, bitches, writes in English, swears in Serbian, quarrels in German and tries to breathe in between. Her work is published or forthcoming in Down in the Dirt, Visual Verse, Mojave Heart Review, Dodging the Rain, The Stray Branch, Tuck Magazine and others. She blogs regularly at Bojana’s coffee and confessions to go here.
Boston Chandler obtained her MFA from the University of Washington in 2020. She currently resides in the PNW with her spouse and cat. She enjoys reading, cooking, and of course, writing.
Brad Baumgartner is a writer, theorist, and Assistant Teaching Professor of English at Penn State. His creative work has recently appeared in The Operating System, Zeno Magazine, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, Vestiges, and others.
Brad Casey is the author of The Handsome Man (Book*hug 2020) and The Idiot On Fire (Metatron 2016). He is also an assistant editor at Metatron. His poems have been published by Hobart, Peach Mag, The Puritan and more. He currently lives in Montreal.
Bram Riddlebarger writes, plays music, and lives in SE Ohio.
In 2011 Brandon Forinash received his Masters from the University of Texas in Austin. Afterwards he became a high school English teacher and Speech coach and put writing on the shelf. Coming back to it now, he has had recent publications in Wigleaf, Maudlin House, Flash Frog, among others.
Braxton Younts has recently been featured in Connotation Press, The Gambler Magazine, Funhouse Magazine, and BottleCap Press. In 2016, Braxton earned an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from The New School.
Brecht De Poortere was born in Belgium and grew up in Africa. He currently lives in Paris, France. His writing has appeared in the Baltimore Review, Consequence and Emerge Literary Journal, amongst others, and has been nominated for Best Small Fictions and Best Microfiction. You can follow him on Twitter @brecht_dp or visit his website.
Brendan Gillen's fiction has appeared in Longleaf Review, South Carolina Review, Molotov Cocktail, Corvus Review and elsewhere. Originally from Charlottesville, VA, Brendan lives in Brooklyn, NY and recently earned his MFA from the City College of New York.
Brendan Sheehan's work has been published or is forthcoming in Columbia Journal, Complete Sentence, HAD, and Pithead Chapel. He lives in North Jersey, equidistant between Glenn Danzig's childhood home and the former site of Satriale's Pork Store.
Brenden Layte (he/him) is an editor of educational materials, a linguist, and a writer. His work has appeared in places like Entropy, Lost Balloon, Pithead Chapel, and The Forge. He lives in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, and tweets at @b_layted.
Brett Biebel is the author of 48 Blitz (Split/Lip Press, 2020), a collection of flash fiction set in Nebraska, and Winter Dance Party (Alternating Current, 2023). A third collection, Gridlock (Cornerstone, 2024), is forthcoming. His guide to Pynchon's Mason & Dixon will be released by UGA Press in 2024.
Brett Milam is a writer in Cincinnati, who works at a nonprofit educating people on organ, eye and tissue donation. He also loves fostering dogs to give them a safe place before they find their furever home.
Brett Stuckel's fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, Necessary Fiction, Split Lip Magazine, and elsewhere. He authored the novel Bloodmud (2019) under the pen name Vinnie Hoose. He lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and is online at @1kMarquis and www.brettstuckel.com.
Brett Willis (he/him) is the fiction editor of The Maine Review and a former resident of Hewnoaks Artist Colony. His writing has appeared in Intrinsick Mag, The Maine Review, and North by Northeast 2 (Littoral Books). He lives with his wife, daughters, and large dog in Portland, Maine.
Brian Alan Ellis runs House of Vlad Press (houseofvladpress.com), and is the author of several books, including Sad Laughter (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2018). His writing has appeared at Juked, Hobart, Fanzine, Monkeybicycle, Electric Literature, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Funhouse, Heavy Feather Review, and Yes Poetry, among other places. He lives in Florida.
Brian Benson is the author of GOING SOMEWHERE and co-author, with Richard Brown, of THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Originally from the hinterlands of Wisconsin, Brian now lives in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches at the Attic Institute. His essays have been published or are forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, Tahoma Literary Review, Hippocampus, and Sweet, among several other journals, and you can read more of his work at www.brianbensonwrites.com. His dog looks like something Jim Henson made on an off day.
Brian Brunson is a writer living in Phoenix, Arizona. He studied history and philosophy at the University of Oregon. His short stories have been published in The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review, Otis Nebula, Belletrist, Fleas on the Dog, and X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine among others.
Brian Morse is the author of Migration (Pski’s Porch, 2016). His work has appeared in Akashic Books, Visitant, Close to the Bone and elsewhere. You can find him online here brian-morse.com or @vertigothrush
Brianne M. Kohl's writing has appeared in Catapult, The Masters Review and Jellyfish Review. She was awarded the 2018 Wigleaf Mythic Picnic Prize for Fiction and was listed as a notable author in the 2018 Best American Sports Writing Anthology. Please visit her at www.briannekohl.com or say hi @BrianneKhol.
Bridge Lower is a writer, educator, and graduate of The Writer’s Foundry MFA program at St. Joseph’s University. Her stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Bridget Adams' fiction is published or forthcoming in The Mississippi Review, The Sun, Willow Springs, Hayden's Ferry Review, and elsewhere. She is an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University.
Brittany Thomas is a queer writer who was born and raised in upstate New York and currently lives in London. Her writing appears or is forthcoming in Identity Theory, Maudlin House, Bullshit Lit, and Fifth Wheel Press’s Come Sail Away anthology. You can find her online @britomatic.
Brittany Weeks is a researcher currently residing in Los Angeles, California. Her work has been published before in Lunamopolis and in Everyday Genius. You can find her on Twitter as @britweeksy, and on Instagram as @britweeksy.
Brooke Kolcow is a queer writer living in Buffalo, NY. Their work has recently appeared in Versification, Stone of Madness Press, and Rejection Letters. Mx. Kolcow currently volunteers as the Snack Mechanic for Taco Bell Quarterly. @bkolcow
Brooke Middlebrook currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama but grew up in the hills of western Massachusetts. Her work appears in Waterwheel Review, Unbroken, Atticus Review, and elsewhere. She can be found @brooke_squared on Instagram.
Bryce Jones is a former child comedian. His writing has appeared in Burning House Press, The Fanzine, and Slant Magazine.
Bud Smith is the author of Teenager (Tyrant Books), Double Bird (Maudlin House), and Work (CCM), among others. He lives and works in New Jersey.
C. Beston grew up on the edge of the woods in northern Delaware and currently pursues writing and filmmaking in the Pacific Northwest. Her work has been featured by publications like X-R-A-Y, Smokelong Quarterly, and Okay Donkey. More at cbestonwork.com.
C. Cimmone is an author, editor and comic from Texas. She is alive and well on Twitter @diefunnier.
C. Connor Syrewicz holds an MFA from Arizona State University and is currently a PhD candidate at SUNY Albany where he serves as Editor-at-Large for Barzakh, an online literary journal. His academic research attempts to describe the psychology and sociology of expertise in creative writing. His academic writing has been published in the Journal of Creative Writing Studies and New Writing. His creative writing has been published in a number of journals including, most recently, Bridge Eight. Follow him @_c_connor.
C. M. Lindley is a UC Berkeley alum, working as a creative director in Southern California. Her work has appeared in SAND Journal. Sometimes, she posts about the books she’s reading on Instagram @c.m.lindley.
Caelyn Cobb's work has appeared in Longleaf Review, The Hunger, The Wondrous Real, and elsewhere. She lives in Queens, NY. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @caelyncobb.
Caitlin Boston Ingham’s work has been published or is forthcoming in The Gettysburg Review, A Woman’s Thing, The White Review, 3:AM Magazine and La Piccioletta Barca. In 2018 she was awarded Second Place in the ‘Desperate Literature Prize’ and in 2024 she was awarded Winner of the ‘Surrey New Writing Prize’. She is based in London, UK.
Caleb Bethea is a writer from the Southeast. They earned an MFA at UofSC and now work as an editor. But, the best of their time is spent with their wife and three goblins by the ocean. You can read their work in HAD, Maudlin House, hex, Twin Pies, autofocus, and elsewhere. They tweet at @caleb_bethea_
Caleb Cloaca is a writer hailing from the prairies of so-called Canada. They are interested in writing in a way that feels like sticking your hand out of the car window.
Caleb Echterling’s short story ‘Haikuzilla’ won first prize in the 2016 Bartleby Snopes Dialogue Contest. He tweets funny fiction using the highly original handle @CalebEchterling. You can find more of his work at www.calebechterling.com.
Caleb Lyons is an artist living in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in NOON and he has exhibited at The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.
Calvin Atwood has published stories and poems at Expatpress, ForeverMagazine, Artillery Magazine, Foundations and Misery Tourism amongother places. He's currently working on a novel about George W. Bush. Helives in Brooklyn and has his MFA from Columbia University.
Calvin Westra drives safely and responsibly in a GLK 350 4MATIC with 79,000 miles on it. He last had it in the shop for routine maintenance in June of 2020.
Cameron Darc has fiction forthcoming in FENCE, Post Road, and Hobart (among others) and has previously published in Smokelong. She lived in and around the Paris banlieues most of her young adulthood and now lives in New York.
Camille U. Adams is a Black, Trinidadian, immigrant emerging memoirist and Ph.D. candidate whose longform essays illustrate aspects of her beautiful Caribbean culture, make use of the region's musical language, and uncover nuanced parental abuse.
Candace Hartsuyker is a third-year fiction student at McNeese State University and reads for PANK. She has been published in BULL: Men’s Fiction, Foliate Oak, Citron Review and elsewhere. You can follow her on Twitter @C_Hartsuyker.
Carey Cecelia Shook holds a BFA in creative writing from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She writes to destigmatize mental illnesses. She currently lives in Wilmington, NC, and is a founding editor of semicolon lit. Her writing can also be found in Capulet Mag. This is her second publication.
Caroline Galdi is exactly like you in every way possible. She’s working towards her BA in English at UNC-Greensboro, where she edits literature for The Coraddi. She’s @cyclostome on Twitter, and she reads all of your tweets.
Caroljean Gavin’s work has appeared or is forthcoming from places such as Barrelhouse, Bending Genres, The Conium Review, and Pithead Chapel. Currently she is working on a novel, a story collection, and putting together/editing an anthology of short fiction based on the jokes of Mitch Hedberg. Find her on Twitter @caroljeangavin.
Carolyn Oliver's very short prose and prose poetry has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Indiana Review, Monkeybicycle, No Contact, Jellyfish Review, jmww, Unbroken, Tin House Online, FlashBack Fiction, Midway Journal, and New Flash Fiction Review, among other journals. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net in both fiction and poetry. Carolyn lives with her family in Massachusetts, where she serves as a poetry editor for The Worcester Review. Online: carolynoliver.net.
Carolynn Mireault is a recipient of the St. Botolph Club Foundation Emerging Artist Award in Literature and the Florence Engel Randall Fiction Award. She holds an MFA from Boston University, where she served as a Leslie Epstein Fellow and the Senior Teaching Fellow. Her work has appeared in CRAFT, Cutleaf, Orca, and Pithead Chapel among other venues. Find more of her work at carolynnmireault.com.
Cary Stough is an artist from Missouri. Various work has been published or is forthcoming in jubilat, Heavy Feather Review, and Bennington Review. His twitter handle is @treecreekbo.
Cat Dixon is the author of Eva and Too Heavy to Carry (Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2016, 2014) and The Book of Levinson and Our End Has Brought the Spring (FLP, 2017, 2015), and the chapbook, Table for Two (Poet's Haven, 2019).
Catherine Chiarella Domonkos’ recent short fiction can be found in Heavy Feather Review, The Citron Review, Litro and other literary places. It will be anthologized in Best Small Fictions 2022. She lives in Greenwich Village, NYC.
Catherine O’Brien is an Irish writer of poems, flash fiction and short stories. Her work has recently appeared in Comhar, Splonk, Mythic Picnic, Ink Sweat &Tears and Bending Genres. You can find out more about her and her work on X @abairrud2021.
Cathryn Rose is an MFA student in fiction at Brown.
Cathy Ulrich is a writer from Montana whose work has been published in various journals, including Pithead Chapel, New Flash Fiction, Wigleaf and Okay Donkey. She can be found @loki_writes.
Cavin Bryce Gonzalez founded Back Patio Press. He is twenty-three years old and lives in Florida with his hound dog. You can buy his debut book, “I Could Be Your Neighbor, Isn’t That Horrifying?” here.
Caylin Capra-Thomas is the author of Iguana Iguana (Deep Vellum), as well as the chapbook Inside My Electric City (YesYes Books). Her poems and nonfiction have appeared in venues like Pleiades, Copper Nickel, New England Review, 32 Poems, Mississippi Review, and elsewhere, and her scholarship is in the most recent issue of The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual. The recipient of fellowships and residencies from the Vermont Studio Center, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and the Studios of Key West, she was the 2018-2020 poet-in-residence at Idyllwild Arts Academy. She lives in Columbia, Missouri, where she’s a PhD student in English and creative writing at Mizzou, studying nonfiction, poetry, and ecocriticism.
Celeste Sea is still new to this. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in A Velvet Giant, Pigeon Pages, No Contact, Shenandoah, SmokeLong Quarterly, and elsewhere. Find her on Twitter @celestish_ and online at celesteceleste.carrd.co.
Chad Miller is a queer artist living in Austin, Texas, writing a novel about a forgotten kiss and a second chance. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in No Tokens, Cosmonauts Avenue, Columbia, Jellyfish Review, Gone Lawn, Wigleaf, Elimae, Electric Literature, Flavorwire, and more. You can visit him at www.chadrobertmiller.com.
Chad Redden lives in Bloomington, Indiana.
Chad Sullivan is a father, husband, and heavy equipment operator who lives and writes in Elburn, Illinois. His work will appear in the upcoming issue of Bending Genres. He exists quietly, running in the woods and roughhousing with his two children.
Chance Dibben is a writer and photographer living in Lawrence, KS. His writing has appeared in Split Lip, Reality Beach, Yes Poetry, Atlas and Alice, matchbook, Hobart, as well as others.
Charlene Elsby is a philosophy doctor and former professor whose books include Hexis, The Devil Thinks I'm Pretty, Violent Faculties, and Red Flags. Her essays and interviews have appeared in Bustle Books, The Chicago Review of Books, The Millions, and the LA Review of Books.
Charles Duffie is a writer working in the Los Angeles area. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Anastamos, Bacopa Literary Review, Prime Number Magazine, Exposition Review, Opossum, Meat for Tea, Heavy Feather Review, FlashBack Fiction, and American Fiction by New Rivers Press.
Charlie Kieft is a master’s student studying creative writing at the University of Bristol in the UK, where he lives with his partner and two young cats. He’s currently writing a speculative novel about reparations in the United States. On Twitter, Charlie can be found @charliekieft.
Charlotte Dantzer is a writer. She has worked as a cleaner and a waitress but is most often a receptionist. She lives in Montreal.
Chella Courington is a writer and teacher whose poetry and fiction appear in numerous anthologies and journals including SmokeLong Quarterly, Gingerbread House, and Potato Soup Journal. Her novella-in-flash, Adele and Tom: The Portrait of a Marriage (Breaking Rules Publishing), was featured at Vancouver Flash Fiction in August. Courington lives in California.
Chelsea Harris has appeared in The Conium Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Grimoire, Portland Review, and Literary Orphans, among others. She received her MFA from Columbia College Chicago and currently lives in Washington state. You can find more of her work here.
Chelsea Houghton lives in North Canterbury, New Zealand and is studying a MCW. She has had fiction published in Flash Frontier and Mimicry Journal. She tweets @chelseahoughton.
Chelsea Plunkett is a writer and college composition instructor. She has an MFA from Georgia College & State University, and her work has appeared in the Santa Clara Review.
Chelsea Voulgares lives just outside Chicago, where she is the Editor in Chief of Lost Balloon. Her fiction has been published in journals such as Passages North, Cheap Pop, and Jellyfish Review. You can find her online at chelseavoulgares.com, or follow her @chelsvoulgares.
Chloe Alberta has an MFA in fiction from the University of Michigan, where she is currently a Zell Fellow. She's the recipient of the Henfield Prize and a Hopwood Award. Her interests include frogs, peanut butter, and decay. Find her on Twitter: @chloe_alberta.
Chloe Lauter is a writer living in Los Angeles. Her favorite color is purple. She believes in magic.
Chloe N. Clark holds an MFA in Creative Writing & Environment. She teaches multimodal composition, communication, and creative writing. Her poetry and fiction has appeared such places as Apex, Bombay Gin, Drunken Boat, Gamut, Hobart, Uncanny, and more. She writes columns for Nerds of a Feather, and can be found on Twitter @PintsNCupcakes. Her chapbook The Science of Unvanishing Objects was published by Finishing Line Press and her debut full length poetry collection, Your Strange Fortune, was published by Vegetarian Alcoholic Press. She has a poetry chapbook, Under My Tongue, forthcoming from Louisiana Literature Press. She is also founding co-editor-in-chief of Cotton Xenomorph.
Chris Ames is a writer who also draws. Most recently, his work has appeared in The Believer, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, 3:AM Magazine, Split Lip Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives in Melbourne and online @_chrisames.
Chris Campanioni is a first-generation American, the son of immigrants from Cuba and Poland, and the author of the Internet is for real (C&R Press) and Drift (King Shot Press). His “Billboards” poem was awarded an Academy of American Poets College Prize in 2013, his novel Going Down was selected as Best First Book at the 2014 International Latino Book Awards, and his hybrid piece This body’s long (& I’m still loading) was adapted as an official selection of the Canadian International Film Festival in 2017. He edits PANK, At Large Magazine, and Tupelo Quarterly, and teaches Latino literature and creative writing at Pace University and Baruch College.
Chris Dankland is the co-founder of X-R-A-Y. His head is made of smoke.
Chris Gugino is a writer/musician/occasional visual artist. He lives in the mountains of the southwestern US, where he earns his living as a cook. Turn ons: cannabis, butts, the complete works of Dennis Cooper, food, whisky. Turn offs: mean people, sunny days.
Chris Kelso is a multi-translated, British Fantasy Award-nominated writer, illustrator and editor from Scotland. He has been published in Locus, Black Static, Evergreen Review, Lovecraft eZine, Expat, 3:AM, LitReactor, EXPAT, The Unquiet Dreamer – a tribute to Harlan Ellison, Shoreline of Infinity, Sensitive Skin, Daily Science Fiction, and many more.
Chris Milam lives in Middletown. Ohio. His stories have appeared in Jellyfish Review, Lost Balloon, Molotov Cocktail, Ellipsis Zine, JMWW, and elsewhere. You can find him on Twitter @Blukris.
Chris Vanjonack is an M.F.A. candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a reader at Ninth Letter, and a former language arts teacher from Fort Collins, Colorado. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in One Story, Hobart, The Rumpus, CRAFT Literary, Quarterly West, Carve Magazine, and elsewhere. Read more stories at chrisvanjonack.com, and follow him on Twitter @chrisvanjonack.
Chris Wilkensen is a writer currently living in the Chicago area. He has been published in various online literary journals, some of which are no longer around. He is planning on the publication of his first novel, “Chats with a Charlatan,” in late 2019 to early 2020. His website is chriswilkensen.com.
Christian Fennell's debut book, Torrents of Our Time, a collection of 22 stories, is being released by Firenze Books, October 1, 2020.
Christina Antonovskaya's prose works have been featured online, on personal blogs, Metatron’s OMEGA, and Lemon Star Magazine (forthcoming), among others. From just north of Toronto, she has completed BA in Psychology. Contact @_christinaanton.
Christina D'Antoni is a writer born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. She received her MFA in fiction from Arizona State University, and reads flash fiction for Split Lip Magazine. Her work appears in the latest issue of Washington Square Review. You can find her on social @cgdantoni or at christinadantoni.com.
Christine Arroyo is a member of the One Story Writers' Residency and is at work on her first novel.
Christine Kwon is a poet and fiction writer living in New Orleans. She reads for Tilted House Press. Her work appears in Joyland Magazine, Sweet Mammalian, and The Yale Review. More pieces are forthcoming in The Recluse, blush lit, Recliner Mag, The Columbia Review, and Hot Pink Mag. Trieste, the city in this story, is what she imagines heaven to be like.
Christopher Allen is the author of the flash fiction collection Other Household Toxins. His work has appeared in The Best Small Fictions 2019, Booth, Split Lip Magazine and more. He's a nomad.
Christopher DeWan is a writer living in Los Angeles, equidistant from the Malibu fire and the Ridgecrest earthquake. He vacations on or near volcanoes, has an abiding fear of deep water, and keeps a go-bag full of chocolate. Follow him and his writing at here.
Christopher Gonzalez is a fiction editor at Barrelhouse. His short stories appear or are forthcoming in Cosmonauts Avenue, Third Point Press, jmww, Split Lip Magazine, and others. A former Clevelander, he now lives in New York and works in books publishing. You can find more of his writing online at www.chris-gonzalez.com, or by following him on Twitter: @livesinpages.
Christopher James lives, works, and writes in Jakarta, Indonesia, and has had work published in Split Lip, Wigleaf, SmokeLong, Booth, Tin House and more.
Christopher Linforth has recently published fiction in Fiction International, Notre Dame Review, Day One, and Descant, among other magazines. He has been awarded fellowships and scholarships to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Vermont Studio Center, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.
Christopher Mohar has been the recipient of a Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing Fellowship and The Southwest Review’s McGinnis Ritchie Award for fiction, and has previously taught writing in a men’s correctional facility. Selected works can be found in The Mississippi Review, North American Review, Creative Nonfiction, Arts & Letters, Gastronomica, and New Stories from the Midwest (Indiana University Press).
Christopher Notarnicola's work has appeared in AGNI, American Short Fiction, Bellevue Literary Review, Best American Essays, Chicago Quarterly Review, Image, River Teeth, The Southampton Review and other publications. Find him in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and at christophernotarnicola.com.
Christopher X. Ryan lives in Helsinki, Finland, where he works as a writer, editor, and ghostwriter. Born on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, he has an MFA from the Jack Kerouac School in Boulder, Colorado. His work has been published in a wide variety of journals and magazines. He is represented by the Trentin Agency for his novel BOGORE. Chris can be found at TheWordPunk.com.
Christy Tending (she/they) the author of High Priestess of the Apocalypse and Creative Nonfiction Editor with Sundog Lit. Her work has been published in Longreads, The Rumpus, and Electric Literature, and received a notable mention in Best American Science and Nature Writing 2023. She lives in Oakland, California with their family. You can learn more about her work at www.christytending.com or follow Christy on Twitter @christytending.
CK Kane is an American writer living in London. She wrote and directed the feature film Behind Some Dark Cloud and is working on her first novel.
Claire Hopple is the author of five books. Her fiction has appeared in Wigleaf, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Peach Mag, Forever Mag, and others. She’s the fiction editor at XRAY. She grew up in the woods of Pennsylvania and currently lives in Asheville, NC.
Clare Nazarena Tascio is a writer living in Queens, NY. She attended Hunter College, and is currently working on a novel. Her short story “All the Waste You Didn’t” appeared in the journal 580split. When she is not working on fiction she is writing song lyrics, you can listen to her bedroom recordings here.
Clare Schneider graduated from Mills College In Oakland, California in May 2018. She majored in English Literature and minored in Creative Writing. She currently lives in Washington D.C. where she is a communications intern for NPR.
Claudia Schatz (she/her) lives in Philadelphia and is a writer, bike mechanic, triathlete, and editor of The Spotlong Review. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Green Hills Literary Lantern, Glassworks Magazine, Blue Earth Review, Soundings East Magazine, and Santa Clara Review. More of her work is at claudiaschatz.weebly.com.
Cletus Crow is a writer.
Clio Velentza is from Athens, Greece. She is a winner of “Best Small Fictions 2016”, a Pushcart nominee, and has been long-listed for Wigleaf’s Top 50 2018. Her work has appeared in several literary journals along with some anthologies in both English and Greek, and she’s currently working on a novel. Find her at @clio_v.
Cody Pease is a senior B.F.A. Creative Writing student at Truman State University, where they serve as a news writer for the university's radio station. Their work is forthcoming in Brilliant Flash Fiction. They can be found on Twitter @codypease777.
Colin Lubner writes (in English) and teaches (math) in southern New Jersey. His work has either appeared or will appear, temporally speaking. Recent pieces can be found through his Twitter: @no1canimagine0. He is keeping on keeping on.
Colleen Rothman's work has appeared in or is forthcoming from The Atlantic, Jellyfish Review, Okay Donkey, and Mutha Magazine, among others. After more than a decade living in the Midwest, she is proud to once again call New Orleans home. Find her on Twitter @colleenrothman or at colleenrothman.com.
Connor Goodwin is a writer and critic biking around Brooklyn. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Washington Post, BOMB Magazine, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Blouin Artinfo, and elsewhere. He is working on his first novel. Follow @condorgoodwing.
Connor Thompson is a writer, actor, and comedian from Toronto. He has one published story with TL;DR Press, but he has had success lately in a contest or two. He’s an alumnus of the Second City Theatre, and when travel was allowed, he taught and performed sketch and improv comedy around the world. You can find here @cpethompson.
Conor Hultman lives in Oxford, Mississippi.
Conor McNamara, a Seattle native, earned a BA in English from the University of Montana and an MFA from the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles. His fiction and poetry have been featured in agape, Gambling the Aisle, Riprap Journal, The American Journal of Poetry, The Saturday Evening Post, and Valley Voices. In 2017, he started a reading series in Pensacola, FL called Words Matter. He currently travels for work on a land survey crew.
Conor Truax is a film critic for In Review Online, with recent work in Spike Art Magazine, Dirt, Forever Magazine, Spectra Poets, and The Drift. In 2021, he was recognized for The Adroit Prize.
Corey Farrenkopf is a Cape Cod based writer and librarian. His work has been published in Catapult, Redivider, Hobart, Monkeybicycle, and elsewhere. To learn more check out his website at CoreyFarrenkopf.com or follow him on Twitter @CoreyFarrenkopf.
Corey Miller was a finalist for the F(r)iction Flash Fiction Contest (’20) and shortlisted for The Forge Flash Competition (’20). His writing has appeared in Booth, Pithead Chapel, Atticus Review, Hobart, X-R-A-Y, and elsewhere. He reads for TriQuarterly, Longleaf Review, and Barren Magazine. When Corey isn’t brewing beer for a living in Cleveland, he likes to take the dogs for adventures. Follow him on Twitter @IronBrewer or at www.CoreyMillerWrites.com
Cory Bennet graduated with an MFA from University of Nevada. He has published stories at Expat, Hobart, X-R-A-Y, Forever Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives in Ohio.
courtney marie is a writer & artist based in denton, texas. they are the author of don't get your hopes up (2018, Thoughtcrime Press) and songs we used to dance to (2022, Goliad Media). their work has appeared in Nat Brut, The Boiler, Thimble Literary Magazine, and beyond. cm enjoys making weird & sentimental art with/for their community, exploring the world, and playing pinball. they live with three cats, cry all the time, and are forever writing letters & sending snail mail in a desperate attempt to connect with the outside world. they are the co-founder & director of the artist collective spiderweb salon.
Craig Rodgers has an extensive collection of literary rejections folded into the shape of cranes and spends most of his time writing in North Texas. His newest release is novella The Ghost of Mile 43.
Cressida Blake Roe is a biracial writer, whose chapbook, Grave-Maker, was awarded the 2020 jubilat chapbook prize. Her fiction can or will be found in X-R-A-Y, Chestnut Review, Stone of Madness Press, and elsewhere. She is eternally at work on a novel.
Crow Jonah Norlander lives in Maine with his wife, child, and two retired racing greyhounds. He has recent work in Hobart and Instant, and tweets @crowjonah.
Curtis Smith has published over 125 stories and essays and over 100 author interviews. He's worked with independent publishers to put out thirteen books. His latest novel, The Magpie's Return, was named an Indie Pick of the Year by Kirkus.
Cyndie Randall's words have appeared or are forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, Love’s Executive Order, Whale Road Review, Boston Accent Lit, The Manifest-Station, Yes Poetry, and elsewhere. She works as a therapist and plays among the Great Lakes. Connect with her on Twitter @CyndieRandall or at cyndierandall.com.
D.E. Hardy's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Lost Balloon, Sledgehammer Lit, and New World Writing, among others.
D.T. Robbins has work in Hobart, Maudlin House, X-R-A-Y, Bending Genres, and others. He's founding editor of Rejection Letters. Find out more at dtrobbins.com.
Daisuke Shen is the author of the short story collection Vague Predictions & Prophecies, (CLASH Books, August 2024) as well as the novella Funeral, co-written with Vi Khi Nao (KERNPUNKT Press 2023). They live in New York City.
Daisy Alioto is the co-founder of Dirt Media. Her journalism and nonfiction have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Paris Review Daily, The New Republic, and the Los Angeles Review of Books among others.
Dalton Monk lives in Huntington, West Virginia with his wife and daughter. His stories and essays have appeared in New York Tyrant, Joyland, and X-R-A-Y, among other places. His work has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize, as well as translated into Italian.
Dan Brotzel's first collection of short stories, Hotel du Jack, is published by Sandstone. He is also co-author of a comic novel, Kitten on a Fatberg, now available to pre-order at Unbound. He has Pushcart and BIFFY50 nominations. He won the 2019 Riptide Journal short story competition, was runner-up in the 2019 Leicester Writes contest, and was highly commended in the Manchester Writing School competition 2018. He has words in places like Pithead Chapel, Ellipsis, Tiny Molecules, Storgy, Reflex Fiction, Cabinet of Heed, Bending Genres and Spelk.
Dan Crawley is the author of the novella Straight Down the Road (Ad Hoc Fiction, 2019). His writing appears or is forthcoming in a number of journals, including New World Writing, New Flash Fiction Review, Jellyfish Review, and Atticus Review. His work has been nominated for Best Small Fictions, Best of the Net, and the Pushcart Prize. Along with teaching creative writing workshops and literature courses, he is a fiction reader for Little Patuxent Review. Find him at https://twitter.com/danbillyc.
Dan Melling is a writer, originally from the UK. He holds an MFA in poetry from Virginia Tech University and teaches creative writing at John Moores University, Liverpool. His work has appeared in Juked, X-R-A-Y, Fanzine and others. He co-edits Damnation literary journal and sometimes tweets at @melling_dan.
Dan Shiffman is a secondary English teacher at the International School of Hamburg. He previously taught in Uzbekistan, Japan and the US. His creative work has appeared in The Chariton Review, Hobart, Literary Orphans, and Abstract Magazine. Dan also recently published College Bound: The Pursuit of Education in American-Jewish Literature (SUNY Press).
Dana Diehl is the author of Our Dreams Might Align (Splice UK, 2018) and the collaborative collection, The Classroom (Gold Wake Press, 2019). Her chapbook, TV Girls, won the 2017-2018 New Delta Review Chapbook Contest judged by Chen Chen. Diehl earned her MFA in Fiction at Arizona State University. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming in North American Review, Passages North, Necessary Fiction, Waxwing, Mid-American Review, and elsewhere.
Daniel David Froid is a writer of strange stories who lives in Arizona. His fiction appears in Lightspeed, Weird Horror, Black Warrior Review, and Post Road, among others.
Daniel Elfanbaum is a writer living in Boston.
Daniel Felsenthal is a music writer for Pitchfork and the Assistant Editor of NOON. His short stories, essays and criticism have appeared in a variety of publications, including the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Village Voice, The Baffler, The Believer, Hyperallergic, Kenyon Review and BOMB, among others. In 2019, his novella, Sex With Andre, came out in The Puritan, and he received a 2020-21 Fellowship Grant from The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. He is currently at work on a novel and a collection of short stories. Read more of his stuff at Danielfelsenthal.com, and find him on Twitter at @D_felsenthal.
Daniel Fraser is a writer from Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. His poetry and prose have featured in: LA Review of Books, Aeon, Acumen, The London Magazine, Anthropocene Poetry, and X-R-A-Y, among others. His poems and short fiction have both won prizes in The London Magazine annual competitions. His debut poetry pamphlet will be published by ignitionpress in Autumn 2020. Twitter @oubliette_mag. Web http://danieljamesfraserwordpress.com/
Daniel Handelman lives in Oakland, CA. He tweets @danielnhand. His work has appeared in Faded Out, Maudlin House, and Alien Mouth. Find him here.
Daniel Isaiah Elder (he/they) is a 2018 Lambda Literary Emerging LGBTQ Writer, and the Navigator for Lidia Yuknavitch's Corporeal Writing. His work appears in The Rumpus, Pidgeonholes, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, and many more. He loves his cat, Terence.
daniel joseph writes & lives tucked into a fertile river valley. his most recent work can be found or is forthcoming in HAD; Maudlin House; Rejection-Letters; Terrain; & Hobart.
Daniel Seifert has writing published or forthcoming in The New York Times, Consequence, Open: The Journal of Arts and Letters, and the anthology Missed Connections: Microfiction From Asia. In 2023 he was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, and longlisted for the Letter Review Prize. He is currently undertaking a Masters in Creative Writing at Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore. He tweets @DanSeifwrites
Danielle Chelosky is a New York-based writer who explores music and culture for MTV News and The FADER, while diving into sex and relationships for Rejection Letters and Flypaper Lit. She's an editorial assistant at Hobart Pulp.
Danny Cherry Jr. is a native of New Orleans and a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University’s MBA program. When he's not being a mindless corporate drone at his day job, he enjoys studying the art and craft of writing fiction. He is unpublished, but expects to have his first novel released by the end of 2020. You can see some of his past short stories and blog posts on Medium.com/@danny.cherry, and follow him on twitter @BigEasyPress (Website of the same name coming soon).
Danny Swain has been published three times under the name “Albie” in Kevin L Donihe’s BARE BONE anthologies. He received an Honourable Mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2006. He lives in Hull, England and was once a member of the New Absurdists. He can be found on Twitter as @dannyswain3.
Darina Sikmashvili was born in Lubny, Ukraine and raised in Brooklyn, New York. As of fall 2020, Darina is pursuing her MFA in fiction at the University of Michigan. She's writing a novella about insomnia. Contact her at darina@sikmashvili.com. Find her on Instagram @dvs_primary.
Darren DeFrain is the author of the novel The Salt Palace (New Issues & Dzanc Books) and the story collection Inside & Out (MSR & Dzanc Books). Along with Fran Connor, he is currently at work on a book about the postpunk history of Kansas. He directs the Writing Program at Wichita State University. Hackers are encouraged to friend him on Facebook.
Darren Nuzzo and Toddy Smith are the authors of I’ll Give You a Dollar If You Consider This Art, a collection of stories, essays, and comics. They have work anthologized, featured in, or forthcoming with Wigleaf, Gone Lawn, Crack the Spine, and Okay Donkey.
Dashiel Carrera is a writer, musician, and media artist from Massachusetts. He has released 5 albums on the label 75OrLessRecords and his writing appears or is forthcoming in Los Angeles Review of Books, LitHub, FENCE, BOMB, and others. He received his BA from Brown University in Literary Arts and is currently a PhD student in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Toronto. The Deer is his first novel.
Dave Fitzgerald is a writer living and working in Athens, Georgia. His first novel, Troll, was published in May 2023 with Whiskey Tit Books. He has contributed book reviews to Heavy Feather Review, Exacting Clam, X-R-A-Y, and Strange Horizons, and film criticism to Daily Grindhouse and Cinedump. Find him at davefitzgerald.net or on Twitter/X and Instagram @DFitzgerraldo.
Dave Housley's first novel, “This Darkness Got to Give,” was released in 2018. He is the author of four story collections, most recently “Massive Cleansing Fire” and “If I Knew the Way, I Would Take You Home.” He is one of the founding editors and do-stuff people at Barrelhouse, and he makes his actual living as a web strategist and manager at Penn State. He tweets at @housleydave.
DAVE K is the author of The Bong-Ripping Brides of Count Drogado (Mason Jar Press 2017), and also a common edible weed in North America and Europe. www.okaydavek.com.
David Cook's stories have appeared in the National Flash Fiction Anthology, Spelk, The Sunlight Press, Ginger Collect and more. He’s a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee. He lives in Bridgend, Wales, with his wife, daughter, cats and fish. Say hi on Twitter @davidcook100 or at his site here.
David Hansen's stories have appeared in Fence, Conjunctions, Puerto del Sol, and elsewhere. He's a 2024 MacDowell fellow, and he teaches at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York. Read more of his work at www.davidddhansennn.com and follow him on X @davidddhansennn.
David K. Gibson has been a magazine editor, a travel writer, and a sensitive male advice columnist for the Harlequin Romance web channel. His work has appeared in Wigleaf, Invisible City, Timothy McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and Harper Collins’ May Contain Nuts: A Very Loose Canon of American Humor, and is upcoming in Best Small Fictions 2022. He lives in Orlando with his wife and child and cats and coffee, and can be found virtually at davidkgibson.com and @davidkgibson.
David Kuhlein David Kuhnlein's books include Bloodletter (Amphetamine Sulphate, 2024), Die Closer to Me (Merigold Independent, 2023), Decay Never Came (Maximus Books, 2023), and his movie reviews are collected in the zine Six Six Six. He co-edited the horror anthology Lizard Brain (tragickal, 2024) and his book of stories Ezra's Head (tragickal) is forthcoming. David is online @princessbl00d and his website is davidkuhnlein.com
David Luntz: Work is forthcoming in Litro, Abyss & Apex, Vestal Review and Best Small Fictions Anthology 2021. Poems and short fiction have appeared in Euphony Journal, Orca Lit, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Word Riot and other print and online journals.
David Osgood is a short story writer, residing in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina. He has a Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing from the University of Southern California and is published in O:JA&L, Crack the Spine, Firewords, Treehouse, Glassworks, Eastern Iowa Review, Peregrine Journal, tiny journal, and won the Microfiction Honorable Mention Award from San Antonio Writer's Guild. Visit him at www.davidsosgood.com.
David Schuman's prose chapbook, BEST MEN, was published by Tammy Press. He lives in St. Louis.
David Simmons lives in Baltimore with his wife and three daughters. Simmons is the author of the fantastically bizarre “Ghosts of Baltimore Duology,” where the supernatural and strange grapple with the ever present past of East and West Baltimore. His work has appeared in Strange Horizons, the Washington Post, Brooklyn Vol. 1, Another Chicago Magazine, Hobart, Snarl, 3 Moon Magazine, Apocalypse Confidential, Tahoma Literary Review, Bridge Eight, Across The Margin, the Washington City Paper and numerous anthologies. He is a regular contributor to Books to Prisoners, a Seattle-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to foster a love of reading behind bars, encourage the pursuit of knowledge and self-empowerment, and break the cycle of recidivism.
David Williamson is a writer living and working in Richmond, VA with his family, two cats, and his chocolate lab Fred. His stories are forthcoming or have appeared in BULL, Maudlin House, Misery Tourism, Bear Creek Gazette, and others. He’s sometimes on Twitter @Williamsonism.
David Wojciechowski is the author of Dreams I Never Told You & Letters I Never Sent (Gold Wake, 2017). His poems can be found in Bateau, HAD, Meridian, Rejection Letters, Willow Springs, and elsewhere. David hosts the virtual reading series David Has Zoom Pro for a Few Months. He is a freelance graphic designer and can be found at davidwojo.com and on Twitter @MrWojoRising.
Davon Loeb is the author of the lyrical memoir The In-Betweens (Everytime Press, 2018). He earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Rutgers-Camden, and he is a poetry editor at Bending Genres and Connotation Press: An Online Artifact. Davon writes creative nonfiction and poetry. His work has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes and one Best of the Net, and is featured in PANK Magazine (forthcoming), Barren Magazine (forthcoming), Apiary Magazine, Split Lip Magazine, Harpoon Review, Tahoma Literary Review, Portland Review, and elsewhere. Besides writing, Davon is a high school English teacher, husband, and father in New Jersey. His work can be found here: http://www.davonloeb.com and on Twitter @LoebDavon.
Dawson Kiser is a Chicago writer and musician. He plays in the Chicago based band Porcupine as well as the Art of Growing Up.
Delvon T. Mattingly, or D.T. Mattingly, is an emerging fiction writer and PhD student in epidemiology at the University of Michigan. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in The Fiction Pool, Scrutiny Journal, Red Queen Literary Magazine, MoonPark Review, and elsewhere. He currently lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with his two cats, Liam and Tsuki. Learn more about his work at http://delvonmattingly.com/. He tweets here: @Delvonmattingly
Derek Andersen is an Illinois Wesleyan alum, working as a copywriter in Chicago. His poems and stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Riggwelter, Ghost Parachute, Shirley Magazine, and on WinningWriters.com. You can follow him @DerekJAnd.
Derek Fisher is a writer from Toronto. He is the author of Night Life (Posthuman Magazine, 2023). He’s had work published in Maudlin House, X-R-A-Y, Wigleaf, The Harvard Advocate, Fugitives & Futurists, Heavy Feather Review, Tragickal, BULL, Atlas & Alice, and more. To see more of his writing, visit derekafisher.com
Derek Harmening's fiction, poetry, and reviews have appeared in The Good Life Review, Flash Fiction Magazine, Five on the Fifth, Newfound Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Newcity, and Vita Brevis among others. His flash fiction story "What the Cherub Saw" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2021.
Derek Maine is a writer living in North Carolina. You can reach him on Twitter @mainely.Derek talks about books he likes on YouTube.
Derick Dupré's work has appeared in publications including NOON, New York Tyrant, Blue Arrangements, and Sublunary Editions. He might be working on a book of fiction.
Devan Collins Del Conte is a queer writer living in Memphis, Tennessee. Her work has appeared in Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, Lunch Ticket and elsewhere. Find her here.
Diana Anaya is a Cuban-American creative non-fictionist and poet. Born and raised in Miami, she lives and writes in the multilingual modality of South Florida. Wally is her mini-poodle baby-doge and he loves to lick eyeballs.
Diana Kole is a writer from New England. Her work has appeared in the Kenyon Review and No Contact. She lives in New York.
Diane D. Gillette lives, writes, and teaches in Chicago. Her work has appeared in over 50 literary venues including the Saturday Evening Post, Blackbird, Hobart, and the Maine Review. You can find more of her published work at www.digillette.com.
Diane Payne's most recent publications include:Notre Dame Review, Obra/Artiface, Reservoir, Southern Fugitives, Spry Literary Review, Watershed Review, Superstition Review, Windmill Review, Tishman Review, Whiskey Island, Quarterly, Fourth River, Split Lip Review,The Offing, Elke: A little Journal, Punctuate, Outpost 19, McNeese Review, The Meadow, Burnt Pine, Story South, Five to One, and forthcoming in Barn House.
Divya Iyer is a poet and writer based in India. Their poetry has appeared in The Brown Orient, South Broadway Ghost Society, Barren Magazine, Rose Quartz Magazine and others. They’re easiest to find and contact @ divwhine.
Dixon Speaker lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and teaches financial literacy seminars across the country. He’s on twitter @dixonspeaker.
DM O'Connor has an MFA from University College Dublin & the University of New Mexico. He is a contributing reviewer for Rhino Poetry and fiction editor at Bending Genres. His work has appeared in Existere, Opossum, The New Quarterly, Fractured Lit, The Irish Times, and The Guardian. He is the recipient of the 2021 Cuirt International Award for Fiction and is seeking a Labrador rescue pup.
Dolan Morgan is a writer and illustrator living in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. His work can be found in The Believer, Electric Literature's Recommended Reading, NPR, The Rumpus, and the trash.
Don Television's more of a sickle guy. His writing's been featured in hex, Identity Theory, and Misery Tourism. Read more: www.donatello.vision.
Dóra Grőber is the editor of SCAB, an online literary/art magazine for all things twisted. Her work has previously appeared at Hobart. You can find out more about SCAB here.
Doug Ross is a writer and photographer based in Brooklyn. They raised him in Michigan, with his twin. Find him on twitter @dougrosswrite.
Dough Mahoney lives in Florida.
Drew Buxton spent more money last year on spilled cappuccino, in cafes from one side of this world to the other, than you made. His stuff has been featured in Hobart, Vice, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Funhouse, Mayday, and Hypertext among other publications. He blogs about pro wrestling for Clash Media.
Drew Willis is a lifelong Nevadan and an MFA candidate at the University of Nevada, Reno. He plays drums for Had To.
DS Levy lives in the Midwest. Her work has been published in New Flash Fiction Review, Little Fiction, the Alaska Quarterly Review, Columbia, and Brevity, among others. Her collection of flash fiction, A Binary Heart, is available from Finishing Line Press. You can find her @DSLevy1 and dslevywriter.wordpress.com.
Duvay Knox DuVay Knox is the author of 3 Books including The Pussy Detective (Clash Books), The Soul Collector (Creative Onion) and SPITestament (Black Pulp Fiction Publishing House). A country-speaking Mississippian who splits time in St Louis, you can find him on Substack where he writes a publication called The Legendary Teachings of Pimpfucius "THE LEGENDARY 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐔𝐒" | Substack or via email at duvayknox@yahoo.com
Dylan Cloud is a Brooklyn based writer, and the editor-in-chief of Gryllus Magazine. More of his work can be found at gryllus.world and on Instagram at @hobbyhorsepress.
Dylan Gray is a writer from Bloomington, Indiana. He tweets stupid shit on his Twitter @dylanthegray.
Dylan Smith is apprentice to a woodsman named Art in Olivebridge, NY. Tweets: @dylan_a_smith
E. Nolan's fiction and nonfiction can be found in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Passages North, The Hechinger Report as well as other magazines. He has an MFA in Fiction from the University of Florida and he teaches English as a New Language in a public middle school in the Bronx. In his free time he composes background music for reality TV. He can be found on twitter @normanunform.
E.D. WELCH E.D. Welch is the pen name for a writer living in southwestern Wisconsin. Her work has appeared in the Vancouver Sun Times and Wisconsin State Journal. She is agented and currently shopping a full-length novel.
E.M. Stormo has recent stories in ‘Fresh Anthology’ by Montag Press, The Conium Review, and Thrice Fiction Magazine.
EC Sorenson is a media producer and writer, recently relocated from Canada to Australia. She has worked in production on films such as Moulin Rouge and the Matrix. Her writing has appeared in several anthologies, most recently at MonkeyBicycle and Tiny Essays. She tweets @ecwsorenson.
Edee James is a Nigerian MFA candidate at Virginia Tech. She has been published in The Rumpus, Jalada, Munyori, and other places.
Edward Mullany is the author of If I Falter at the Gallows, Figures for an Apocalypse, and The Three Sunrises (Publishing Genius Press). He is also the creator of the comic strips Rachel and Ben, and Excerpts from a Boring Man’s Diary. He is the recipient of a Barthelme Fellowship from the Inprint Foundation, and his writing has recently appeared in journals such as Alaska Quarterly Review, New Ohio Review, Carolina Quarterly, and jubilat. Find him at edwardmullany.com
Eileen Frankel Tomarchio works as librarian in a small NJ suburb. Her writing appears in Longleaf Review, Pigeon Pages, Barrelhouse online, and is longlisted in the 2020 SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction. She holds an MFA from NYU Film. You can find her on Twitter at @eileentomarchio and Instagram at @gondaline26
Eîlot Tuerie lives in Los Angeles. He is a publisher at Wasted Books.
Elane Kim is a high school student based in California. Her writing has been recognized by the National YoungArts Foundation and the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. The editor-in-chief of Gaia Lit, she enjoys chemistry and rainy days. She is very happy to meet you!
Eli S. Evans's work has appeared or is forthcoming in N+1, Berfrois, Queen Mob's Teahouse, Johnny America, Eclectica, On the Seawall, and Drunk Monkeys, as well as several other now defunct publications. He would like the reader to know that the part of this story that's not true is the part where he's the asshole.
Elias Chen writes fiction in Chicago. He’s on Twitter @e____chen and can be found on Instagram @tongue_and_liver.
Elijah Sparkman is a writer based in Detroit. His fiction has appeared in Sleepingfish, HAD, and Maudlin House. You can read more at elijahsparkman.com
Elizabeth Crowder is a writer and law librarian based in Philadelphia, PA. She’s currently working on her first fantasy novel. She is also co-editor of The Sartorial Geek magazine. You can find her on Instagram @thelizcrowder.
Elizabeth Kattner is a queer writer from Columbus, Ohio. By the time she figures out Twitter, she’ll have her MFA. Probably. If you ignore the mess, she can be reached by her email at agenteliza@gmail.com.
Elizabeth Muller is a writer living in New Jersey with her husband and three kids. Her work has appeared in MUTHA Magazine and Longridge Review. She is a reader for Pidgeonholes and was a finalist for the Barnhill Prize in Creative Nonfiction. You can find her on Twitter @eawrites. If you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder, NEDA is a great place to find help.
Elle Nash is the author of the novel Animals Eat Each Other (Dzanc Books, 2018), and the chapbooks AVOKA (Ghost City Press, 2017). She is a founding editor at Witch Craft Magazine, a fiction editor at Hobart Pulp, and lives in the Ozarks with her husband and their dog.
Ellen Huang is a writer of skits, poetry, devotionals, fairy tales, and horror. She has pieces published in Diverging Magazine, Amethyst Review, Gingerbread House, among others. She likes burning things (pyrography), wearing a cape, swimming in the ocean, and staying up late—usually not all at once. She also runs a blog titled “The Creator’s Apprentice,” where she can be found reenacting Disney scenes and unironically analyzing films on a spiritual level.
Elliot Alpern is an MFA candidate in fiction at Columbia University, and a founding editor at No Contact. He lives and writes in Manhattan with his wife and their intern, a young dachshund.
Elytron Frass is a concoction of two parts beetle wing and one part fodder of the Western Canon. He is the pseudonymous author/visual artist of Liber Exuvia (gnOme, 2018). His short stories and poetry feature in Tarpaulin Sky Magazine, Sleepingfish, SCAB, and The Offbeat—with forthcoming work in Parasol: The Journal of the Centre for Experimental Ontology. He tweets @Elytron_Frass.
em x. liu Em X. Liu is a writer and medical graduate who is fascinated by stories of the flesh, above all. Chronically cold-blooded, Em nevertheless resides in Toronto, Canada. emdashliu.com
Emilee Prado is a fiction writer and essayist whose work appears in The Cincinnati Review, Wigleaf, Fractured Lit, CRAFT, and elsewhere. She received a 2023 Bacopa Literary Award in fiction and has been nominated for Best Microfiction. Emilee has lived in Asia and South America and currently resides in Tucson, Arizona. Find out more at emileeprado.net or on social media: @_emilee_prado_.
Emily Behnke is a graduate of The New School's MFA in Creative Writing program. Her work has been published in trampset, Tiny Molecules, Newfound, and other venues. She is currently at work on a novel.
Emily Costa teaches freshmen at Southern Connecticut State University, where she received her MFA. Her work can be found in Hobart, Barrelhouse, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Atticus Review, and elsewhere. You can follow her on twitter @emilylauracosta.
Emily Harrison uses writing as an escape from reality and doesn't drink enough water. She has had work published with Barren Magazine, Gone Lawn, Ellipsis Zine, Storgy, The Molotov Cocktail, Retreat West and Riggwelter Press to name a few. She can be found on Twitter at @emily__harrison.
Emily James is a teacher and writer in NYC. Her recent work can be found in Pidgeonholes, Hippocampus, the Atticus Review, The Rumpus, Mutha Magazine, Pigeon Pages, JMWW Journal, among others. She is the recipient of the 2019 Bechtel Prize from Teachers and Writers’ Magazine. You can find her online at www.emilysarahjames.com and tweet her @missg3rd.
Emily Kiernan is the author of a novel, Great Divide (Unsolicited Press). Her work has appeared in American Short Fiction, Pank, The Collagist, Redivider, Quarterly West, and other journals, and she has received support from MacDowell, The Ucross Foundation, The Sewanee Writers' Conference, and other organizations. She is a prose editor at Noemi Press. She lives in Pittsburgh with her man and her dog. More information can be found at emilykiernan.com.
Emily Livingstone is a writer, teacher, mom, and partner to a kickass man trying to recover from brain cancer. Her work has appeared in Atticus Review, Gravel, Necessary Fiction, The Molotov Cocktail, Jellyfish Review, Cabinet of Heed, and others. She writes in Massachusetts in tweets @Emi_Livingstone.
Emily Lu is a poet and resident physician in psychiatry. Her first chapbook Night Leaves Nothing New (Baseline Press 2019) was shortlisted for the bpNichol chapbook award.
Emily Marie Seibert is an Assistant Professor of Humanities at Mercy College. Her passions include media literacy, saving stray cats, and helping people tell their stories. Her essay in december magazine's volume 32.1 was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Emily Rinkema lives and writes in northern Vermont. Her stories have appeared in The Sun Magazine, SmokeLong Quarterly, Phoebe Journal, and the Best American Nonrequired Reading and Oxford Flash anthologies. You can read her work on her website (https://emilyrinkema.wixsite.com/my-site) or follow her on X or IG (@emilyrinkema). She has a dog named Chet.
Emily Withnall is a writer and educator and lives in Missoula, Montana, with her two teens. Her work has appeared in Tin House, Gay Magazine, The Kenyon Review, River Teeth, Indiana Review, and Fourth River, and has been anthologized in "Greetings from Janeland" and "We Leave the Flowers Where They Are." Emily is a writing fellow with Center for Community Change, and she is currently writing a book about domestic violence and hydraulic fracturing. Read more of her work at emilywithnall.com.
Emma Brankin is a former journalist turned teacher from Glasgow, Scotland. She has recently returned to creative writing and her work can be found in Product Magazine and the Inspire anthology. You can get in touch via @emmanya on Twitter or @emmalovescheekbones on Instagram.
Emma Estridge is a writer from South Carolina who attends Wofford College. Her work has been published in Assignment, So to Speak, and The Interlochen Review. She has a Seinfeld habit and a cat named Birthday. He bites. You can find her on Twitter @emma_estridge.
Emma Hodson lives and writes in the Bay Area. In her spare time, she supports her cat’s weight loss journey, consumes bread and butter, and advances reproductive rights at the 9 to 5.
Emma Howard is a writer and theatre artist who recently escaped NYC and made it to Baltimore. Their favorite writing topics include snacking, depression, Stockholm syndrome, gangrene, and the cruise ship industry. You can read their blog at belaborthepoint.guru and their manic twitter thoughts @humanlayingeggs.
Emma Stough is a Midwesterner living in Charleston, South Carolina, where she teaches beginning creative writing. She has work out or forthcoming in Third Coast, Quarterly West, Jellyfish Review, and Cease, Cows.
Emma Uriarte is a Southern Californian writer who somehow finds herself living in the rainy Pacific Northwest. This may have something to do with earning an MFA from Oregon State University, where she now works as an instructor of writing. Since her apartment does not allow pets, she spends lots of free time time wandering the neighborhood and petting friendly cats. Her fiction has appeared online in Flash Fiction Magazine, and she is currently working on a YA novel.
Eric Scot Tryon's work has appeared or is forthcoming Glimmer Train, Willow Springs, Monkeybicycle, Berkeley Fiction Review, LEON Literary Review, Bending Genres, Wisconsin Review and others. Eric is also the Founding Editor of Flash Frog. He lives in Pleasant Hill, CA with his wife and daughter. More info can be found at www.erictscottryon.com and on Twitter @EricScotTryon.
Erika Franz (s/he, hi/hers) is a queer author living in Baltimore with her wife, daughter, and pets. Her fiction has been published in the The First Line and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. Find her at www.erikafranz.com or on Twitter and Instagram at @ETFranz.
Erika Veurink is a writer living in Brooklyn by way of Iowa. She is currently earning her MFA from Bennington College. Her work has appeared in Entropy.
Erin Cork lives and hikes in Missoula, MT. She writes in the morning and works the swing shift as a train dispatcher. She drinks a lot of coffee and wears trucker hats. Her work has recently been featured in Hypnopomp, Image OutWrite and Memoir Mixtapes. She is working on another draft of her first novel. She can be found @elcork17 and on instagram here.
Erin Gallagher is a writer living in New York City. Her work has been published in Maryland Bards Poetry Review. You can find her on Instagram as @erinagall.
Eros Livieratos studied philosophy and creative writing at WPNUJ and is a current Ohio State University MFA Candidate. Eros’ writing tackles topics of race, sexuality, capitalism, aesthetics, and technology. Eros plays in noise bands in Columbus, OH and can often be found yelling about aesthetics & automation in your local basement.
Estrella del Valle Toshiya Kamei (@KameiToshiya) translates Latin American literature.
Evan Hannon was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska, and now lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife and newborn twins. His work debuted in Conjunctions 82 earlier this year.
Evan James Sheldon is a senior editor for F(r)iction and the Editorial Director for Brink Literacy Project. You can find him online at www.evanjamessheldon.com.
Evan Senie is an MFA candidate at Colorado State University. His work has been published or is forthcoming from Hobart, Blue Earth Review, and Atticus Review. Find him online at evansenie.com or on Twitter @_senieevan.
Evan Williams is a Chicago-based writer thinking about surrealism and the Anthropocene. His work appears in DIAGRAM, Pleiades, and the Bennington Review, among others. He is the author of “Claustrophobia, Surprise!” (HAD Chaps, 2022), the Reviews Editor at X-R-A-Y Lit, and one-third the editorial brain behind the temporary journal of prose poetry, Obliterat.
Evelyn Winters lives in the north country with her cats and books. You can find her nowhere.
Exodus Oktavia Brownlow is a Cruger, MS native. As a writer, she enjoys character-driven fiction, purposeful horror, and nonfiction that helps to create a healthier world for us all. Exodus has been published with Electric Literature, Barren Magazine, Anti-Heroin Chic Magazine and more. She has a healthy adoration for the color green.
Fatima Alharthi is a Saudi writer. She is a PhD in Creative Writing candidate at Florida State University. Her work appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Every Day Fiction, and Santa Clara Review among others.
Faye Brinsmead's flash fiction appears in journals including X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, MoonPark Review and New Flash Fiction Review. One of her pieces is forthcoming in the Best Microfiction 2021 anthology. She won first prize in Reflex Fiction's Spring 2020 Flash Fiction Competition and second prize in the 2021 National Flash Fiction Day Micro Fiction Competition. She lives in Canberra, Australia, and tweets @ContesdeFaye.
Felicia Rosemary Urso is a writer and bartender living in Rhode Island. She holds a BA in Literary Studies from Eugene Lang College. You can find her on twitter and instagram @felishonaleash.
Felicity Fenton’s stories and essays have been featured in Fanzine, Split Lip Press, Wigleaf, The Iowa Review, Pidgeonholes, The Denver Quarterly, The Masters Review, Passages North, and others. Her book, 'User Not Found' was published by Future Tense Books in December, 2018. She lives in Portland, Oregon.
Fernando Schekaiban (b. 1985) is a Mexican writer who lives in San Luis Potosí. His fiction has appeared in Revista Portalcienciayficcion.
Fran-Claire Kenney is a Queer writer, filmmaker, and student based near Philadelphia. Her work has appeared in Coffin Bell Journal, New Pop Lit, and Wards Lit Mag, and she has been awarded by The Short Story Project. Kenney is on Twitter, YouTube, and probably the couch, as well.
Frances Badgett is the fiction editor of Contrary Magazine. Her work has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Anomaly (formerly Drunken Boat), Word Riot, Matchbook, Atticus Review, JMWW, Salamander, and elsewhere. Two of her stories have made the Wigleaf 50 longlist, her story “Cabin on a Far Shore” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the editors at JMWW, and her story “Half Hitch” is included in the 2019 Best Small Fictions from Sonder Press. She grew up in Lexington, Virginia and has a B.A. from Hollins University and an M.F.A. from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in Bellingham, Washington with her husband and daughter, and is currently working on a novel set in the Pacific Northwest. Her website is francesbadgett.com.
Francine Witte Francine Witte stories are forthcoming in Best Small Fictions 2022, and Flash Fiction America (W.W. Norton.) Her recent books are Dressed All Wrong for This (Blue Light Press,) The Way of the Wind (AdHoc fiction,) The Cake, The Smoke, The Moon (ELJ Editions,) and Just Outside the Tunnel of Love (Blue Light Press.) She is flash fiction editor for Flash Boulevard and The South Florida Poetry Journal. She lives in NYC.
Frank Jackson is a writer living in Brooklyn, with stories published in journals including Shabby Doll House, Metatron, Four Chamber Press, and Have You Seen My Whale. He tweets relentlessly @frankerson.
frankie bb is a map of eyes that have yet to assemble into a crowd, a jaw bone that dislikes being called "mandible" and prefers "crescent catcher." A guilty harvester who believes that milk is best served wild and orca beans are adorable.
Frankie McMillan is a poet and short fiction writer. Recent work appears in Best Microfictions 2021 and Best Small Fictions, 2021. She likes swimming in cold water but never gets far because dog paddle is all she can manage.
Fred Pierre works at the public library near the new book section. Fred wrote a satirical piece about internet cooking culture for High Shelf Magazine, Vol XVII, and Fred's poems have appeared in Tiny Seed Journal, on Poet's Choice YouTube, and in Outdoor Voices for an Indoor Wold vol. 6. Fred's dog is a lover, but she would battle a thundercloud to protect him.
G. R. Bilodeau is a peripatetic peddler. Author of the chapbook "Somewhere in Between" (Charybdis Press, 2021), their work has appeared or is forthcoming in BP Review, Twin Pies Literary, HASH Journal, and elsewhere.
Gabriela Denise Frank is a Pacific Northwest writer, editor, and creative writing instructor. Her work has been published in True Story, HAD, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She is the nonfiction editor of Crab Creek Review. www.gabrieladenisefrank.com
Gabrielle Griffis is a mutlimedia artist, writer, and musician. She studied creative writing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she also worked for the Juniper Writing Institute. She has work published in, or forthcoming from, Cease, Cows, decomP, and Blue Lake Review. She works as a librarian on Cape Cod. Listen to her music here.
Gabrielle McAree is from Fishers, IN. Her work appears in Berkeley Fiction Review, Reflex Press, X-R-A-Y, Reckon Review, and elsewhere. She's on Twitter @gmcaree_.
Garielle Lutz's books include the short-story collections Worsted (Short Flight/Long Drive Books) and The Complete Gary Lutz (Tyrant Books).
Garrett Stack's first book is Yeoman's Work (Bottom Dog Press, 2020). His fiction was most recently published in Cheat River Review, Great Lakes Review, and MacQueen's Quinterly. He teaches at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, MI.
Garth Miró is a writer based in New York City. His work has appeared in Sundog Lit, X-R-A-Y, and Maudlin House among others. His debut novel, The Vacation, is out now through Expat. He currently works as a handyman.
Gary Duncan's stories have appeared in Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, 100 Word Story, New Flash Fiction Review, Fictive Dream, Train Lit, Gravel, and The Cabinet of Heed, among others, and are forthcoming in Unbroken Journal and Ellipsis Zine. His flash fiction collection, You’re Not Supposed to Cry, is available from Vagabond Voices.
Gary Fincke's latest collection is The Sorrows (Stephen F. Austin, 2020). His full-length and flash fictions have appeared in The Kenyon Review, The Missouri Review, Black Warrior Review, WigLeaf, Craft, Atticus Review, Pithead Chapel, and Best Small Fictions 2020. He is co-editor of the annual anthology series Best Microfiction.
Gary J. Shipleyis the author of numerous books, including Bright Stupid Confetti (11:11 Press), 30 Fake Beheadings (Spork), Warewolff! (Hexus), and the monograph Stratagem of the Corpse: Dying with Baudrillard (Anthem). He has contributed to various magazines, anthologies, and journals. More information can be found at Thek Prosthetics.
Gauraa Shekhar is an MFA candidate at Columbia University. Her fiction has appeared in Nimrod Journal and Contrary Magazine. She lives in Manhattan with her husband. Find her online @bloodandGauraa
Gene Morgan is a web content manager in Los Angeles. He’s done so many great and important things that were definitely worthwhile. Mostly, he just wants to escape them. Learn more at genemorgan.info
Genevieve Jagger is a queer writer from Scotland. She loves language, confined spaces and blinking every 3-4 seconds. Her work has been described as claustrophobic and distinctly neurodivergent (by herself). Her short stories have been featured in online publications such as Expat Press and The Honest Ulsterman.
Genta Nishku is a writer living in New York.
George Salis is the author of the novel Sea Above, Sun Below, which was praised by Alexander Theroux and Rikki Ducornet. He's also the editor of The Collidescope, an online publication that celebrates innovative and neglected literature. His fiction is featured in The Dark, Black Dandy, Sci Phi Journal, Three Crows Magazine, and elsewhere. His criticism has appeared in Isacoustic, Atticus Review, and The Tishman Review, and his science article on the mechanics of natural evil was featured in Skeptic. For the past seven years, he has been working on a maximalist novel titled Morphological Echoes. He has taught in Bulgaria, China, and Poland. He's the winner of the Tom La Farge Award for Innovative Writing. Find him on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, and Instagram. His website is www.GeorgeSalis.com.
Georgia Bellas is a writer, artist, and filmmaker whose current obsession is botanical dyes. She and Dan Nielsen are the Wisconsin-based duo Sugar Whiskey, a post-minimalist art band. You can follow her teddy bear, host of the award-winning weekly Internet radio show “Mr. Bear’s Violet Hour Saloon,” on Twitter @MrBearStumpy.
Giacomo Pope is the author of Chainsaw Poems & Other Poems and the founder of Neutral Spaces. He lives with his partner, Holly, and enjoys thinking about maths.
Gillian O'Shaughnessy is a writer and reader from Walyalup, Fremantle in Western Australia. She has work in SmokeLong Quarterly, Fractured Lit, Splonk and Night Parrot Press, among others. Her stories were selected for the Best Small Fictions in 2023 and 2024. She clings to Twitter @GillOshaughness and her website can be found at gillianoshaughnessy.com
Gina Marie Bernard is a heavily tattooed trans woman, retired roller derby vixen, and high school English teacher from Bemidji, Minnesota. Her daughters, Maddie and Parker, share her heart. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Not Very Quiet, Monkeybicycle, Penultimate Peanut, and Meow Meow Pow Pow. She has been nominated for Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, and The Pushcart. Thirty West Publishing will release her third poetry chapbook, Taxonomies, in spring 2020. She is completing her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Arkansas, Monticello.
Giovanni DeJaneiro is an internationally recognized literary supertzar. He has been described as rude and unsociable by his mother, arrogant and condescending by his lawyer, and socioeconomically challenged by his primary physician.
Glenn Orgias is a writer from Sydney, Australia. He lost his arm to a great white shark in 2009 and has been struggling to swim in a straight line ever since. His memoir, Man In a Grey Suit, was published by Penguin in 2012, and his humor writing can be found at McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Slackjaw and The Cooper Review.
Grace Loh Prasadreceived her MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College and is an alumna of VONA. Her essays have appeared in Longreads, Catapult, Jellyfish Review, Ninth Letter, Blood Orange Review, Memoir Mixtapes, The Manifest-Station, and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. Grace is a member of The Writers Grotto and her memoir-in-progress is entitled The Translator’s Daughter.
Grace Q. Song is a writer residing in New York. Her poetry and fiction have been published or are forthcoming in Passages North, PANK, Waxwing, The Journal, Cincinnati Review, and elsewhere.
Graeme Bezanson's writing has appeared in or is forthcoming from BOMB, Sixth Finch, HAD, the Puritan, PRISM International, and elsewhere. He lives in a small village in southwestern France. graemebezanson.com
Graham Irvin is from North Carolina. He has writing in BULL: Men's fiction, Back Patio Press, Punk Lit Press, and The Nervous Breakdown. He wants to cook liver mush for the whole world.
Graham Robert Scott, though a product of California, resides now in north Texas. A born scofflaw, he owns neither surfboard nor cowboy hat. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Nature, Barrelhouse Online, Blink-Ink, Buckshot, and others. In addition to tweeting semi-regularly at @graythebruce, he maintains a website, hemicyon.wordpress.com, which is named for the prehistoric bear-dog, a toothy hunter that (like the platypus) couldn’t make up its mind what it was. Graham, professor by day, identifies.
Graham Techler's writing appears or is forthcoming in The New Yorker, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, and Faultline. His plays have been produced off-Broadway at 59E59 and published in anthologies by Smith & Kraus and Applause Books. He is a member of EST/Youngblood and received his BFA from the University of Michigan. He lives in Brooklyn.
Grant Maierhofer is the author of Clog, Gag, Flamingos and others. His work has appeared in Motherboard’s Terraform series, 3AM Magazine, LIT Magazine and elsewhere. He teaches at the University of Idaho.
Greg Gerke’s work has appeared in Tin House, Film Quarterly, The Kenyon Review, and other publications. See What I See, a book of essays, and Especially the Bad Things, stories were both published by Splice in 2019. Zerogram Press released a new and expanded version of See What I See in 2021. He also edits the journal: Socrates on the Beach. greggerke.com
Greg Mulcahy is the author of OUT OF WORK, CONSTELLATION, CARBINE, and O'HEARN. He has a new book, and he's looking for a bold publisher.
Greg Oldfield is a physical education teacher and coach from the Philadelphia area. His stories have appeared in Barrelhouse, Hobart, Carve, and Maudlin House, among others. He also writes about soccer for the Florida Cup and often ramble about soccer on Twitter under @GregOldfield21.
Gregg Williard's fiction, essays, poetry and visual art have appeared in Diagram, The Collagist, Your Impossible Voice, decomP, All The Sins and Sein und Werden, among others. He teaches ESL to refugees in Madison, Wisconsin and produces the spoken word radio show Fiction Jones/Under the Radar for WORT community radio (wortfm.org). His novel with graphics, The People in Tubes Motif is forthcoming in 2019.
Gregory T. Janetka is a writer from Chicago who runs the history site One Hundred False Starts. His work has been featured in Glass Mountain, Gravel, The Phoenix, and other publications. More of his writings can be found at gregorytjanetka.com.
Gwen E. Kirby is the author of the debut collection Shit Cassandra Saw. Her stories have appeared in One Story, Guernica, Tin House, Smokelong Quarterly, and elsewhere.
H.A. Eugene H. A. Eugene writes strange stories about food and death and pretty music about homicide and fascism. His work has appeared in Flashback Fiction, Writers Resist, and The Dribble Drabble Review, among others. He currently resides in beautiful Brooklyn, New York, where he is a staff member of the Bushwick Writer’s Group. Find him on Twitter @haeugene.
Hadiyyah Kuma is an Indo-Guyanese writer from Toronto, Ontario. Her work has been featured in places like The Rumpus, the Hart House Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Yes Poetry. Her debut chapbook tired, but not spectacularly was recently published by The Soapbox Press. Hadiyyah’s poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net and she is currently working on her second chapbook.
Hannah Cajandig-Taylor is a poet/flash writer living in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where she reads for Passages North and Fractured Lit. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Kissing Dynamite, Hobart Pulp, and Drunk Monkeys, and Gordon Square, among others. Her debut chapbook Romantic Portrait of a Natural Disaster will be released this winter through Finishing Line Press. She's obsessed with Nancy Drew games and gardening.
Hannah Gregory is a trans, queer writer who lives with her dog, Trixie, and wife in Western Massachusetts. Find her @hannah_birds
Hannah Grieco is a writer and editor in the Washington, DC area. Her work can be found in The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, The Rumpus, and more. Find her online at www.hgrieco.com or on Twitter at @writesloud.
Hannah Stevens is a writer of short stories and flash fiction and currently based in Leicester in the UK. Her collection of short stories, Without Makeup and Other Stories was published in 2012 by Crystal Clear Creators. She has published stories in a range of anthologies, small-press publications and online, has a PhD from the University of Leicester, and lives with her house-rabbit Agatha. You can find her website or on Twitter as @Stevens_Han.
Hannah Storm Hannah Storm has spent the past two decades travelling the world as a journalist, visiting extraordinary places and meeting people who have inspired her flash fiction and creative non-fiction. She now lives in northern England with her family, from where she works as a media consultant and mental health advocate, writing and running to process her own past and developing fresh perspectives. Her debut collection 'The Thin Line Between Everything and Nothing' is published later this year by Reflex Fiction.
Harris Lahti's work is forthcoming or appeared in Bomb, New York Tyrant, Sleepingfish, Hobart, and elsewhere. He edits fiction for Fence and Post Road and paints houses in New York's Hudson Valley. Recently, he finished his first novel, The Foreclosure Gothics. Read more: harrislahti.com.
Harrison Kim lives in Victoria, Canada. He worked many years as the teacher at a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, and now sings in the rain and hopes for bluebirds. He's had work published lately in The Horror Zine, Spank The Carp, Blue Lake Review, Bewildering Stories and others. His blogspot is here: https://harrisonkim1.blogspot.com
Harry Nordlinger is an artist, cartoonist and illustrator from San Francisco, known for his surreal and existential horror-themed comics. He is the editor, publisher and artist behind the acclaimed horror series Vacuum Decay, as well as his recent short comic Night Cruising, from Floating World Comics.
Hayli Cox Hayli May Cox is a PhD candidate at The University of Missouri, though she's really a Michigander. Find her CNF and stories online and her physical body in her LEGO closet with her grumpy cat, or in the woods with her little, leggy dog.
Hazel Zorn is an American Horror writer who works as an artist in the Northeastern United States. https://hazelzorn.com/
Helen Armstrong is a queer writer living at the base of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Her work has been published in Cleaver Magazine and Soft Cartel. Her poetry collection AMBROSIA & FIRE comes out later this year. She lives with her girlfriend, her cat Persephone, and several dying houseplants. Find her on the world wide web at helenarmstrongwrites.com and between the tweets at @hkawrites.
Helena Pantsis (she/they) is a poet and writer from Naarm, Australia. Notably shortlisted for her fiction in the 2020 Above Water Creative Anthology, Helena is a full-time student of psychology and creative writing with a fond appreciation for the gritty, the dark, and the experimental. More of her work can be found at hlnpnts.com.
Henry Elizabeth Christopher is a trans writer from Akron, Ohio. His writing has been published in journals such as The Threepenny Review, Little Patuxent Review, Gordon Square Review, Delay Fiction, HASH, Gigantic Sequins, and Eastern Iowa Review, and has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. His first novel, No One Dies in Palmyra Ohio, is available from What Books Press. He’s currently working toward his Masters of Fine Arts in prose at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Henry F. Tonn is a retired psychologist who has previously published fiction and nonfiction in a variety of print and online journals. He has written a biographical novel about Zelda Fitzgerald entitled "Ascent to Madness" for which he is seeking an agent/publisher.
Henry Gifford is a previously unpublished poet and novelist. He is currently a Master’s student in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. He can be reached at henryngifford@gmail.com.
Holden Tyler Wright is a queer writer with fiction published or forthcoming at Barren Magazine, Salt Hill, and elsewhere. He has worked as an associate editor for Mid-American Review and JuxtaProse.
Hollynn Huitt writes and teaches in New York's Mohawk Valley, where she lives in an old farmhouse far from anything and anyone except her husband, children, and many dogs, cats and horses. Her writing has appeared in Stone Canoe, Hobart, and Pank Literary Magazine.
Homeless is puttering along in NYC. He often wonders whatever happened to predictability, the milkman, the paperboy, evening TV. His only dream anymore is to become an old man who dedicates most of his free time to feeding pigeons in the park. He's the author of five books, including the novel, "This Hasn't Been a Very Magical Journey So Far" (Expat Press), and "My Heart Belongs in an Empty Big Mac Container Buried Beneath the Ocean Floor," coming November 19th 2024 from Clash Books. Xoxo
Howie Good is the author of more than a dozen poetry collections, including most recently Gunmetal Sky (Thirty West Publishing) and The Bad News First (Kung Fu Treachery Press).
Hugh Behm-Steinberg's prose can be found in X-R-A-Y, Grimoire, Joyland, Jellyfish Review, Atticus Review and Pank. His short story "Taylor Swift" won the 2015 Barthelme Prize from Gulf Coast, and his story "Goodwill" was picked as one of the Wigleaf Top Fifty Very Short Fictions of 2018. A collection of prose poems and microfiction, Animal Children, was published by Nomadic Press in January, 2020. He teaches writing and literature at California College of the Arts.
Ian Anderson is a writer and designer living in Baltimore, MD, with his wife and daughter. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief at Mason Jar Press, and his work has appeared or is forthcoming in Wigleaf, Five : 2 : One Magazine, Baltimore Fishbowl, and elsewhere. When not writing, designing, running a press, being a husband or father, he is listening to The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds. He tweets about that and other things from @ianandersonetc.
Ian Crutcher Castillo is a writer living in Brooklyn and sometimes Madrid. He can be found online @_ian_castillo.
Ira Rat (/eye-ra/ /rat/) noun, fictional
1. Writer of Participation Trophy, Pacifier, and co-author of a beginner's guide to extreme horror with Jon Steffens.
2. Publisher at Filthy Loot
3. Recovering artist and musician (Neon Lushell, Vicar Elm)
filthyloot.com // irarat.com // neutralspaces.co/irarat/
Isabella Esser-Munera teaches in Brooklyn, New York and is an advocate of children everywhere. Her work has been featured in Faded-Out magazine, Maudlin House, and Anti-Heroin Chic. A child of immigrants, her projects focus on identity and intersection. She is currently working on a novel and tweets as @esserisst.
Isabelle Correa is from Washington and lives in Vietnam. Her writing can be found in Trampset, Maudlin House, Third Point Press, and is forthcoming in Drunk Monkeys and Pank. Follow her on Twitter and say hello @IsabelleJCorrea.
Isabelle Hughes grew up in the rolling hills of North Carolina. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Cherry Tree and Eunoia Review. She lives and writes between car horns and subway stops in Brooklyn, New York.
J M F Casey is an artist and writer from the UK. He has exhibited in London, Ghent and Derbyshire and has had writing published online by The Educator, Misery Tourism and ExPat Press. He lives with a trainee mystic in the Derbyshire Dales and devotes his free time to research, short fiction and hiding.
J. Bradley is the author of On the Campaign Trail (Long Day Press, 2020). He lives at jbradleywrites.com.
J. Edward Kruft has an MFA in fiction from Brooklyn College. He is a multiple Best Short Fictions nominee, and his stories have appeared inBack Patio Press and MoonPark Review, among others, and he is editor-at-large at trampset. He was, indeed, at one time banned for life from Nordstrom. He’s not sure if that’s still being enforced. He lives with his husband, Mike, and their adopted Siberian Husky, Sasha, in Queens, NY and Sullivan County, NY. His recent fiction can be found on his Web site: www.jedwardkruft.com and he can be followed on twitter: @jedwardkruft.
J.B. Stone is a Neurodivergent/Autistic slam poet, writer, editor, and literary critic from Brooklyn, now residing in Buffalo, NY. He is the author of A Place Between Expired Dreams And Renewed Nightmares (Ghost City Press 2018), INHUMAN ELEGIES (Ghost City Press 2020), and Fireflies & Hand Grenades (Bottlecap Press 2022). He is the Editor-In-Chief/Reviews Editor at Variety Pack and a Reader at Uncharted Magazine. His work has appeared in Chicago Review of Books, Noctua Review, Peach Mag, HAD, Rejection Letters, Atlas and Alice, Flash Fiction Magazine, Flashback Fiction, among other places.
J.R. Chapple is an artist and writer based in Vancouver, BC.
J.S. Nunn is a writer and recent immigrant living in Zürich, Switzerland. Their fiction has been published in The Greensboro Review (Spring 2023). Their nonfiction has appeared in the Financial Times, Maclean’s Magazine and Canada’s National Post.
Jack Skelley is the author of The Complete Fear of Kathy Acker (Semiotext(e)), Interstellar Theme Park: New and Selected Writing (BlazeVOX books), Dennis Wilson and Charlie Manson (Fred & Barney Press) and Monsters (Little Caesar Press).
Jack Wildern writes short fiction. His work is featured in X-R-A-Y and Night Picnic amongst others. He lives in Hampshire UK.www.jackwildern.com
Jacque Gorelick’s work appears in Pithead Chapel, LARB, The New York Times, and more. Her memoir, Map of a Heart, about love, loss, and belonging, is forthcoming with Vine Leaves Press. She lives with her family in California. jacquegorelick.com
Jade Hidle is the proud daughter of a Vietnamese refugee. Her work has been featured in Michigan Quarterly Review, Poetry Northwest, Flash Fiction Magazine, Columbia Journal, and the Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network’s diacritics.org.
Jaime Fountaine was raised by “wolves.” She lives in Philadelphia and maintains her site he
Jake Lancaster is a recent graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where he was awarded the Henfield Prize for Fiction. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in the The Common, Southampton Review, The Sierra Nevada Review, and Forever Magazine. He lives in Minneapolis.
Jake McAuliffe is a cancer biologist from Cork, Ireland. His first ever story was about talking foxes and to this day most of his stories feature talking animals. He was nominated for Best Microfiction 2021. He lives in Galway with his partner and chatty cats.
James Cato is an environmental organizer outside Pittsburgh raising his baby snake, Sleeves. He has stories in Tiny Molecules, Atticus Review, Gone Lawn, JMWW, and Daily Science Fiction, among others. He tweets humbly @the_sour_potato and his work lives on jamescatoauthor.com/fiction.
James Jacob Hatfield's work has appeared in Maudlin House, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Barely South Review, Chaleur Magazine, Cathexis Northwest Press, Havik, and others. He is a founding member of the Peebles Writing Collective.
James Kramer is a writer straddling irrelevancy like a champ. He’s appeared in various magazines made of paper and internet and is sometimes at @JamesAKramer1.
James McAdams’s debut short story collection, Ambushing the Void, was published in May by Frayed Edge Press. He teaches literature at the University of South Florida, Ringling College of Art+Design, and Keep St. Pete Lit. He is Flash Fiction editor of Barren Magazine. Currently, he’s working on a novel WIP about rehab scams entitled The Florida Shuffle; Or My Summer in Rat Park II. You can find him at jamesmcadams.org and follow him @jamestmcadams on Twitter/Insta.
James Nulick lives in Seattle, WA. He holds a BA in English from Coe College and an MA in Library Science from the University of Arizona. He is the author of the novels Valencia and Distemper. “Husk” will appear in the forthcoming short story collection ‘Haunted Girlfriend,’ to be published by Expat Press in Spring 2019.
James R. Gapinski is the author of the novella Edge of the Known Bus Line (Etchings Press; University of Indianapolis) and the linked flash collection Messiah Tortoise (Red Bird Chapbooks). His short fiction has appeared in Heavy Feather Review, Hobart, Juked, Monkeybicycle, Paper Darts, and other publications. James teaches for Southern New Hampshire University's MFA program, and he's managing editor of The Conium Review. Find him online at http://jamesrgapinski.com or on Twitter @jamesrgapinski.
James Sullivan has split his adult life between the American Midwest and central Japan. Currently in Minnesota, he is at work on a short story collection, a series of essays, and a novel. You can find his work most recently in Fourteen Hills and Inscape Magazine. Tweet him @jfsullivan4th.
James Tadd Adcox's work has appeared in 3:AM, Granta, and Passages North, as well as previously in X-R-A-Y. He is the author of a novel, Does Not Love, and a novella, Repetition, and is a founding editor at the literary magazine Always Crashing. A book of hybrid theater pieces, DENMARK, is available from Hem Press.
Jamie Etheridge's work has been published in Eastern Iowa Review, Every Day Fiction, Inkwell Journal, Potomac Journal, Red River Review, Running Wild Anthology and Wild Word magazine. She is currently writing a memoir about her fugitive father's life and her childhood on the road. You can read more of her work at LeScribbler.com and she can be found on Twitter at @Lescribbler.
Jamie Grefe (greh-fee) is a screenwriter, hybrid essayist, and author who weaves scripts of twisted suspense, horror, and dynamic action. Actively collaborating across genres, His literary work (including novelizations, fiction and creative nonfiction) is in-print through Heidecker Publishing, Eraserhead Press, Bizarro Pulp Press, and Rooster Republic Press among other indie publishers. His short work appears in Birkensnake, elimae, Lies/Isle, etc. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from New England College where he focused on horror and the sublime. Though he has lived and worked extensively in Japan, China, and South Korea, Grefe now resides in the greater Los Angeles area. He can be found at: https://jamiegrefe.com & https://imdb.me/jamiegrefe
Jamie Kahn is a writer and podcast host with a BA in English and Writing from Cedar Crest College. Her work has been featured in The Hunger, Rag Queen Periodical, Maudlin House, and Oyster River Pages. In 2019 she was selected as a winner of The Sound Inside writing contest for fiction. She is also a contributing editor for Crooked Arrow Press and a reader for The Barcelona Review.
Jamy Bond’s work has appeared in Wigleaf, The Rumpus, The Sun Magazine, Peace Corps Writers, and on National Public Radio’s The Sound of Writing. Her essay, What Feels Like Destiny, published in The Sun, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has an MFA from George Mason University where she co-founded So to Speak: A Feminist Journal of Language and Art. She lives in Washington, DC.
Jan Stinchcomb is the author of The Blood Trail (Red Bird Chapbooks) and Find the Girl (Main Street Rag). Her stories have recently appeared in New Flash Fiction Review, Gargoyle Magazine, and Queen Mob’s Tea House, among other places. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Anthology, was longlisted in the Wigleaf Top 50, and was featured in The Best Small Fictions 2018. Currently living in Southern California with her family, she is a story editor for Paper Darts. Find her at janstinchcomb.com or on Twitter @janstinchcomb.
Jane Snyder's stories have appeared in Cobalt Weekly and Bull, the Magazine for Men. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Eastern Washington University earlier this year.
Jane-Rebecca Cannarella is a writer and editor living in Philadelphia. She is the editor of HOOT Review and Meow Meow Pow Pow Lit and the author of Better Bones (Thirty West Publishing House). She likes cats and playing the piano and cats who play the piano.
Janelle Bassett's writing appears in The Rumpus, American Literary Review, New Delta Review, Smokelong Quarterly, VIDA Review, and Slice Magazine. She lives in St. Louis and is an Assistant Fiction Editor for Split Lip Magazine.
Janice Kang is a Korean-American amorist, poet, and high school student. She navigates the intersection within trauma / love lore
Janice Leagra Janice Leagra is a writer/artist living in North Carolina. She was shortlisted for the 2017 Bridport Prize and was a 2018 Best of the Net nominee. Her stories have featured in Riggwelter Press, Spelk Fiction, EllipsisZine, et.al. She’s on Twitter: @janiceleagra and Instagram: janiceleagra.
Janice Lee (she/her) is a Korean-American writer, editor, teacher, and shamanic healer. She is the author of 7 books of fiction, creative nonfiction & poetry, most recently: The Sky Isn’t Blue (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016), Imagine a Death (Texas Review Press, 2021), and Separation Anxiety (CLASH Books, 2022). A roundtable, unanimous dreamers chime in, a collaborative novel co-authored with Brenda Iijima, is also forthcoming in 2022 from Meekling Press. She writes about interspecies communication, plants & personhood, the filmic long take, slowness, the apocalypse, architectural spaces, inherited trauma, and the concept of han in Korean culture, and asks the question, how do we hold space open while maintaining intimacy? She is Founder & Executive Editor of Entropy, Co-Founder of The Accomplices LLC, and currently lives in Portland, OR where she is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Portland State University. She can be found online at http://janicel.com and Twitter/Instagram: @diddioz.
Librarian, mother, and minor trickster, Janna Miller has published works in places like SmokeLong Quarterly, Cheap Pop, and Atlas and Alice. Nominated for Best Small Fictions and Best Microfictions. Generally, if the toaster blows up, it is not her fault.
Jared Daniel Fagen is the author of The Animal of Existence (Black Square Editions, 2022). His prose poems, essays, and conversations have appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, Fence, Lana Turner, and Asymptote, among other publications. He is the editor and publisher of Black Sun Lit, a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature at the CUNY Graduate Center, and an adjunct lecturer at the City College of New York. Born in Jeollanam-do, South Korea, he lives in Brooklyn and the western Catskills. -- jareddanielfagen.com | @jareddnlfagen | blacksunlit.com
Jasmyn Huff (she/her) is the leading proponent of the theory she is a trans woman. She dreams of watching waves from her porch and never touching the sand while rain clouds gather on the horizon. At night she will run naked with her demon friends.
Jason Fox is one of many Jason Foxes. He lives in Colorado.
Jason Graff has authored one novella, In the Service of the Boyar (Vagabondage Press, ’16). He has two novels slated for publication in 2019, heckler (Unsolicited Press) and Stray Our Pieces (Waldorf Publishing). His short stories, poems and essays have been published in Carrier Pigeon, Per Contra and many other publications. He lives in Richardson, TX with his wife, son and cat.
Jason Hardung's work as appeared in many journals including: Hobart, Grist, Juked, Cimarron Review, 3AM, Evergreen Review, The Common and Word Riot. He has published two books of poetry.
Jason Kane is a flash fiction and prose poetry writer living in Pennsylvania. He has had work appear in Juked, Pear Noir!, New Dead Families, Press 1, Gone Lawn, Hobart, and Burning House Press. His collection Deep Sky Objects is available at jason-kane.com. Find him @JasonKaneActual.
Jason Peck’s fiction has appeared or forthcoming in Smokelong Quarterly, Bartleby Snopes, Jersey Devil Press, Carolina Quarterly, and Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales From 100 Word Story.
Jason Schwartzman is the senior editor of True.Ink, the revival of an old pulp & adventure magazine. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, New York Magazine, Narrative.ly, The Rumpus, Hobart, River Teeth, Atlas Obscura, Nowhere Magazine, Mr. Beller's Neighborhood, Gothamist, and Untapped Cities, among other places. You can find him on twitter at @jdschwartzman.
Jason Teal is a specter now living in the Little Apple of Kansas. He earned an MFA in fiction from Northern Michigan University in 2017. He currently organizes Driptorch Community Performance Series with Arrow Coffee Co. and runs Heavy Feather Review. Work appears in Knee-Jerk, Vestal Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Matter Press, Hobart, and Quarterly West, among other publications.
Jason W. McGlone's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Autofocus, Sledgehammer Lit, Briefly Zine, and Glint Literary Journal, among others. He makes music under the name Mourning Oars and runs the process-centered journal Zero Readers. Most days you can find him wandering around Cincinnati, where he lives with his family. You can find him on twitter @maoglone
Jayne Martin lives in Santa Barbara, CA, where she rides horses and drinks copious amounts of fine wines, though not at the same time. She is a Pushcart, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfictions nominee, and a recipient of Vestal Review’s VERA award. Her debut collection of microfiction, Tender Cuts, from Vine Leaves Press, is available now. Visit her website here.
JC Holburn has published work in Caesura, Filthy Dreams, Overland, and others.
Jeanann Verlee is the author of prey, Said the Manic to the Muse, and award-winning Racing Hummingbirds. She has received an NEA Creative Writing Fellowship, among other honors. She collects tattoos and kisses Rottweilers. More at jeanannverlee.com.
Jeanine Skowronski is a writer based in N.J. Her work has appeared in Reflex Press, Tiny Molecules, Complete Sentence, Crow & Cross Keys, Lunate Fiction, and Fewer than 500.
Jeannetta Craigwell-Graham is a writer currently based in Ebeltoft, Denmark. Jeannetta is a 2021 Tin House Winter Workshop Scholar and was previously a member of the Andika Ma Writers Workshop and an advisor/reviewer for Huza Press, also based in Rwanda. Jeannetta is currently working on a collection of short stories.
Jeff Jackson is the author of Destroy All Monsters.
Jeff Karr lives in Austin, Texas and teaches American literature, creative writing, and composition at Texas State University. He's querying agents with a novel called Downstrokes, which explores the rise and fall of a harmonica prodigy turned middling punk frontman. He had a dog named Hannah. She had a lot of heart and a lot of talent.
Jeff Phillips is a washed up varsity cross country skier and storefront theatre method actor. He was co-host of The Liquid Burning, an apocalypse themed reading series, and he co-hosted the Chicago reading series Pungent Parlour. His short fiction has appeared in Seeding Meat, This Zine Will Change Your Life, Metazen, Chicago Literati, and Literary Orphans. He is the co-founder of Zizobotchi Papers, a literary journal dedicated to the novella and a regular contributor at the site Drinkers With Writing Problems. You can find him @TheIglooOven or on his site.
Jeffery Renard Allen is an award-winning author, painter, and poet. His novel SONG OF THE SHANK was selected as a New York Times notable book and his novel RAILS UNDER MY BACK received the Chicago Tribune’s Heartland prize. Mr. Allen has received Chicago Tribune‘s Heartland Prize for Fiction; the Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence; and the Chicago Public Library’s Twenty-First Century Award. He has been a John Farrar Fellow in Fiction at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, a Walter E. Dakins Fellow in Fiction at the Sewanee Writers' Conference and a Gugenheim fellow. In 2023, his new collection FAT TIME was reviewed in the New York Times. He is currently working on a new story collection based on historical figures in black history.
Jeffrey Hermann's poetry and prose has appeared in Okay Donkey, Heavy Feather, UCity Review, trampset, and other publications. Though less publicized, he finds his work as a father, husband, and doggy daddy (Hi, Teddy!) to be rewarding beyond measure.
Jeffrey Yamaguchi creates projects with words, photos, and video as art explorations, as well as through his work in the publishing industry. Find him @jeffyamaguchi and here.
Jemimah Wei is a writer and host based between Singapore and New York. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Fiction at Columbia University, where she is a 2020 Felipe P. De Alba fellow. Her work has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, No Contact Magazine, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, and Math Paper Press anthology "From the Belly of the Cat", amongst others. She is currently working on her first novel. You can find her on jemmawei.com or @jemmawei.
Jen Julian's recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Milk Candy Review, Okay Donkey, SmokeLong Quarterly, Jellyfish Review, and JuxtaProse, among other places. Her debut short story collection, Earthly Delights and Other Apocalypses, was winner of Press 53's 2018 Fiction Prize. Currently, she teaches creative writing at Young Harris College and lives with a very fluffy ginger cat in the Georgia Appalachians. You can find her at jenjulian.com or @jennicjul.
Jenn Salcido is a writer living in Los Angeles, where she reads, walks, and takes notes. Her fiction has recently appeared in Back Patio Press and JAKE. Her journalism and other work from a prior life lives on at www.jennsalcido.com. She tweets @jenneralist.
Jenn Stroud Rossmann is the author of the novel The Place You’re Supposed to Laugh (7.13 Books) and the essay series “An engineer reads a novel” at Public Books. Her short stories have appeared in such journals as Hobart, Cheap Pop, Literary Orphans, and Jellyfish Review, and have garnered four Pushcart nominations. She is also a professor of mechanical engineering at Lafayette College. @jenn_rossmann
Jennifer Fliss is a Seattle-based writer whose writing has appeared in F(r)iction, PANK, The Rumpus, The Washington Post, and elsewhere, including the 2019 Best Short Fictions anthology. She is the 2018/2019 Pen Parentis Fellow and a 2019 recipient of a Grant for Artist Project award from Artist’s Trust. She can be found on Twitter at @writesforlife or via her website.
Jennifer Greidus is the co-founder of XRAY Literary Magazine. She lives in Phoenix with her boyfriend and some sweet dogs. American Lit, her first novel, is out now from Querelle Press.
Jennifer Lewis is the editor of Red Light Lit. Her fiction has been published in Cosmonaut’s Avenue, Eleven Eleven, Fourteen Hills Press, and Midnight Breakfast. You can find her here.
Jennifer London is an MFA candidate in fiction writing at the University of Colorado Boulder, where she teaches creative writing and serves as Fiction Editor for TIMBER: A Journal of New Writing. Her fiction has been published in Spank the Carp, Red Coyote, Postcard Poems and Prose, Flash Fiction Magazine, SpeckLit, and elsewhere. Links to her work can be found online here.
Jennifer Love is an Oakland-based writer, artist, zine-maker, and clown at work on her first novel. Her work has appeared in Autre, Crab Fat Magazine, Caesura, Storm Cellar, Minola Review, and elsewhere.
Jennifer Murvin's essays, stories, and graphic narrative have appeared in Hayden's Ferry Review, DIAGRAM, The Sun, Indiana Review, The Florida Review, American Short Fiction, Phoebe, CutBank, Mid-American Review, Bellingham Review, Cincinnati Review, Baltimore Review, River Styx, and other literary journals. Her chapbook SHE SAYS is forthcoming in 2023 by Small Harbor Editions. Jen is an Assistant Professor at Missouri State University and she teaches for the River Pretty Writers Retreat held twice annually in Tecumseh, Missouri. Jen holds an MFA in Nonfiction from Pacific University and is the owner of the independent bookstore Pagination Bookshop in Springfield, MO. Find more at jennifermurvin.com.
Jennifer Ritenour Jennifer Lorene Ritenour was born, raised, and presently resides in San Pedro, California. She also lived in Las Vegas, Nevada at one point in time. Her writing is informed by place. Her style has been described as dirty fabulism. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Witness Magazine, the Santa Monica Review and Waxwing, among other places. For more information visit: jenniferloreneritenour.com
Jennifer Todhunter's stories have been selected for Best Small Fictions, Best Microfictions, and Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Pidgeonholes. Find her at www.foxbane.ca or @JenTod_.
Jennifer Wortman is the author of the story collection This. This. This. Is. Love. Love. Love. A recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and MacDowell, she lives with her family in Colorado, where she teaches at Lighthouse Writers Workshop and serves as associate fiction editor for Colorado Review. Find more at jenniferwortman.com.
Jenny Fried is a writer living in California. Her work has appeared previously in Psychoneuroendocrinology and The New York Times.
Jenny Stalter is a writer and former private chef. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Typehouse Literary Magazine, Eunoia Review and Tiny Molecules. She received an honorable mention for the 2018 Anton Chekhov Prize for Very Short Fiction, and her story "Date with Crocodile Girl" is a 2020 Pushcart nominee. She lives in West Texas.
Jesse Hilson is a writer and artist living in the Catskills in New York State. His work has been published in Hobart, Maudlin House, Rejection Letters, Expat, Exacting Clam, Excuse Me Mag, and other publications. He has published two crime novels, Blood Trip and The Tattletales, and a poetry collection, Handcuffing the Venus De Milo. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @platelet60.
Jesse Salvo's short fiction has been featured in Barren Magazine, Pacifica Review, BULL, Tiny Molecules and Cowboy Jamboree. He is an editor and columnist at BULL. His first fiction manuscript is represented by Nordlyset Agency. he lives in Seville, Spain.
Jessi Gaston is a writer and “filmmaker” based in Chicago’s west side. Their poetry has been featured on Queen Mob’s Teahouse and they have an e-book of sorts on Gauss PDF. Their short film, “Black Pill,” is currently in development. Other than that, they spend their time doing nothing and being a lay-about wastrel, and also spelling their name a couple different ways. Find them on Twitter @jejesjesijessi.
Jessica Alexander’s novella, "None of This Is an Invitation" (co-written with Katie Jean Shinkle) is forthcoming from Astrophil Press. Her story collection, Dear Enemy, was the winning manuscript in the 2016 Subito Prose Contest, as judged by Selah Saterstrom. Her fiction has been published in journals such as Fence, Black Warrior Review, PANK, Denver Quarterly, The Collagist, and DIAGRAM. She lives in Louisiana where she teaches creative writing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Jessica Drake-Thomas is a poet and freelance writer, currently living North of Fort Worth. Her work has been published in Ploughshares, Ghost City Review, Grimoire, and Anti-Heroin Chic, among others. Find her here and on Twitter.
Jessica Evans is a Cincinnati native who practices making a home all across the world. Currently, she's working on establishing roots in Washington DC. She's the Associate Editor for Headline Press. Connect with her on Twitter @jesssica_evans.
Jessica Staricka grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota. She majored in Creative Writing at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and earned her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of New Orleans. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Beloit Fiction Journal, Ninth Letter web edition, Hypertext Magazine, and elsewhere. When she isn’t writing, Jessica can usually be found drawing or exploring.
Jessika Bouvier is a writer from New Orleans and Atlanta. Her writing has appeared in Catapult (RIP), Monkeybicycle, Electric Lit, perhappened, and elsewhere. Her work has received support from Georgia Writers and the Fine Arts Work Center. She mostly likes other people’s tweets, @jessikavbouvier.
Jianan Qian and Alyssa Asquith are both recent graduates of Iowa Writers' Workshop with an MFA degree in fiction. Jianan is a staff writer at The Millions, and her works have appeared in The New York Times, Granta, Guernica, among others. Alyssa is originally from Massachusetts. Now sheworks and lives in Iowa City. Alyssa’s stories have appeared in Hobart, X-R-A-Y, The Atticus Review, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere.
Jiaqi Kang is the founding editor-in-chief of the Sine Theta Magazine, an international, print-based publication made by and for the Sino diaspora. Their work can be found in Hobart, Jellyfish Review, and X-R-A-Y. Website: jiaqikang.carrd.co.
Jihoon Park is currently a MFA student at George Mason University. His fiction is forthcoming or published in Spry Literary Journal, MARY: A Journal of New Writing, Wilderness House Literary Review, and elsewhere. He is from San Jose, California. Find him on Twitter @jihoon_park94.
Jillian Luft is a Florida native currently residing in Brooklyn. Her writing has appeared in Hobart, Booth, Pigeon Pages, The Forge Literary Magazine, and other publications.
Jim Windolf has published short fiction in Ontario Review, Five Dials, Sonora Review, and a few other magazines. His humor pieces have appeared in The New Yorker, and his poems in Poetry Motel and Opium. He works as a journalist in New York.
Jimmy Chen maintains his website jimmychenchen.com.
Jinnwoo is the pen name for Ben Webb. An artist, musician and writer based in Brighton, UK. He has published 2 books to date; a collection of 1 and 2 scene plays with cut out paper doll actors titled Little Hollywood (11:11 Press), and a novella POLO (Expat NY Press). He is currently working on his third book, a novel, Pesquero. He has produced 2 solo records, and 3 records with the English Folk band Bird in the Belly (GFM/Cargo Records). His instagram is @iamjinnwoo.
Jo Gatford is a writer who procrastinates about writing by writing about writing. It... kinda works? Sometimes she gets published. Sometimes she wins prizes. She checks Submittable often. So it goes. She is one half of Writers' HQ (www.writershq.co.uk) and tweets about weird 17th century mermaid tiles at @jmgatford. She feels very strongly about puns and Shakespeare. Read more of her work at: www.jogatford.com.
jo unruh is a queer writer from the SF Bay Area. She is pursuing her MFA at Saint Mary's College, and is also a Tillman Scholar. Her work has appeared in Lambda Literary Review, and she has publications forthcoming in The Rumpus and elsewhere.
Jo Varnish, originally from England, lives outside New York City. Her short stories and creative nonfiction have recently appeared, or are forthcoming, in PANK, Jellyfish Review, Pithead Chapel, JMWW Journal, Barren Magazine, and others. Jo is a 2021 Pushcart Prize nominee, has been a writer in residence at L'Atelier Writers for two years, and is studying for her MFA. She can be found on twitter @jovarnish1.
Jo Withers writes short fiction from her home in South Australia. Recent work is featured or forthcoming in Spelk, Milk Candy Review, The Daily Drunk and Best Microfictions 2020. Jo occasionally tweets @JoWithers2018.
Joaquin Fernandez is a recovering filmmaker and South Florida native perpetually tinkering with his first novel. His work has appeared in Okay Donkey, Cotton Xenomorph, Cheap Pop and Pidgeonholes among others. He’s guest edited special issues for Kissing Dynamite and X-R-A-Y Magazine in addition to editing for the Radix Media anthology AFTERMATH. He can be found @Joaqertxranger and joaquinfernandezwrites.com.
Jodi Aleshire is a graduate from Ball State University with a Bachelor’s in General Studies she is slowly coming to terms with because sometimes plans change. She plans on attending film school in the near future. She’s also been published in The America Library of Poetry and The Broken Plate. Currently, she can be found in the Midwest with her partner and on Twitter @stvrwar.
Jody J. Sperling lives in Omaha with Ashley, Silas, Edmund and Tobias. He is a frequent contributor to Bookfox. His work has been featured in Litro, The Moth Magazine, Red Rock Review and elsewhere.
Jody Rae's work appears in Phoebe Journal, The Avalon Literary Review, The Good Life Review, and From Whispers to Roars. She has pieces forthcoming in Sledgehammer Lit and RESURRECTION Magazine. Her work can be found at www.criminysakesalive.com.
Joe Aguilar lives in Worcester, MA. His writing is in Strange Horizons, Conjunctions, and Threepenny Review.
Joe Bielecki is a Grand Rapids Michigan writer who also works in television and radio. He hosts a podcast about writing called Writing The Rapids. His work has appeared in Occulum, Moonchild Magazine, The Ginger Collect, All the Sins, and more. He can be found on twitter @noisemakerjoe.
Joe Cary lives with his family outside of Philadelphia. His work has appeared in One Story and Monkeybicycle and received a Special Mention in the 2020 Pushcart Prize anthology. He test-markets random phrases on Twitter @JoeCary5150.
Joe Kapitan writes fiction and creative nonfiction from a glacial ridgeline south of Cleveland. Recent work has appeared or will appear in DIAGRAM, New World Writing, Passages North and Pithead Chapel. He is the author of a short story collection, CAVES OF THE RUST BELT (Tortoise Books). His miniature labradoodle snores much worse than he does.
Joe Squance's stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Best Microfiction 2019, Atticus Review, Cease Cows, Citron Review, DIAGRAM, Entropy, Necessary Fiction, Trampset, Wig-Wag, and elsewhere. He currently teaches ELA at a small Montessori high school in Oxford, Ohio, where he lives with his wife, their young daughter, and an Aussie mix in red merle.
Joel Allegretti is the author of, most recently, Platypus (NYQ Books, 2017), a collection of poems, prose, and performance texts, and Our Dolphin (Thrice Publishing, 2016), a novella. He is the editor of Rabbit Ears: TV Poems (NYQ Books, 2015); The Boston Globe called Rabbit Ears “cleverly edited” and “a smart exploration of the many, many meanings of TV.”
Joel Tomfohr has an MA in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and an MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College in Oakland, CA. His work is forthcoming in Clockhouse Vol. 6 and has appeared in BULL, Hobart, and others. He teaches Creative Writing and Literature and sells books at City Lights in San Francisco. He lives in Oakland.
John Chrostek is a former bookseller, current remote worker who writes stories and poems. Said writing has appeared in X-R-A-Y, HAD, No Contact, Scrawl Place and plenty elsewhere. Find him on Twitter at @yoncrowstack.
John Darcy is an army veteran from Madison, Wisconsin. A Best of the Net 2020 nominee, he has fiction forthcoming in Conjunctions.
John Jodzio's work has been featured in a variety of places including This American Life, McSweeney's, and New York Magazine. He's the author of the short story collections, Knockout, Get In If You Want To Live and If You Lived Here You’d Already Be Home. He lives in Minneapolis.
John King is the host of the world’s greatest creative writing podcast, The Drunken Odyssey, as featured on “best of ” lists by Book Riot and The Millions. He holds an MFA in fiction writing from New York University, and a doctorate in English from Purdue University. His novel, Guy Psycho and the Ziggurat of Shame, was published by Beating Windward Press in 2019. John’s work also appears in the anthologies 15 Views of Orlando, Other Orlandos, and Condoms and Hot Tubs Don’t Mix, as well as in journals, such as Gargoyle, Burrow Press Review, and Painted Bride Quarterly. He lives in a secret location in the lesser Orlando area with his wife, cat, and a cadre of robot duplicates.
John Milas grew up in Illinois and studied creative writing at UIUC and Purdue. His work appears in The Southampton Review, Superstition Review, Hypertext Magazine, and elsewhere. Learn more at johnmilas.com.
John Pinto is a film lab tech living in Philadelphia. His work has appeared in HAD, Rejection Letters, Back Patio Press, and The Second Bullshit Anthology.
John Waddy Bullion’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in BULL, HAD, trampset, the Texas Review, Hunger Mountain, and Vol 1. Brooklyn, among other fine places. He lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with his family. Visit him online at johnwaddybullion.com.
John Waterfall is a writer living in Brooklyn and a graduate of the New School's creative writing MFA program. A proud father of two cats and one baby girl. His work can be found in Jersey Devil Press, Unnerving Magazine, Pseudopod and others. Look out for his debut story collection, Try Not to Get Discouraged, releasing this summer through Lost Fox Publishing. Twitter @JohnCWaterfall.
Jon Berger lives in Saginaw, MI. His short story collection GOON DOG is forthcoming at Gob Pile Press. He tweets @bergerbomb44.
Jon Conley is a writer and musician from Cleveland. His work has been published or is forthcoming in Hobart, Bad Nudes, Bodega, Hello Horror, Bending Genres, and FIVE:2:ONE. He is co-founder of Long Long Journal and produces and performs music as Beach Stav. Find him online @beachstav.
Jonah Howell is a tattooist in North Carolina. You can find his other writings in Surfaces and (soon) in Waxing & Waning and The Bleeding Heart Nihilist. His collection of poetry and essays, Empathology, will be published in summer 2019 by BHN Books.
Jonah Sheen Tan is a senior at Columbia University who hails from Singapore. This is his first published work.
Jonah Solheim is a writer and filmmaker from Madison, Wisconsin, currently juggling two novels, several short stories, and a soul-sucking day job. You can find film related content on his YouTube channel.
Jonathan Cardew is a writer from Sheffield. He doesn't live there anymore. But he is from there. Find his words in cream city review, SmokeLong Quarterly, wigleaf, and Best Microfiction 2021.
Jordan Clark lives in California and works within the ceramics industry. He has been previously published at Silent Auctions Magazine and can be found on Instagram @y1k35.
Jordan Hayward is based in Manchester and can be found @totoafricaremix. His work has previously appeared in SOFT CARTEL and Adjacent Pineapple and is forthcoming in crag.
Jorden Makelle is a writer and entrepreneur based in the Pacific Northwest. When she's not writing flash fiction or working on her novel, you can usually find her hiking, making music, or hanging out with her spoiled, sweater-wearing Chihuahuas. Connect and read more of her work at jordenmakelle.com.
Jordie Devlin McMorrow is a writer from Ireland. He currently lives in Gdansk with a girl and her mutant Frenchie. He sometimes writes about controversial literature on Substack. https://devlinjordie.substack.com
Joseph Grantham lives somewhere in America. He is the author of Tom Sawyer (CCM Press 2018) and Raking Leaves (Holler Presents 2018). He runs Disorder Press with his sister.
Joseph Haeger is the author of Learn to Swim (University of Hell Press, 2015). His writing has appeared in The Pacific NW Inlander, RiverLit, Hippocampus Magazine, and others. He lives in Spokane, Washington with his wife and sons. You can find him @JoeTurquoise.
Joseph Pfister's fiction has appeared in PANK, New World Writing, Juked, Gone Lawn, and decomP, among others. He is a graduate of the MFA Writing program at Sarah Lawrence College and currently teaches writing at Brooklyn Brainery. Visit him at josephspfister.com.
Joseph Young lives in Baltimore. His book of very short prose, The Thing I Was Trying To Tell You, was released by Publishing Genius Press in June 2024.
Josh Denslow has a short story collection called NOT EVERYONE IS SPECIAL (7.13 Books). Recent stories have been spotted in Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Okay Donkey, and BULL. In addition to wearing matching sweaters with his three boys, he plays the drums in the band Borrisokane and edits at SmokeLong Quarterly. Find out more at joshdenslow.com or on Twitter @joshdenslow.
Josh Olsen is a librarian in Flint, Michigan and the co-creator of Gimmick Press.
Josh Sherman is a Toronto-based writer and Hot Wheels collector. His work has appeared in Hobart, the Los Angeles Review of Books, X-R-A-Y Lit Mag, and many others.
Joshua Bohnsack is the assistant managing editor for TriQuarterly and founding editor for Long Day Press. He is the author of Shift Drink (Spork Press 2020) and his work has appeared in The Rumpus, Hobart, SAND, and others. He lives in Chicago where he works as a bookseller.
Joshua Hebburn recommends Steven Arcieri, Nathan Dragon, and Honor Levy.
JP Sortland has most recently been published in Up North Lit, HCE Review, and Poached Hare. He lives and writes in Brooklyn. You can find him here.
JP Vallières is the author of The Ketchup Factory.
Jude Dexter has published both fiction and poetry in journals like Fiction Southeast, Olney, and North Dakota Quarterly. They can be found on Twitter at @batyehudit
Jules Archer writes flash fiction in Arizona. A Pushcart-nominated writer, her work has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, >kill author, Pank, The Butter, Maudlin House, and elsewhere. She likes to smell old books, drink red wine, and read true crime tales. Her chapbook All the Ghosts We’ve Always Had is out from Thirty West Publishing.
Julia Breitkreutz is a writer from South Carolina. She is currently studying to receive her B.A. in English from Winthrop University. This is her first publication. Find her on Instagram @julia_breitkreutz and @juliabreitkreutz.art.
Julia Meinwald is a writer of fiction and musical theatre and a gracious loser at a wide variety of boardgames. She has fiction published or forthcoming in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, West Trade Review, Bayou Magazine, After Dinner Conversation, and The Iowa Review, among others. Her work as a composer has been in productions across the US and Canada, and the cast album for her musical The Magnificent Seven streams on Spotify, Apple, and elsewhere. www.juliameinwaldwrites.com.
Julia Tausch is a writer living in Toronto. She wrote the novel Another Book About Another Broken Heart and has published fiction and essays in publications such as Hobart, CBC Arts, The Hairpin, and Bon Appetit. She is currently working on a memoir that investigates abledness. Occasionally, she tweets: @juliatausch.
julian castronovo is a writer in los angeles, california. www.juliancastronovo.com
Julie Chen is from San Jose, CA, and lives in Brooklyn. Her poetry and prose is forthcoming/published in Hobart, CHEAP POP, IDK Magazine, and Up the Staircase Quarterly. She also makes pop music as Slime Queen. Her website is juliechen.neocities.org.
Julie Watson lives with her family in St. Louis, MO. Her work has appeared in The Saturday Evening Post, The Summerset Review, and The Citron Review, and has earned recognition in the Writer’s Digest Short Short Story, WOW! Women on Writing, and Erma Bombeck Writing competitions. Julie can be found online at juliewatsonauthor.com and tweets at @julieinthelou.
Julie Zuckerman's debut novel-in-stories, The Book of Jeremiah, is forthcoming from Press 53 in May 2019. Her writing has appeared in Okay Donkey, Crab Orchard Review, Salt Hill, The SFWP Quarterly, Ellipsis, Sixfold, Five:2:One, The Coil, and The MacGuffin, among others. A native of Connecticut, she now lives in Israel with her husband and four children. Find out more at www.juliezuckerman.com or on Twitter: @jbzuckerman.
Juliet Escoria is the author of Juliet the Maniac, Witch Hunt, and Black Cloud. She lives in West Virginia. Find her on Twitter and Instagram or try her website.
June Martin is a writer and comic artist living in Oakland, CA. Her fiction has appeared in Blood Knife Magazine, Dreginald, and New Session. Follow her work at http://www.theworldsgreatestwriter.com.
Juniper Tubbs is a trans* writer living right outside of DC, where she is pursuing an MFA at George Mason University. She has not yet climbed the Washington Monument, but has thoughtfully considered the possibility. Her work has previously been published in Popshot Quarterly, Maudlin House, Honey & Lime Lit, & Furrow Magazine. You can find her on twitter at @JTheo173.
Justin Isis is a Tokyo-based writer, artist and occultist. His works include I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like (Chômu Press, 2011), Welcome to the Arms Race (Chômu Press, 2015), and Divorce Procedures for the Hairdressers of a Metallic and Inconstant Goddess (Snuggly Books, 2016). He has edited a number of anthologies including The Neo-Decadent Cookbook (Eibonvale Press, 2020) and Neo-Decadence Evangelion (Zagava, 2022).
K Chiucarello is a non-binary queer writer living in Brooklyn, NY. They currently oversee submissions for Susie Magazine. Their work can be found at Slaughterhouse, Trampset, Nightbird Zine, Lammergeier and others. They always have approximately 14 photos of sand dunes overtaking homes sitting on their phone at any given time. Twitter quips on writing and gender can usually be found @_kc_kc_kc_.
K Hank Jost is a writer of fiction, poet, and editor born in Texas and raised in Georgia. He believes language is the only remaining commons, and through its meaningful deployment all lost commons may be rendered fresh. He is the author of the novel-in-stories Deselections, the novel MadStone, and is editor-in-chief of the literary quarterly A Common Well Journal–produced and published by Whiskey Tit Books. His fiction and poetry are recently featured/forthcoming in Vol.1 Brooklyn, The Burning Palace, Hobart, and BULL. He is currently seeking representation/a publisher for his newest novel, Aquarium, while he works on his fourth book. He has led fiction workshops at the Brooklyn Center for Theatre Research, writes event reviews for the New Haven Independent, and is the Reviews/Interviews Editor at X-R-A-Y Lit Mag. Residing in Brooklyn with his partner, he reads as much as he can, writes as much as he can, and works as much as he must.
K-Ming Chang is a Kundiman fellow, a Lambda Literary Award finalist, and a National Book Foundation 5 Under 35 honoree. She is the author of the New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice novel BESTIARY (One World/Random House, 2020), which was longlisted for the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize and the PEN/Faulkner Award. In 2021, her chapbook BONE HOUSE was published by Bull City Press. Her short story collection, GODS OF WANT, is forthcoming from One World on July 10, 2022. She lives with her birds in California.
K. A. Polzin is a writer and cartoonist whose stories have appeared in Subtropics, Fractured Lit, Lunch Ticket, and elsewhere, and whose short humor and cartoons have appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Narrative magazine, Electric Literature, and elsewhere.
K. Noel Moore was born in Nashville, raised outside Atlanta, and is currently a full-time college student in Carrollton, GA. She self-published her first book, a 1930s ghost drama titled Undertown, in 2018, and her short fiction has appeared in Vulture Bones and briars lit. She is not and never has been a member of the Communist party, probably. (You can’t prove anything.) You can find her tweeting @mysterioustales, and blogging at theoutlawwrites.tumblr.com.
K.B. Carle lives outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and earned her MFA from Spalding University’s Low-Residency program in Kentucky. Her stories have appeared in Homology Lit., Black Warrior Review, CHEAP POP, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. She can be found online here or on Twitter @kbcarle.
K.C. Mead-Brewer lives in Ithaca, NY. Her fiction appears in Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, Carve Magazine, Strange Horizons, and elsewhere. She is a graduate of Tin House’s 2018 Winter Workshop for Short Fiction and of the 2018 Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. For more information, visit kcmeadbrewer.com and follow her on Twitter @meadwriter.
Kai Ming McKenzie works in the belly of the consumer products branding industry. In the nineties, his stories appeared in Colorado Review, Western Humanities Review, and elsewhere. This is is his first publication in twenty years. He is a graduate of the MFA program in Creative Writing at Syracuse University. You can visit him here or @kaimingmck.
Kailash Srinivasan is a fiction writer living in Vancouver. He was recently selected for the emerging writers mentorship program run by Toronto-based Diaspora Dialogues. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Oyster River Pages, Bad Nudes, Lunch Ticket, OxMag, Santa Ana River Review, Going Down Swinging, Regime, Tincture, Bluslate, and Them Pretentious Basterds and others. He is currently busy working on his first novel.
Kaiter Enless is a writer, researcher and the founder of Logos. He is currently working on a forthcoming novel, Tomb of the Father, and a nonfiction work, Sovereigns of the Outer Dark.
Kala Frances Wahl is an emerging writer from Tennessee. Both her fiction and nonfiction work can be found in the Hair Trigger anthologies. She currently serves as Co Editor-In-Chief of Alien Magazine, and you can keep up with Kala on her Twitter page, @bipolar_cowgirl.
Kami Westhoff is the author of Sleepwalker, winner of Minerva Rising's Dare to Be Chapbook Contest, and Your Body a Bullet, co-written with Elizabeth Vignali. Her work has appeared in Meridian, Carve, Third Coast, Passages North, The Pinch, West Branch, Waxwing, and others. She teaches creative writing at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wa.
Kamil Ahsan has a doctorate in Biology from the University of Chicago, and is currently a doctoral student in History at Yale. He is also a journalist and writer whose work has appeared in NPR, The Nation, the LA Review of Books, The Rumpus, Catapult, and Hobart among others. His work can be found at kamilahsan.com.
Kara Oakleaf’s short stories have appeared in Matchbook, Booth, SmokeLong Quarterly, Pithead Chapel, Wigleaf, and elsewhere. Her work has been selected for Best Small Fictions and the Wigleaf Top 50, and appears in the Bloomsbury anthology Short-Form Creative Writing. She received her M.F.A. at George Mason University, where she now teaches and directs the Fall for the Book literary festival. Find more of her work at karaoakleaf.com.
Kara Vernor's fiction has appeared in Fanzine, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, The Los Angeles Review, and elsewhere, and her fiction chapbook, Because I Wanted to Write You a Pop Song, is available from Split Lip Press. She is the recipient of an Elizabeth George Foundation scholarship, and her stories have been included in Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions, the Best Small Fictions finalists, and Golden State 2017: Best New Writing from California.
Karen Kao writes lyric essays. Her work has been chosen for a 2025 Special Mention by the Pushcart Prize, a 2024 Notable by The Best American Essays, and winner of the 2022 Kenyon Review Short Nonfiction Contest. A native Angeleno, Karen lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where she is at work on her debut essay collection. You can find her at swimmingupsidedown.substack.com and @karenkao5 on Instagram and Bluesky.
Karen Laws has had short stories appear in The Georgia Review and Zyzzyva, among other literary journals, and has a story forthcoming in Wigleaf. Karen is a staff reader for Cagibi (Cagibilit.com). She recently completed a novel set in the High Sierra.
Karina Bush is an Irish writer and artist who lives in Italy. She is the author of four books with the most recent, Rotten Milk, published in 2021 by Tangerine Press. Karina's work has also been featured by the Los Angeles Review of Books, Akashic Books, Expat Press, Fugitives & Futurists, the International Poetry Studies Institute, the Dennis Cooper Blog, and more.
Karris Rae is a fiction MFA/MA candidate at McNeese State University. Her chapbook, We Obedient Children, recently won the 2024 Etchings Press Chapbook Contest in prose. Her short work has appeared or is forthcoming in 100 Word Story, Fourth Genre Magazine, Eunoia Review, Mount Hope Magazine, and Gargoyle Online, among others.
Kate Busatto is 25 years old and separates her laundry. She holds a BFA in Drama from Carnegie Mellon and a Master of Divinity from Yale. Her work has been featured in Five Dials, The Moth, Interim: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics, and Tampa Review. Kate joined the San Francisco Writers Grotto in 2023. She is currently at work on her first novel. She has a website: katebusatto.com.
Kate Faigen's stories have appeared in Flash Frog, Los Angeles Review, Ghost Parachute, and more. You can find her on Twitter: @k8faigen.
Kate Gehan's debut short story collection, The Girl and The Fox Pirate, was published by Mojave River Press in 2018. Her writing has appeared in McSweeny’s Internet Tendency, Split Lip Magazine, People Holding, Cheap Pop, among others. She is nonfiction editor at Pithead Chapel. Say hello @StateofKate and find her work here.
Kate Jayroe is a writer in and from Little Mountain, SC. Kate's chapbook, Parts, was published with Dorsa Brevia Press in 2019. Work by Kate appears in The Fanzine, Hayden's Ferry Review, Joyland, VIDA's Report from the Field, Juked, Vol. 1 Brooklyn and more. katejayroe.com
Kate Lindstedt lives, writes, and teaches in New York City. She is currently an MFA candidate in creative nonfiction at Sarah Lawrence College. Follow her on Twitter @kmlindstedt.
Kate Lohnes is an undergraduate at the University of Iowa. She will graduate in 2020 with degrees in Philosophy and Creative Writing. Her work has been published by The Iowa Chapbook Prize (creative) and Encyclopaedia Britannica (academic). You can find her on Twitter @kate_lohnes.
Kate Shapiro was born and raised in Dallas, TX. She received her MFA in fiction from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She won first place in the Summer Literary Seminars 2018 Fiction Contest. Her work can be seen in Fence, Litro, and Interim.
Kate Tooley is a writer living in Brooklyn with her wife, cat, and a collection of dying houseplants. Originally from the Atlanta area, she is currently pursuing an MFA in Fiction at The New School. Her writing can be found online at Longleaf Review, The Inquisitive Eater, Apocrypha and Abstractions, and newschoolwriting.org.
Katharine Coldiron's books are Ceremonials, Junk Film, and Wire Mothers. Find her at kcoldiron.com or on Twitter @ferrifrigida.
Kathe Koja Kathe Koja writes novels and short fiction, and creates and produces immersive events. Her work has won awards, most recently the Shirley Jackson award for Velocities: Stories, and been multiply translated and optioned for film. Dark Factory is her newest project, an immersive fiction work online and in print. Visit her website.
Katherine Beaman lives in Atlanta, Georgia by way of the Texas Gulf Coast. She maintains and publishes interviews and reviews of art, literature, and music to Commonplace Review.
Katherine Gleason's short stories have appeared in journals such as Alimentum, River Styx, and Southeast Review, and online at Derelict Lit, Gone Lawn, Juked, Jellyfish Review, Mississippi Review, and Monkeybicyle. She won first prize in the 2007 River Styx/Schlafly Beer Micro-Fiction Contest, garnered an honorable mention from Glimmer Train, and has published a number of nonfiction books, including Anatomy of Steampunk: The Fashion of Victorian Futurism (Race Point Publishing, 2013).
Katherine Heath is an essayist and journalist from Saint Joseph, Missouri. She currently lives in Brooklyn, NY and is an MFA candidate in the Creative Writing program at Sarah Lawrence College. For more about this author and her work: keheath.com.
Katherine Osborne is a writer in Massachusetts. She is the editor of Little River and author of Fire Sign. Some of her poetry can be read in Fanzine and Salò Press.
Katherine Plumhoff is a writer. Her story "The Bread of Life" was selected for Best Small Fictions 2024. Her nonfiction has been published in Litro and Off Assignment. Reach her at @kplumhoff or katherineplumhoff.com.
Katherine Tweedle is a pastor’s wife and copy editor living in Philadelphia. She loves to experiment with all forms of fiction. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @kmilltweed.
Kathleen Gullion is a writer whose work has appeared in Esthetic Apostle, Coachella Review, F Newsmagazine, and onstage at various theaters in Chicago. She holds a Master of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She also serves as Assistant Editor at Sundress Publications and is currently based in Houston.
Kathryn Kulpa is the author of Girls on Film (Paper Nautilus) and Pleasant Drugs (Mid-List Press). She is a flash fiction editor at Cleaver magazine. Her stories are published or forthcoming in Okay Donkey, Lost Balloon, Pidgeonholes, Milk Candy Review, and Smokelong Quarterly.
Kathryn M. Barber grew up in the mountains along the Tennessee/Virginia state line, near the Carter Fold. She holds an MA from Mississippi State University and an MFA from UNC Wilmington. You can find her on the mastheads for Ecotone magazine, Press Pause Press, and Southern Humanities Review, and more of her work can be found in The Masters Review, The Pinch, Moon City Review, Door is a Jar, Helen, and elsewhere. Currently, she teaches literature and creative writing at Mississippi State University. Twitter handle: @kathrynmbarber and website: kathrynmbarber.com.
Kathryn McMahon divides her time between the Puget Sound and southwest England. Her prose has appeared in Black Warrior Review, Hobart, Wigleaf, and elsewhere, and she has won flash fiction contests at both Prime Number Magazine and New Delta Review. Find more of her writing at www.darkandsparklystories.com and follow her on Twitter at @katoscope.
Katie Antonsson is a writer and data analyst living in Los Angeles. Her fiction has appeared in The Rumpus and Midnight Breakfast, where it was nominated for the PEN/Robert J. Dau prize. She currently serves as a fiction reader for The Rumpus.
Katie Frank's writing can be found online in Hobart Pulp, Muumuu House, and Spectra Poets. She lives in Queens.
Katie Oliver writes flash fiction, poetry and short stories. She has been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and the Bath Flash Award, and was awarded an honourable mention in the Reflex Fiction Winter Competition. She has further work published in various places including Popshot Quarterly, Molotov Cocktail, Perhappened and Ellipsis Zine. She can be found on Twitter @katie_rose_o
Katie Piper is British and now lives in Wodonga, Australia with her Aussie hubby and toddler. Katie is a nurse-academic and uses creative story work as a teaching tool. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in: Reflex Fiction, The Cabinet of Heed & Virtual Zine Mag.
Kaye Gilhooley is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Flash Frontier and Takahe. She lives by the beautiful Opawaho River at the foot of the Port Hills, watching dogs and their walkers pass by every day. She hankers after a dog of her own.
Kayla Jean lives in Virginia where she is pursuing an MFA at Virginia Tech. Her work has appeared in Hobart, New World Writing, New Delta Review, and Rejection Letters. Find her on twitter @dbtoil
Kayla Soyer-Stein is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she was an Iowa Arts Fellow. She lives in New York City with her husband and a small dog who does not suffer fools.
Kayleigh Shoen’s stories have appeared in [100 word story], Crack the Spine, Milk Candy Review and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from Emerson College, and can be found on twitter at ~whowantssoup
Keef is a writer living in Austin, Texas. His work has appeared in Five on the Fifth, The Cabinet of Heed, and Lost Balloon. He’s on the web at horriblelittlefables.com and on Twitter @keefdotorg.
Keith Dromm is a philosophy professor in Louisiana who writes flash fiction between classes.
Kelby Losack is the author of the hoodrat memoir Heathenish (Broken River Books). He lives with his wife in Gulf Coast Texas, where he builds custom cabinets for a living.
Kellie Rankey is a genderfluid writer from Saginaw, Michigan. Their work has appeared in The Normal School, Tiny Molecules, Wrongdoing Magazine, Michigan Sociological Review, and Portland Review, as well as being longlisted for the American Short(er) Fiction Prize. Outside of the realm of writing, they dabble in wildlife rescue, passively study quantum physics, and frequent estate sales. For more, check out their absurd epistolary poems at https://iceboxpoems.com and tweets @titdance.
Kelsey Ipsen's work has appeared in wigleaf, jmww journal, PANK, Hobart, and Columbia Journal, among others. She lives in France with her husband and half-wild cat. You can find her here: www.cargocollective.com/kelseyipsen and on twitter @felimnn.
Kelsi Lindus is a writer and documentary filmmaker living in the Puget Sound. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Autofocus, Lost Balloon Magazine, Cloves Literary, and elsewhere. She can be found online @kelsijayne.
Kenny Meyer is a Texas transplant who took root in the foothills above LA. He scraped along working in TV, film and software development only to find that retirement is his true calling. Two of his stories have been adopted as online audio dramas for Apartment F Productions.
Kerry Rawlinson was raised in Zambia and still goes barefoot. Because she’s a bloody-minded optimist, and because her first career as an Architectural Designer was way too long, she’s throwing herself into the deep-end of writing & photo-art from her eerie the Okanagan, BC. Work can be seen at EllipsisZine, Spelk, Tupelo Quarterly, among others. You may find her here or @kryrawli.
Kevin Bigley is an actor/writer in Los Angeles. He’s worked on shows such as Sirens, Bojack Horseman, Here & Now, and Parked on Amazon. He’ll also be featured on the upcoming Greg Daniels Amazon show Upload. He’s had previous work published in Maudlin House, Reedsy, and the October issue of Beautiful Losers. You can favorite his lame jokes on twitter @kevinbigley.
Kevin Chesser is a writer and musician whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, drDOCTOR, Press Pause, A Common Well Journal, Lost Pilots, Hobart, Empty House Press, and elsewhere. His first collection of poetry, Relief of My Symptoms, was published in 2024 by Ghost Palace Press. He lives in West Virginia, where he doesn’t fucking drink anymore, isn’t mad about it, and would like to have you over to watch an Orioles game sometime.www.kchesser.comInstagram: @sweat_michaels
Kevin Grauke has published work in such places as The Threepenny Review, The Southern Review, StoryQuarterly, Fiction, and Quarterly West. He is also the author of Shadows of Men (Queen's Ferry), winner of the Steven Turner Award from the Texas Institute of Letters. He’s a Contributing Editor at Story, and he teaches at La Salle University in Philadelphia.
Kevin Hatch lives in California where he rehabilitates neglected stuffed animals at the Pacific branch of the Stuffed Animal Sanctuary. Find him here.
Kevin M. Kearney Kevin M. Kearney's work has appeared in Slate, Stereogum, XRAY, and elsewhere. He's the author of the novel HOW TO KEEP TIME (Thirty West, 2022) and host of SMALL PRESS NITE, a reading series in San Diego. More at kevinmkearney.com.
Kevin Maloney is the author of Cult of Loretta (Lazy Fascist Press, 2015). His stories have appeared in Hobart, Barrelhouse, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, and a number of other journals and anthologies. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Kevin Nolan is a writer. He is at work on a novel.
Kevin P. Keating became a professor of English and began teaching at John Carroll University and Baldwin Wallace University after working as a boilermaker in the steel mills in Ohio. His essays and stories have appeared in more than fifty literary journals. His first novel, The Natural Order of Things, was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prizes/First Fiction Award. His second novel, The Captive Condition, was released by Pantheon Books in July of 2015 at the San Diego Comic Con International. He lives in Cleveland.
Kevin Richard White's fiction appears in Hobart, Rejection Letters, Lost Balloon, The Molotov Cocktail, Soft Cartel, X-R-A-Y, The Hunger, Hypertext and Grub Street among many others. He lives in Philadelphia.
Kevin Sampsell lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works at a bookstore and runs the long-running micro press, Future Tense Books. His writing has appeared recently in Wigleaf, The Elephants, Kolaj Magazine, Interrupture, and apt. His most recent book is This Is Between Us (Tin House Books). See more of his work at kevinsampsell.com and kevinsampsellcollages.tumblr.com
Kevin Zhu (he/him) is a Chinese-American writer and musician from Long Island, New York. His work has been recognized by INKSOUNDS, COUNTERCLOCK, Bennington College, and Scholastic. He is the EIC of The Incandescent Review and has a maltese.
Kieron Walquist is an undergraduate student at Lincoln University of Missouri. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Airgonaut, CHEAP POP, Daily Science Fiction, Ghost Parachute, Gingerbread House, Purple Pig Lit, Vending Machine Press, and elsewhere.
Kim Magowan lives in San Francisco and teaches in the Department of Languages and Literatures at Mills College. Her short story collection Undoing (2018) won the 2017 Moon City Press Fiction Award. Her novel The Light Source (2019) was published by 7.13 Books. Her fiction has been published in Atticus Review Cleaver, The Gettysburg Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, and many other journals, and has been chosen for Best Small Fictions and Wigleaf's Top 50. She is the Fiction Editor of Pithead Chapel. www.kimmagowan.com.
Kion You is a writer based in Korea. His fiction is forthcoming in the Santa Monica Review and The Asian American Writers' Workshop's The Margins, and his nonfiction has been published in the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Kira K. Homsher is a writer from Philadelphia, currently living in Los Angeles. Her writing appears or is forthcoming in Kenyon Review Online, Indiana Review, Passages North, Hobart, and others. You can find her at kirahomsher.com and tweeting @bogcritter.
Kirsti Mackenzie (@KeersteeMack) is a writer and editor in chief of Major 7th Magazine. Her writing has been published in Rejection Letters, trampset, Autofocus, Maudlin House, Identity Theory and elsewhere. Her best work can be found in dive bar bathroom stalls. You can read the rest here.
KKUURRTT is glad you read his thing. He can be found on twitter @wwwkurtcom.
Krista Jahnke is a writer from metro Detroit. Her short fiction is forthcoming in the Northwest Review and Peatsmoke Journal and has appeared in Bright Flash Literary Review. Her journalism has graced the pages of newspapers across the country, including the Detroit Free Press, where she covered the NBA's Detroit Pistons. She lives with her husband, tween sons, and their talkative, geriatric cat.
Kristen Estabrook is a former elementary school teacher and current community organizer in New Haven, Connecticut. She loves coffee and libraries and fall in New England, and has been previously published in 3Elements Review.
Kristen Loesch is an Asian-American writer and aspiring novelist. She placed runner-up in the 2019 Mslexia Short Story Competition and was most recently shortlisted for the Smokelong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction 2020. She tweets @KShaoling.
Kristen M. Ploetz (@KristenPloetz) lives in Massachusetts. Her recent short fiction has been published by Pithead Chapel, The Normal School, Joyland, Atticus Review, Wigleaf, CRAFT, and elsewhere. Her work has been selected for inclusion in the 2020 Wigleaf Top 50, 2020 Best Small Fictions, and 2019 Best Microfiction anthologies. You can find her at www.kristenploetz.com.
Kristen Swan Morrison’s writing has appeared in journals such as the Bellevue Literary Review, Grain Magazine, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Wigleaf. She is at work on a novel and her MFA from the University of British Columbia. Born and raised in the Washington, D.C. area, she now lives in Toronto with her partner and a little dog named Beowulf.
Kristin Cleaveland writes horror and dark fiction. Her work has appeared in Vastarien, Southwest Review, Black Telephone Magazine, and multiple anthologies, including the upcoming The Dark Side of Purity. She is an affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association. Find her on Twitter as @KristinCleaves.
Kristin Garth is a poet from Pensacola who has had a few fever dreams in prose. Her poems and shorts stories have been featured in Luna Luna, SCAB, Anti-Heroin Chic, Drunk Monkeys, Ghost City Press, Occulum and many other publications. Her poetry chapbook Pink Plastic House is available here. Follow her sonnets, socks and secrets on Twitter: @lolaandjolie and her website.
Kristin LaFollette is a PhD candidate at Bowling Green State University. Her work was featured in the 2017 anthology Ohio’s Best Emerging Poets, and her chapbook Body Parts was published by GFT Press in March 2018. She currently lives in northwest Ohio. You can visit her at kristinlafollette.com.
Kristin Tenor finds inspiration in life's quiet details and believes in their power to illuminate the extraordinary. Her work has appeared in various literary journals including The Midwest Review, Milk Candy Review, Bending Genres, Emerge Literary Journal, among others. A Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions and Pushcart Prize nominee, Kristin also serves as the flash fiction editor at CRAFT. Find more at www.kristintenor.com or follow her on Twitter @KristinTenor.
Kristina Ten is a Russian-American writer of short stories and poetry. Her work can be found in The Masters Review, Pithead Chapel, Jellyfish Review, b(OINK), and elsewhere. She has been shortlisted for The Masters Review Anthology Prize, longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50, and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. See more at kristinaten.com.
Krys Malcolm Belc is the author of the flash nonfiction chapbook In Transit (The Cupboard Pamphlet) and has had essays in Granta, The Rumpus, Black Warrior Review, and elsewhere, and his work has been anthologized in Wigleaf Top 50 and Best of the Net. He’s the memoir editor of Split Lip Magazine and lives in Philadelphia with his partner and their three young children.
Kwan Ann Tan is a writer from Malaysia, a baby medievalist, and an occasional quartet player. You can find more of her at kwananntan.carrd.co or on Twitter @KwanAnnTan.
Kyle Lung's writing has been published in Iconoclast Magazine and Your Impossible Voice. He earned an MFA from the University of San Francisco. He lives in Palo Alto, CA with his orchid and records.
Kyle Seibel is a writer in Santa Barbara, CA. His work has been featured in Wigleaf, Joyland Magazine, and New World Writing. His debut collection of short fiction, HEY YOU ASSHOLES, will be published by Clash Books in March 2025. His tweets, which have been getting a lot better recently, can be found @kylerseibel.
Kyra Baldwin has been published in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Reductress, and The Squawk Back. She was a SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction Finalist. Find her on twitter @kyra_baldwin.
Kyra Kondis is an MFA candidate in fiction at George Mason University. She is also the proud owner of three (3) small cacti and is the Assistant Editor of So to Speak Journal. Some of her other work can be found in or forthcoming in Matchbook, Wigleaf, and Pithead Chapel, and on her website at kyrakondis.com.
L Mari Harris’s most recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, Tiny Molecules, Crack Spine, Cheat River Review, Trampset Bending Genres, among others. She lives deep in the woods of central Missouri. Follow her on Twitter @LMariHarris and read more of her work at www.lmariharris.wordpress.com.
L Scully (they/them) is a queer writer and double Capricorn currently based in Madrid. They are the cofounder and prose editor at Stone of Madness Press. Find them in the ether @LRScully.
Laetitia Keok is a writer and editor from Singapore. Her work has been published in Diode Poetry Journal, Hobart Pulp and Wildness Journal, among others. You can find her at laetitia-k.com
Lamb is an American writer. lamb.onl
Lana Frankle is a quantum biology postdoc at the University of Calgary working out of the National Research Council in Ottawa. Originally from the U.S., she grew up in the bay area and earned her undergraduate degree from UC Santa Cruz and her Ph.D. from Kent State University, both in neuroscience. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in Cracked, and her creative short fiction has appeared in Witchcraft Magazine, Back Patio Press, and Chrome Baby. Her first short story collection, The Dismantling, was published by Gnome on Pig press in 2016. She is currently working on her second collection.
Lanny Durbin lives in Springfield, Illinois, plays in a few bands and drives a Buick. His work has appeared in Hobart Pulp, Maudlin House and *82 Review, among others. He can be found on Twitter @LannyDurbin.
Laura Eppinger is a Pushcart-nominated writer of fiction, poetry and essay. Her work has appeared at the Rumpus, the Toast, and elsewhere. She’s the managing editor at Newfound Journal.
Lauren Baker is taking a semester off from her Masters in English at New York University to work as an environmental educator. She is passionate about environmental stewardship and conservation. Her first published short story recently appeared in Litbreak Magazine.You can find her on Instagram @boom_mic_operator and Twitter @boommicoperator.
Lauren Barbato's work has appeared in The Hopkins Review, Blackbird, North American Review, Hobart, and Cosmopolitan, among others. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Rutgers-Newark, and currently lives in Philadelphia with her two black cats.
Leah Smolin is the editor of the visual art magazine Rattlesnake. She lives in South Carolina.
Lee Matalone's debut novel, HOME MAKING is forthcoming from Harper Perennial (Winter 2020). You can find more of her work here.
Leigh Chadwick is the author of the chapbook Daughters of the State (Bottlecap Press, 2021) and the poetry coloring book This Is How We Learn to Pray, illustrated by Stephanie Kirsten. Her forthcoming books include her debut poetry collection Your Favorite Poet (Malarkey Books, 2022) and the collaborative poetry collection Too Much Tongue (Autofocus, 2022), co-written with Adrienne Marie Barrios. Leigh’s poetry has appeared in Salamander, Passages North, The Indianapolis Review, HAD, Pithead Chapel, and Hobart. She can be found online at www.leighchadwick.com and on Twitter at @LeighChadwick5.
Leland Cheuk authored of the story collection LETTERS FROM DINOSAURS (2016) and the novel THE MISADVENTURES OF SULLIVER PONG (2015). His stories and essays have been in Salon, Catapult, Joyland and others. Find him at @lcheuk on Twitter and lelandcheuk.com.
Levi Rumata, from Cincinnati, lives and writes in Spain.
Lexi Kent-Monning is an alumna of the Tyrant Books workshop Mors Tua Vita Mea in Sezze Romano, Italy. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, and can be found online at https://www.lexikentmonning.com/
LHC lives in a house and writes.
Liana Meffert is an emergency medicine physician-resident at Medstar Georgetown/Washington Hospital Center. You can find more of her work at Lianameffert.com. All views expressed are her own.
Lily Hackett lives in Shepherds Bush, London. Her writing has featured in Egress and NY Tyrant Magazine.
Originally trained as a cognitive scientist, Lily Thu Fierro spends her days finding meaning in data and her nights making comics or writing short fiction. She is interested in the tensions between individual perception and memory with external realities in our science and technology driven era. Her writing has appeared in LUMINA, diaCRITICS, and INK 19, and her research has been published in journals and conference proceedings related to artificial intelligence, biocomputing, and computational cognitive science. Her first comic, Vessel, which she jointly created with her husband, was published in January 2022.
Lina Lau is a writer from Toronto, Canada. Her nonfiction was the third place winner of the 2019 Prairie Fire creative non-fiction contest, and was longlisted for the 2019 CNFC/Humber Literary Review creative non-fiction contest. Her work can be seen in Hippocampus Magazine, The Citron Review, carte blanche, Little Fiction | Big Truths, and Tiny Essays.
Linda McMullen is a wife, mother, diplomat, and homesick Wisconsinite. Her short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in over thirty literary magazines, including, most recently, Arachne Press, Luna Station Quarterly, Ripples in Space, Write Ahead/The Future Looms Magazine, Drunk Monkeys, Turnpike, and Storgy.
Lindsay Lerman is the author of I'm From Nowhere and What Are You (out in May of 2022 from CLASH Books). Her work has been published in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Entropy, New York Tyrant, and elsewhere. She is co-editor of Black Telephone Magazine.
For more info try lindsaylerman.com and find her on Twitter @lindsaylerman and Instagram.
Lindsey Heatherly is a writer born and raised in Upstate South Carolina. She has words in Rejection Letters, Red Fez, Coffin Bell Journal and more. She spends her time at home raising a strong, confident daughter. You can find her on Twitter: @rydanmardsey.
Lindsey Pharr (she/her) lives in a cabin in the woods outside of Asheville, NC. Her work has appeared in Ghost Parachute, Longleaf Review, Bending Genres, and elsewhere. She's on Twitter @lindsey_a_pharr.
Lindy Biller grew up in Metro Detroit and now lives in Wisconsin. Her fiction has recently appeared at Okay Donkey, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Heavy Feather Review. Find her on Twitter at @lindymbiller.
Lisa Johnson Mitchell's work has appeared in Fictive Dream, Cleaver, and Litro Online, among others. One of her stories placed in the Top 10 of the 2020 Columbia Journal Short Fiction Contest. Another received an Honorable Mention from Glimmer Train and was a Semi-Finalist in the ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Contest. She was a resident at the Vermont Studio Center and holds an MFA from Bennington College. She has a rescue pup named Cornbread.
Lisa Kenway is an Australian writer and doctor. Her short fiction has appeared in Meniscus Literary Journal, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Ellipsis Zine, and The Cabinet of Heed. Find her at www.lisakenway.com or on Twitter @LisaKenway.
Lisa Korzeniowski's work has appeared in Heavy Feather Review, Maudlin House, Neutral Spaces, Pidgeonholes, Bending Genres, and elsewhere. Her fiction was chosen for the Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions of 2020. She lives in Boston, MA and can be found on Twitter @LKorzeniowski.
Lisa Lerma Weber lives in San Diego, California. Her work has recently appeared in Disquiet Arts, Kreaxxxion, Random Sample Review, The Daily Drunk, and others. She is a junior editor and poetry contributor for Versification. Follow her ramblings on Twitter @LisaLermaWeber.
Liwen Xu is a writer from the SF Bay Area. Her work has appeared in Boulevard, The Journal, Waxwing, Sine Theta Magazine, and more. She is a graduate of the Tin House Summer Workshop and an assistant fiction editor at The Rumpus. In her free time, she’s frequently running park trails, exploring new pockets of cities, and curating a haiku food Instagram @bon_appepoetry. You can find some of her work at liwen-xu.com or @liwendyxu on Twitter.
Liz Fyne has degrees in biology and neuroscience, and she spent over ten years working in biomedical research before she turned to writing fiction. She has three stories available in traditionally published anthologies. Additional stories are published in literary and interdisciplinary magazines. You can learn more about her at lizfyne.com. Follow her @lifyne.
LJ Pemberton is a writer / artist whose essays, poetry, and award-winning stories have been featured in numerous literary magazines and online publications. Her novel, STILL ALIVE, is forthcoming from Malarkey Books (Feb 2024). Pre-order here.
Lori Yeghiayan Friedman was born and raised in Southern California and holds a BA and an MFA in Theatre from the University of California, San Diego. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in Post Road Magazine and The Nasiona. You can follow her on Twitter @loriyeg.
Louis Dickins is a 23-year-old writer, actor, and artist from Melbourne.
Lucas Flatt's work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Flash Fiction Magazine, BULL Lit, Pithead Chapel, Maudlin House, and Puerto del Sol, among others. He won the 2016 Larry Brown Short Story award at Pithead Chapel, and teaches creative writing at Volunteer State Community College.
Lucy Zhang is a writer masquerading around as a software engineer. She watches anime and sleeps in on weekends like a normal human being. Recent publications include: Porridge, Ligeia, Ghost Parachute, Twist in Time, MoonPark Review. She can be found at https://kowaretasekai.wordpress.com/ or on Twitter @Dango_Ramen.
Lucy Zhou is a technical writer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her writing has appeared in HAD, Barren Magazine, Rejection Letters, and elsewhere. In 2020, she received an honorable mention for the Felicia Farr Lemmon Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets. You can find her on Twitter @lrenazhou.
Luz Rosales is a nonbinary Mexican-American fiction writer, college student, and horror lover from Los Angeles. Their work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Okay Donkey, Cotton Xenomorph, and Black Telephone Magazine. They are an editor for Lupercalia Press and a prose reader for Farside Review. They can be found on Twitter @TERRORCORES.
Lydia Copeland Gwyn is a writer and librarian living in East Tennessee with her husband and children. Her stories and poems have appeared in Elm Leaves Journal, the Florida Review, JMWW, Glimmer Train and elsewhere. Her book of flash fictions, Tiny Doors, is available from Another New Calligraphy.
Lynn Mundell's writing has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Booth, Five Points, and elsewhere, including the W.W. Norton anthology New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction. Her piece from Tin House earned first place in the 2019 Lascaux Prize in Creative Nonfiction and her flash fiction has been recognized in the annual Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions lists between 2017 and 2020. Lynn is co-editor of 100 Word Story and its anthology Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story (Outpost19). Her chapbook Let Our Bodies Be Returned to Us is out this year from Yemassee.
Łukasz Drobnik's writing has been published or is forthcoming in Quarterly West, Lighthouse, Bare Fiction, SHARKPACK Annual, Mojave Heart Review, Cartridge Lit, Foglifter and elsewhere. He has written two novellas in his native Polish, “Nocturine” and “Cunninghamella” (Forma, 2011). An English version of “Nocturine” is forthcoming in 2019 from Fathom Books. You can find him on Twitter @drobnik.
M. C. Zendejas is a fiction writer from Texas. He is currently studying creative writing at the University of Houston. His work is featured or forthcoming in Your Impossible Voice, Contemporary Collective Magazine, and Z Publishing’s Anthology: Texas’s Best Emerging Poets. He likes candy corn, museums, and slamming brutal death metal.
M.A. Boswell is a 2021 graduate of the MFA in Writing program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. M.A.'s work appears or is forthcoming in BULL, Taco Bell Quarterly Vol. 6, JMWW, and Hobart, and her fiction has been nominated for Best of the Net. She is a flash CNF editor for The Good Life Review. Find her on X or TikTok @ma_boswell.
M.C. Schmidt's fiction has appeared, or is forthcoming, in EVENT, BULL, New World Writing, Spectrum Literary Journal, and elsewhere. He is the author of the novel, The Decadents (2022, Library Tales Publishing).
M.W. Brooke is a queer writer originally from the American Southwest, now living in Portland, Oregon. Her work has appeared in Atticus Review, CHEAP POP, and Waxwing Magazine. She is on submission with her first novel and hard at work on her second. You can find her at www.mwbrooke.com or @mwbrooke on Twitter.
Mackenzie Moore Mackenzie is a writer and illustrator based in Los Angeles. She always takes surface streets.
Madeline Anthes is the acquisitions editor of Hypertrophic Literary and the assistant editor of Lost Balloon. Her work can be found in Jellyfish Review, WhiskeyPaper, and more. Find her @maddieanthes or see more of her work on Madelineanthes.com.
Magda Phili works as a freelance translator and lives in a hybrid rural-urban area in northeast Italy.
Maggie Dove is a cross-genre Southern writer by way of South Florida. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, JMWW, Drunk Monkeys, Foliate Oak, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, The New Southern Fugitives, Crab Fat Magazine and elsewhere. She is petty and immature, and has many tribal tattoos from the 90s for which she refuses to be apologetic. Her blog can be found at romcomdojo.com and she’s on Twitter @romcomdojo.
Maggie Nye is the former Writer-in-Residence at St. Albans School. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming at Passages North, Pleiades, and SmokeLong Quarterly.
Mallory Smart is a Chicago-based writer, editor-in-chief of Maudlin House, and doer of many other things. She is the host of the literary/music podcast, Textual Healing, and is the co-host of the horror podcast, That Horrorcast. Her new book, I Keep My Visions to Myself, is available now through With an X Books. Her website is here.
Mandira Pattnaik's work appears in IHLR, The Rumpus, The McNeese Review, Penn Review, Quarterly West, Passages North, Contrary, Quarter After Eight, Best Microfiction Anthology (2024) and BSF (2021 & 2024), among others. She serves as columnist, trampset and contributing editor, Vestal Review. Visit her at mandirapattnaik.com
Marc Olmsted has appeared in City Lights Journal, New Directions in Prose & Poetry, New York Quarterly, The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry and a variety of small presses. He is the author of four collections of poetry, including What Use Am I a Hungry Ghost?, which has an introduction by Allen Ginsberg with praise from Michael McClure and Diane di Prima. Olmsted’s 25 year relationship with Ginsberg is chronicled in his Beatdom Books memoir Don’t Hesitate: Knowing Allen Ginsberg 1972-1997 – Letters and Recollections. Find more of his work here.
Marc Tweed is a frequent contributor to NOON Annual and his fiction has also appeared in Hobart, New World Writing Quarterly, Juked, The Normal School, Cleaver, X-R-A-Y, and many other literary journals. His story Mean World was longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50 of 2022. He lives in Seattle, where he works as a technology writer. He is working on a novel and has completed a collection of short stories and poems.
Marcus Ong Kah Ho / 王家豪 is a writer and teacher from Singapore. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in the Adroit Journal, Sundog Lit, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Guesthouse, Washington Square Review, and elsewhere. Read more at www.marcusongkh.com.
Marcus Pactor's short story collection, Vs. Death Noises, won the 2011 Subito Press Prize for Fiction. His work has most recently appeared in The Collagist, South Dakota Review, and Heavy Feather Review. He lives and works in Jacksonville, Florida.
Marietta Morry and Walter Burgess are both Canadian; they translate contemporary fiction from Hungarian. They have translated works by Gábor T. Szántó, Péter Moesko and Anita Harag in addition to those by Zsófia Czakó. Twenty-one of these translations have appeared in literary magazines, including in the New England and Southern Reviews.
Marilyn Hope is a queer writer and visual artist who studied English literature at the University of Denver, where she was a recipient of the Academy of American Poets Prize. Her watercolor and oil portraits were featured in Chapiteux’s 2016 Winter Solstice Art Showcase. In 2019, she received first place in CRAFT’s Short Fiction contest, and was an Editor’s Choice winner for CRAFT’s Creative Nonfiction Award in 2021. One of her short stories was recently published in Mud Season Review.
Marina Flores is a feminist writer and scholar born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She holds a Master of Arts in Literature, Creative Writing and Social Justice from Our Lady of the Lake University. Her work has appeared in The Pecan Grove Review and Dream Noir Literary Magazine. In her spare time, Marina can be found reading, curled up with her doxie, Simba, or sipping on a cup of iced coffee. She tweets her thoughts daily from @marinathelibra.
Marisa Crane is a lesbian writer and editor. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pigeon Pages, Pidgeonholes, Drunk Monkeys, among others. She currently lives in San Diego with her fiancée. She loves wiener dogs, all flavors of aioli, and making Allen Iverson references. Her Twitter handle is @marisabcrane.
Marisha Gene Hicks lives in Austin, Texas. Her writing is found in Gravel, Ghost City Review, and Peach Mag. Tweet at her @cryybaeb
Marissa Higgins is a lesbian journalist. Her work has appeared in the Best American Food Writing 2018 (originally in Captault) and she is a recent D.C. Arts & Humanities Fellowship grant recipient. Her work has appeared in Guernica, Salon, NPR, Slate, Rumpus, Atlantic, and elsewhere. She is working on a novel.
Mark Abdon's stories are forthcoming in The Pinch Journal, Door is a Jar, and others. He was also named a finalist for the 2023 New Letters’ Robert Day Award for Fiction. He hails from Indianapolis, Indiana.
Mark Iosifescu is a writer and musician from New York City. His story "Journey to the Ills" appeared in Echoes of a Natural World: Tales of the Strange and Estranged, published by First to Knock in 2020. He is the co-founder of Pleasure Editions, a small press publisher of avant-garde literature, poetry, translation, and fine art, and he has been editor of the music and artbook publisher Anthology Editions since 2017. His full but not altogether scrutable CV can be found at iosifescu.biz.
Mark Tulin is a former family therapist from Philadelphia who now lives in Santa Barbara, California. He has a poetry chapbook, Magical Yogis, published by Prolific Press, and an upcoming book of stories, The Asthmatic Kid. His stories and poetry have appeared in Fiction on the Web, Ariel Chart, Amethyst Magazine, among anthologies and podcasts. His website is Crow On The Wire.
Mars Girolimon is an emerging writer and hobbyist living in New Hampshire with their wife and two dogs while pursuing a Master's degree in English and Creative Writing.
Marston Hefner is a writer living in Los Angeles. He has a story published by Tyrant Magazine. In his free time he plays backgammon and practices yoga.
Mary Alice Stewart's work has appeared in Washington Square Review, Hobart, and The Nervous Breakdown. An essay of hers has been translated into Italian for Edizioni Black Coffee's website. She is at work on a short story collection. She is from Maine.
Mary Ann McGuigan’s work appears in The Rumpus, Pithead Chapel, and other journals. Her second story collection is due out soon. Her novels, one a National Book Award finalist, are top-ranked by the Junior Library Guild and the NY Public Library.
Mary Dittrich Orth's first personal essay recently appeared in Halfway Down the Stairs. Originally from Alaska, she and her husband Stephen have identical twin sons and live in Seattle with their dog Moose.
Mary Mattingly is a Metro Detroit native who recently graduated from Florida Atlantic University with an MFA in fiction. If her words do nothing but make you laugh, she’s satisfied. Her work has previously been seen in Arcturus and Barren Magazine.
Mary Widdicks is a former psychologist turned novelist and freelance journalist. Her writing has been featured in The Washington Post, Undark Magazine, Salon, Vox, Quartz, and more. Mary is also the author of The Mermaid Asylum psychological suspense series. She is a firm believer in strong, twisted female characters and unhappy endings. Her internet search history is not for the faint of heart. Follow her at: http://marywiddicks.com or on Twitter @MaryWiddicks.
Mason Koa has fiction published or forthcoming in Vestal Review, Flash Fiction Magazine, UCLA’s Westwind, XRAY, and elsewhere. His work has been nominated for Best Microfiction 2024. He is a graduate of the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Creative Writing Program. He is Filipino- and Chinese-American and writes from the Bay Area, CA. He is fifteen years old.
Mason Parker is a writer currently residing in Livingston, MT. He is the former poetry editor of Camas magazine. He holds an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana. His work has been featured in Zhoupheus, Kreaxxxion, and Gods and Radical, among others. Twitter handle: @masonparkerMT.
Matt Barrett holds an MFA in Fiction from UNC Greensboro, and his writing has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, River Teeth, The Minnesota Review, Contrary, Hobart, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Wigleaf, among others. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, two sons, and their very grumpy 12 year old dog named Rudy.
Matt Boyarsky is from Montdale, Pennsylvania. His stories have been in Swamp Ape Review and BULL. He loves YouTube chiropractors and tweets as @yarsknotes.
Matt Kirkpatrick Matthew Kirkpatrick is the author of The Ambrose J. and Vivian T. Seagrave Museum of 20th Century American Art (Acre Books) and Light without Heat (FC2). He's a professor at Eastern Michigan University.
Matt Lee wrote the novel Crisis Actor (tragickal books), and is a founding editor of Ligeia Magazine. Previous writing in SLFFCK, Surfaces, Occulum, and others.
Matt Leibel works as a copywriter in San Francisco. His short fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, Portland Review, Wigleaf, Juked, Quarterly West, and DIAGRAM. You can find him on Twitter @matt_leibel.
Matt Mitchell is the author of The Neon Hollywood Cowboy (Big Lucks, 2021).
Matt Rowan lives in Los Angeles. He edits Untoward and is author of the collections, Big Venerable, Why God Why, and How the Moon Works (Cobalt Press, 2021). His work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in Twin Pies Literary, JAKE, Back Patio Press, Misery Tourism, Mythic Picnic, Beaver Magazine, Maudlin House, TRNSFR, Barrelhouse, Neutral Spaces, Bending Genres, Moon City Review, HAD and Necessary Fiction, among others.
Matt Seneca is a comic book artist from Oakland, California. He is the cartoonist of the graphic novels Affected (2012), 200 Deaf Boys (2016), and The Infinite Prison (2019). His comic books Pure Evil and Phase Eternal are out now and on sale here. Follow him on social media, @mattseneca.
Matt Zbrog is a freelance writer from California who’s been living abroad since 2016. His fiction has appeared in Muskeg Magazine, and his reporting in Euromaidan Press. You can find him on Twitter @Tyler_Says, on Instagram @weirdviewmirror, or in one of the former Soviet Union’s many dimly lit bars.
Matthew Binder is the author of the novels Pure Cosmos Club, The Absolved, and High in the Streets. He is also a primary member of the recording project Bang Bang Jet Away.
Matthew Bookin is the author of Honest Days (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018) and Palace (Ghost City Press, 2018.) He lives in Buffalo, NY.
Matthew Boyarsky is from Montdale, Pennsylvania. His stories have been in Swamp Ape Review and BULL. He loves YouTube chiropractors and tweets as @yarsknotes.
Matthew Feasley lives in Chicago.
Matthew Kinlin lives and writes in Glasgow. His published works include Teenage Hallucination (Orbis Tertius Press, 2021); Curse Red, Curse Blue, Curse Green (Sweat Drenched Press, 2021); The Glass Abattoir (D.F.L. Lit, 2023); Songs of Xanthina (Broken Sleep Books, 2023) and Psycho Viridian (Broken Sleep Books, 2024).
Matthew Licht lives between two worlds, one of which might be the real one. His short story collections The Moose Show and Justine, Joe & the Zen Garbageman (both from Salt Pubs.) were nominated for the Frank O'Connor Award. He is a staff writer for Stanza 251, which includes Hotel Kranepool, his weekly bilingual blog on metaphysical hospitality.
Matthew Lovitt is a drug addict recovering in Austin, Texas. Other works at Soft Cartel and ExPat Press, forthcoming at Back Patio Press and Defunkt Magazine. He spends too much time on Twitter @mrmatthewlovitt.
Matthew Mastricova is the fiction editor of Third Point Press, and their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Catapult, Redivider, The Threepenny Review, and elsewhere.
Max Halper is the author of the books Lamella and The Meadow and the Misread, both forthcoming in 2022.
Mbizo Chirasha is an International Fellow for literary activism and the Vice Presidente de PPDM, Africa, El Movimiento Poetas del Mundo (poetasdelmundo.com). He holds a Certificate of Merit from Directorio Mundial de Escritores through Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura (2018.) and is widely published in more than 35 journals, magazines, and anthologies around the world.
Meeah Williams is a writer and graphic artist from Seattle. Her work has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Otoliths, Uut, Gone Lawn, The Ginger Collect, Former Cactus, Anti-Heroin Chic, Barren, Vulture Bones, Burning Houses, Neon Mariposa, Soft Cartel, Rhythm and Bones, Broken Journal, Philosophical Idiot and Mojave Heart. She tweets @pussy_nagasaki
Meg Favreau is a writer, artist, and filmmaker originally from the birch-fingered clutches of rural New Hampshire. Her fiction, humor pieces, and essays have appeared in publications including The New Yorker’s Daily Shouts, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Real Simple, The American Bystander, MEL Magazine, and Eating Well. Meg currently lives in Los Angeles and works as a screenwriter, most recently co-writing The Twits for Netflix, based on the Roald Dahl book. In her free time, she attaches fake food to remote-control cars.
Meg Pokrass Meg Pokrass is the author of six flash fiction collections, an award-winning collection of prose poetry, two novellas-in-flash, an award winning collection of prose poetry, and a 2020 collection of microfiction, "Spinning to Mars," which won the Blue Light Book Award. Her work has appeared in Electric Literature, Washington Square Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Split Lip and McSweeney's has been anthologized in New Micro (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018), Flash Fiction International (W.W. Norton & Co., 2015) and The Best Small Fictions 2018 and 2019. She serves as Founding Co-Editor of Best Microfiction 2020 and Festival Curator of Flash Fiction Festival U.K. and teaches flash fiction online and in person. Find out more at megpokrass.com.
Meg Tuite is author of four story collections and five chapbooks. She won the Twin Antlers Poetry award for her poetry collection, Bare Bulbs Swinging. She teaches writing retreats and online classes hosted by Bending Genres. She is also fiction editor of Bending Genres and associate editor at Narrative Magazine. http://megtuite.com.
Megan Boyle maintains her site here.
Megan Carlson is a nonprofit communications professional, social justice advocate, and feminist lit-nerd living in Chicago. She holds a master's degree in journalism from the Medill School at Northwestern University, and her creative work has been featured in Hypertext Magazine and Blue Nib Magazine. You can follow her at @MegsCarlson on Twitter, where she mostly re-tweets Chrissy Teigen.
Megan M. Garwood is a write from Detroit, MI, whose essays on art have appeared in publications such as Triangle House and The Wall Street Journal. She is the founding editor of Chalet Magazine and has held contributing editorial positions at Whitehot Magazine and on-verge.org.
Megan Navarro Conley is a Filipina-American writer and alumni of the Jiménez-Porter Writers’ House. Her work has appeared in The Daily Drunk, Mixed Mag, Anime Feminist, and others. She usually talks to the void on Twitter at @fatorangecat_.
Megan Nichols is the author of the chapbook Animal Unfit (Belle Point Press, 2023). Her poems have appeared in The Threepenny Review, Poetry Daily, Plume, and elsewhere. She was a finalist for Write Bloody’s 2021 Jack McCarthy Book Prize and the 2024 Peseroff Poetry Prize. She serves as Managing Editor at Variant Literature. Born and raised in Southern California, she currently lives in the Arkansas Ozarks. https://megannicholswriter.com
Megan Peck Shub is a segment producer at Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Her work has appeared in the Missouri Review, New York Magazine, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Maudlin House, and Schuylkill Valley Journal.
Megan Pillow (formerly Megan Pillow Davis, and writing here as John Torrance) is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a doctoral candidate in the University of Kentucky’s English Department. Her work has appeared in, among other places, Electric Literature, SmokeLong Quarterly, Hobart, Paper Darts, and Passages North. She’s on Twitter @megpillow.
Megan Premo is a longshoreman who lives, works and writes in Portland, Oregon. Her work has appeared in Hobart, and she's grinding away at a novel. She's on Twitter @meganpremo.
Meghan Louise Wagner is a writer based out of Cleveland, OH. She is currently a student in the NEOMFA. Her work has appeared in such places as Jellyfish Review, Umbrella Factory Magazine, and Minola Review.
Meghan Phillips is editor in chief of Third Point Press and an associate editor for SmokeLong Quarterly. Her flash fiction chapbook “Abstinence Only” is forthcoming from Barrelhouse. You can find more of her writing at meghan-phillips.com. She lives in Lancaster, PA, and tweets @mcarphil.
Meghan Proulx is a freelance writer in Northern California. Her short stories have been published in Hobart, Maudlin House, The Emerson Review, and more. She was nominated for a Pushcart, ranked as a Top Humor Writer on Medium, and won a Silver Anthem Award. This is her website: https://www.meghanproulx.com/
Melanie Carlstad graduated from Pratt in 2020 with a BFA in Writing. She now has no idea what to do.
Melanie Czerwinski is a lesbian author living in Delaware. Her work has been published or is forthcoming by The Sucarnochee Review, Dark Ink Press, From Whispers To Roars, Not Your Mother’s Breast Milk, Underwood Press, Reflex Fiction, and littledeathlit. Her Twitter is @mel_czer, but she neglects it.
Melanie Maggard is a Seattle-based flash fiction and short story writer. She has published on Medium, and in 50 Word Story, 101words.org, and The Drabble. She has several stories forthcoming in The Dribble Drabble Review. She lives for champagne, popcorn, and peanut butter. You can find her at www.melaniemaggard.com.
Melissa Benton Barker's writing appears in Tiny Molecules, Five South, Best Small Fictions, and other publications. She co-edits the flash fiction section at CRAFT. Melissa lives in Yellow Springs, Ohio, with her boxer-pit mix, Izzy. They enjoy taking long walks in the woods together.
Melissa Goode's work has appeared in Wigleaf, SmokeLong Quarterly, Whiskey Paper, Split Lip Magazine, Forge Literary Magazine, among others. Her story “It falls” (Jellyfish Review) was recently chosen by Aimee Bender for Best Small Fictions 2018 (Braddock Avenue Books). She lives in Australia. You can find her here and at @melgoodewriter.
Melissa Ostrom is the author of The Beloved Wild (Feiwel & Friends, 2018), a Junior Library Guild book and an Amelia Bloomer Award selection, and Unleaving (Feiwel & Friends, 2019). Her short stories have appeared in many journals and been selected for Best Small Fictions 2019, Best Microfiction 2020, Best Small Fictions 2021, and Best Microfiction 2021. She teaches English at Genesee Community College and lives with her husband, two kids, and spaniel Mocha in Holley, New York. Learn more at www.melissaostrom.com or find her on Twitter @melostrom.
Melissa Reddish's stories have appeared in or are forthcoming from Gargoyle, Raleigh Review, and Grist, among others. She has a collection of stories entitled My Father is an Angry Storm Cloud (Tailwinds Press, 2016) and a novella entitled Girl & Flame (Conium Books, 2017). She has received residencies at Soaring Gardens and the Rensing Center.
Michael Costaris is a writer living in Toronto. His work can be found in The Baffler, BULL and The Toronto Journal.
Michael Czyzniejewski is the author of three collections of stories, I Will Love You for the Rest of My Life: Breakup Stories (Curbside Splendor, 2015); Chicago Stories: 40 Dramatic Fictions (Curbside Splendor, 2012); and Elephants in Our Bedroom: Stories (Dzanc, 2009). He teaches at Missouri State University, where he is Editor of Moon City Press and Moon City Review. In 2009, he was awarded a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Michael Farfel lives and writes out of Salt Lake City, Utah. His work has been published in a number of wonderful literary journals, all of which can be found on his website, MichaelFarfel.com. He also has a novel coming out in 2022 with Montag Press. And tweets sometimes, @onebillionmikes.
Michael Graves is the author of the novel, Parade. He also composed the short story collection, Dirty One. This book was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist and an American Library Association Honoree. His short fiction and poetry have been featured in numerous literary publications, including Pank, Post Road, Eclectica Magazine, Storgy and Chelsea Station Magazine. Follow Michael on Twitter: @MGravesAuthor.
Michael Haller is a writer based in Cincinnati. His fiction has appeared in X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, Across the Margin, and Five on the Fifth. His play "The Life of Douggie Campbell," staged in Los Angeles in 1991, starred Jack Black before he was famous.
Michael Harper is a MFA candidate at the University of Idaho. Previously he taught kindergarten. His most recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Hobart, Fugue, Terrain.org, The Los Angeles Review, and others.
Michael Harris Cohen’s work is published or forthcoming in various places including Conjunctions, Nobrow Press, Catapult’s Tiny Crimes, F(r)iction, The Dark Magazine, Necessary Fiction and Fanzine. He’s won several writing contests and is a recipient of a Fulbright grant and fellowships from the Atlantic Center for the Arts, The Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation, Jentel, The Djerassi Foundation, The Blue Mountain Center, and OMI International Arts Center. His first book, The Eyes, was published by the once marvelous but now defunct Mixer Publishing. He lives with his wife and daughters in Sofia and teaches at the American University in Bulgaria. Find him online at Michaelharriscohen.com and @fictionknot.
Michael Hendery is a clinical psychologist and professor who lives with his wife and two daughters in New Hampshire. He technically has a Twitter presence @psychmych.
Michael Lehman (@somechampion) changes inexorably as a cloud.
Michael Loveday's hybrid novella-in-flash Three Men on the Edge (V. Press, 2018) was shortlisted for the 2019 Saboteur Award for Best Novella. He is currently completing a flash fiction collection on the theme of secrets. He also writes poetry, with a pamphlet He Said / She Said published by HappenStance Press (2011). More at: https://michaelloveday.com/.
Michael McSweeney is a writer and editor from Massachusetts. His first novel, Heroman, is forthcoming from Expat Press.
Michael Mungiello is from New Jersey and lives in Brooklyn. It’s a wonderful place. Every single second of life is pleasure. You can read other stuff by him in Hobart and Fourteen Hills, among other places. His Twitter is @_______Michael_.
Michael Prihoda lives in central Indiana. He is the editor of After the Pause, an experimental literary magazine and small press. His work has received nominations for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net Anthology and he is the author of eight poetry collections, most recently Years Without Room (Weasel Press, 2018).
Michael Seidlinger is an Asian American author of novels, including My Pet Serial Killer, The Fun We’ve Had and The Strangest. He serves as the social media editor at Electric Literature, a producer for Publishers Weekly, and co-publisher of Civil Coping Mechanisms. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter (@mjseidlinger), and Instagram (@michaelseidlinger)
Michael Seymour Blake eats, sleeps, doodles, watches movies, and occasionally writes stuff in Queens, NY. Find him on Instagram here @michaelseymourblake, or check out his often-neglected website here: www.michaelsblake.com.
Michael Todd Cohen (@mtoddcohen) is a writer and producer living in New York. Work appears or is forthcoming in Stone of Madness Press, The Daily Drunk Mag, and Barren Magazine.
Michael Wade is a writer in North Carolina. He’s also worked as a journalist, critic, research scientist, and biotech exec, among other things. HIs work has appeared in Pithead Chapel, formercactus, The Cabinet of Heed, Easy Street, and elsewhere. He can be found on Twitter @michael_mwade.
Michael Ward‘s work has appeared most recently in The Pinch and The Twin Bill. He lives in Dallas with his wife, daughter, and a furry Maltese. You can find out more at www.michael-ward.com.
Michelle Ross is the author of There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You (2017), which won the 2016 Moon City Press Short Fiction Award. Her fiction has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Colorado Review, Pidgeonholes, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, SmokeLong Quarterly, and other venues. She is fiction editor of Atticus Review. She lives in Tucson, Arizona. www.michellenross.com.
Mieze Zuber is mostly stateless. American by birth, and nothing by choice. She lives somewhere across the big pond and writes because she has to, not because she wants to.
Mike Andrelczyk lives with his wife in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. He is the author of “The Iguana Green City & Other Poems” as well as a book of haiku called “Dissolving.” He tweets at @MikeAndrelczyk. Find more work at neutralspaces.co/mikeandrelczyk.
Mike Barthel writes fiction and music criticism. His fiction has been published in Fatal Flaw, The Offing, Flash Fiction Magazine, and JAKE, among others. He is at work on a book about Miley Cyrus' "Party in the U.S.A." and he lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and three children.
Mike Corrao is a young writer working out of Minneapolis. His work has been featured in publications such as Entropy, decomP, Cleaver, and Fanzine. His first novel will be released in fall of 2018 by Orson’s Publishing. Further information at www.mikecorrao.com.
Mike Itaya lives in southern Alabama, where he works in a library. His work appears or is forthcoming in decomP Magazine, Queen Mob's Teahouse, Swamp Ape Review, Heavy Feather Review, and The Lindenwood Review.
Mike Nagel lives in Texas. Dallas area. His dog is a schnauzer terrier rescue who can perform exactly zero tricks. He recently bought a drum machine.
Mike Thorn is the author of Shelter for the Damned, Darkest Hours, and Peel Back and See. His fiction has appeared in Vastarien, Dark Moon Digest, NoSleep, and elsewhere. His essays and articles have been published in various venues, including The Film Stage and American Twilight: The Cinema of Tobe Hooper (University of Texas Press). Connect with him on X (@MikeThornWrites) and visit his website.
Mike Topp was born in Washington, D.C., and currently lives in New York City unless he has died or moved. Mike Topp is releasing two books this year; The Frontier Index, written with Raymond Pettibon. You can order it here. The other new book is American Air, from X-R-A-Y Books, which has a cover by Aram Saroyan and some drawings by William Wegman. You can order that here. Find him on twitter @MikeTopp.
Mike Vizcarra is an emerging writer and business executive living in Los Angeles with his two boxers, Gretta and Zeus, and working in the Fashion Industry, the strangest of the many places he's visited.
Mike Wilson has had work appear in American Literary Review, Barrelhouse, Lost Balloon, Necessary Fiction, The Rumpus, Variant, X-R-A-Y, and on NPR.
Mila Jaroniec is the author of Plastic Vodka Bottle Sleepover (Split Lip Press) and the micro-chapbook Parking Lot Poems (Ghost City Press). She teaches writing at Catapult and is currently in need of a German Shepherd.
Miles Coombe is a multidisciplinary artist living in London. He is a music producer, songwriter and DJ as well as a visual artist and a poet/writer. He is fascinated by the idea of modern fairy-tales. He often combines the words that he writes with the artworks that he makes. His writings are often based on youth/memory/obsession/loss/nostalgia/folklore and apocalyptic dreams. Find him here or here.
Mileva Anastasiadou is a neurologist, from Athens, Greece. A Pushcart, Best of the Net and Best Small Fictions nominated writer, her work can be found in many journals, such as Litro, Jellyfish Review, Queen Mob’s Tea House, Moon Park Review and others.
Min Mai was longlisted for the 2021 Fractured Lit Flash Fiction Prize.
Miranda González Miranda Divett González holds an MFA from the University of Texas at El Paso and teaches writing at San Antonio College. You can find more of her short fiction in Lost Balloon and Monkeybicycle and additional nonsense on Twitter at @miranda_write.
Miss Unity is the stage name of Mathias Todd Mietzelfeld, an American writer, drag queen, and singer songwriter, and the reigning fifth-place runner up of the annual karaoke contest at the Otsego County Fair in upstate New York. His first book, the essay collection WHO KILLED MABEL FROST? is forthcoming in 2023 from SF/LD Books.
Mitch Russell is a very famous author operating under a pseudonym. His dog is a very famous dog also operating under a pseudonym. You can read their works in Rejection Letters, Maudlin House, Functionally Dead, and elsewhere.
Mitchell Duran is a fiction, non-fiction, poetry, professional ghostwriter, and content creator on Upwork. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University and a BFA from The Theatre School at DePaul University. He has been published in Sterling Clack Clack, Free Flash Fiction, Black Horse Review, Drunk Monkey, The Daily Drunk Mag, The Millions, BrokeAssStuart, and more. He lives in San Francisco, California. Find more work at Mitchellduran.com.
Mitchell Waldman's fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including The MacGuffin, Fictive Dream, Corvus Review, The Waterhouse Review, Crack the Spine, The Houston Literary Review, The Faircloth Review, Epiphany, Wilderness House Literary Magazine, The Battered Suitcase, and many other magazines and anthologies. His fiction has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Mitchell is also the author of the novel, A Face in the Moon, and the story collection, Petty Offenses and Crimes of the Heart, and serves as Fiction Editor for Blue Lake Review. (For more info, see his website at http://mitchwaldman.homestead.com).
MJ McGinn received his MFA from Adelphi University and was a VCCA resident in 2019. His work has been named to the Wigleaf 50 best very short stories and has previously appeared in the Guernica/PEN flash series, New Flash Fiction Review, Firewords, Bridge Eight, and elsewhere. He lives and teaches in Philadelphia.
MK Sturdevant is a philosophy instructor and freelance editor in the Chicago area. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Orion, Newfound, Kestrel, Alluvian, Lily Poetry Review, NUNUM, and elsewhere. She is a fiction reader for the Maine Review, and sometimes tweets @mksturdevant.
Moisés R. Delgado is a Latinx writer from the Midwest and an MFA candidate at the University of Arizona. His prose appears in or is forthcoming from Lost Balloon Mag, The Pinch, Puerto del Sol, Passages North, Pidgeonholes, Homology Lit, and elsewhere. When not writing, Moisés can be found dancing on the moon.
Molly Montgomery lives in Davis, California. Originally from Oakland, she received a B.A. in English and French from UCLA and an M.A. in Creative Writing from UC Davis. Her work has been published in Entropy Mag. You can find her on twitter @mollywritesalot.
Molly Wadzeck Kraus's work has been published in Arkana Mag, Red Ogre Review, and Papeachu Press, among others. Her creative nonfiction, an Editor's Choice Award winner, was nominated for a Best of the Net award by Arkana in 2022.
Monica Dickson is a short fiction writer from Leeds, UK. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Spelk, Dear Damsels, jmww, Anti-Heroin Chic and other places. She has longlisted for the Reflex Flash Fiction competition and Bath Flash Fiction award, shortlisted for the TSS Flash 400, and won the 2019 Northern Short Story Festival Flash Fiction Slam. Her story 'Receipts' was selected for the inaugural Best of British and Irish Flash Fiction list (BIFFY50). She tweets @Mon_Dickson and blogs at writingandthelike.wordpress.com.
Monroe Lawrence is a teacher and poet born on Vancouver Island, Canada. Their childhood and most of their life were spent on ancestral and unceded Pentlatch, Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh territories. Past writing has appeared in Best American Experimental Writing, The Brooklyn Review, The Capilano Review, Flag + Void, and Prelude. They live in Rhode Island on ancestral Narragansett and Wampanoag lands with their partner and cat. They are the author of About to Be Young with The Elephants Press.
Mordecai Martin is a 5th generation New Yorker who has lived in Jerusalem and Mexico City. He currently lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Atenea and Pharaoh-Let-My-People-Go the cat. He misses a dog of velvet brown eyes, with golden fur, who loved him through long and darkened years, who smelled like death and dug through a whole couch. Her name was Lucky. His work appears in Sortes, Gone Lawn, Toho Journal, the Daily Drunk, and the Bitchin' Kitsch. He blogs at http://www.mordecaimartin.net and tweets @mordecaipmartin.
Myles Zavelo lives in New York.
Myna Chang (she/her) is the author of The Potential of Radio and Rain. Her writing has been selected for Flash Fiction America (W. W. Norton), Best Small Fictions, and CRAFT. She has won the Lascaux Prize in Creative Nonfiction and the New Millennium Award in Flash Fiction. She hosts the Electric Sheep speculative fiction reading series. See more at MynaChang.com or @MynaChang.
Nat Baldwin is a double bassist, composer, improviser, and songwriter from Maine, currently living in Western Mass. He's released several solo and collaborative works and runs the experimental music label Tripticks Tapes. The Red Barn is his first book. The audio version was released in the spring of 2022.
Natalie Warther Natalie is a senior writer at 72andSunny and a prose reader for GASHER Journal. Her most recent fiction has appeared in Smokelong Quarterly, HAD, and Maudlin House. Natalie lives in Los Angeles. Twitter: @warther_natalie
Nate Hoil crosses the finish line smoking a cigar. He comes in third place every race. You can find more of his work at natehoil.com
Nate Kouri is a writer and filmmaker living in Iowa City, IA. He is currently working on a closet drama and a montage essay. Twitter: @nkouriiii Email: nkouri00@gmail.com
Nathan Cover is a transplanted Texan currently living and working in the city of Chicago. He has two fur babies named Gus and Sheeba that keep him sane and entertained. His first published piece recently appeared in Hypertext Review.
Nathan Dragon's work has been in NOON, The Baffler, Hotel, New York Tyrant, and Fence. He co-runs Blue Arrangements, a publishing project, with his best friend/fiancé Raegan Bird.
Nathan Elias is the author of the chapbooks A Myriad of Roads That Lead to Here: A Novelette and Glass City Blues: Poems. He received an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles where he also served as editor on the literary journal Lunch Ticket. His work has appeared in Entropy, PANK, Hobart, and other publications.
Nathan Grover lives and writes in San Francisco's most beautifully named district: The Inner Sunset. Ahh. He is a part of a collective called The Ghost Paper Archives. The manuscript for his novel, Nineveh, has been a finalist of the New American Fiction Prize and semifinalist for the YesYes Open Fiction Prize. Say hi at http://nathangrover.com/.
Nathan Willis is a writer from Ohio. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Split Lip, Passages North, Necessary Fiction, Cotton Xenomorph, and Lost Balloon, among others. He can be found online at nathan-willis.com and on Twitter @Nathan1280.
Nathaniel Duggan is a former mattress salesman. His work has appeared previously in Hobart, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, and New World Writing, among others. He lives in Maine.
Nayt Rundquist's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Etchings, The Long Road to Spring, and Up North Lit. He is the managing editor for New Rivers Press. Nayt lives just outside space and time with his artist-jeweler wife and their fifth-dimensional dog.
Neal Suit is a recovering lawyer. He has short stories published or forthcoming in Cleaver, New World Writing, Literally Stories, Five on the Fifth, Bandit Fiction, Blue Lake Review, and (mac)ro(mic), among others. He can be reached on Twitter @SuitNeal.
Neil Clark is a writer from Edinburgh. His first story collection, Time.Wow., is out on Back Patio Press in 2020. Find him on Twitter @NeilRClark or visit neilclarkwrites.wordpress.com for a full list of publications.
Neil McDonald lives with his wife and son in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, surrounded by an assortment of black and white cats. His work has appeared in Soft Cartel, The Flash Fiction Press, and the Story Shack.
Originally from Maine, Nell Smith is a multigenre writer and field biologist based in Arizona. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and Environment & Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming. Read more at www.nellsmithwriter.com
Nicholas Claro is an MFA candidate in fiction at WSU and reads fiction for Nimrod International Journal. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, Bending Genres, Heavy Feather Review, Fictive Dream, X-R-A-Y, Necessary Fiction, and others. He lives in Wichita, Kansas.
Nicholas Grider is the author of the story collection Misadventure (A Strange Object, 2014) and his work has appeared recently in Okay Donkey, Five:2:One, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Queen Mob’s Tea House and elsewhere. He can be found apologizing for lots of things at @ngrdr and, as of August 2019, at www.nicholasgrider.com.
Nicholas Russell is a writer from Las Vegas. He has written for places like The Believer, The Spectacle, and wildness, where they don't know that he's 6'7. Other places he's written for do know this and sometimes he thinks that might be why he got the job.
Nick Ekkizogloy is a cat person living in Northern Virginia with previous publications in Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Barrelhouse, Main Street Rag, HAD, and elsewhere.
Nick Farriella's fiction has appeared in Across the Margin and Unsolicited Press. He lives in New Jersey where he works as a copywriter and is the founder of Freedom Through Literature, an organization that runs annual book drives for prisons. You can follow him on Twitter @nick_farriella.
Nick Gregorio is a writer, teacher, reader, husband, hobbyist musician, and teeth-grinder living just outside of Philadelphia with his wife and dog. His fiction has appeared in many wonderful publications, and Maudlin House has released two of his books: This Distance (2018), and Good Grief, a novel (2017). He cohosts a podcast called book.record.beer, loves movies, punk rock, and comics, and buys more books than he has time to read. Drop him a line on social media! Twitter: @mister_nick_ and Instagram: @mister__nick.
Nick Perilli is a writer and librarian living in Philadelphia with loved ones and a Netflix DVD plan. His debut novel, Cul-de-sac, is forthcoming from Montag Press in late 2021 or early 2022. His chapbook 'Child Lucia and Other Library Fabula' will be released by Ethel Press in November 2021. Short work of his can be found in Parhelion, Milk Candy Review, and elsewhere. He tweets @nicoloperilli and spared no expense on his cheap website nickperilli.com.
Nick Plett lives and writes in Los Angeles, CA. His work has appeared in Forever Magazine as well in several defunct or much harder to find online publications.
Nico M. lives in Minneapolis with his two children. He is a second generation Colombian-American with an MBA from Northwestern University. By day he works as a management consultant. This is his first fiction publication.
Nicole VanderLinden’s fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Shenandoah, Pithead Chapel, Jellyfish Review, and MoonPark Review. She's an associate editor at Colorado Review as well as a reader for Ploughshares and the Masters Review. Her book reviews have appeared in Colorado Review, the Masters Review, and the Denver Post, and you can find her on Twitter at @vandanicole.
Nikki Barnhart's work has been published in The Cincinnati Review, Post Road, New Delta Review, Juked, The Rumpus, and elsewhere, and been nominated for Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, the AWP Intro Journals Prize, and a Pushcart. She earned her MFA from The Ohio State University in 2024 and is currently a PhD student at University of Cincinnati.
Nikki Volpicelli has zero literary awards but did win “Best Personality” in her 8th-grade yearbook. (Actually, it was a tie.) Her writing has been featured in Nylon, Glamour, Capsule98, and Vice. She lives in Philadelphia with her two chihuahuas, Gene and Bones, and her human, Eric.
Nikolas Slackman is a writer and performer from New Jersey. He is currently studying at Bard College. You can find him on Twitter @NikSlackman or Instagram @monstermashfanfiction.
Noa Covo is a teenage writer. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Jellyfish Review, Waxwing, and Reckoning. Her microchapbook, Bouquet of Fears, will be published by Nightingale and Sparrow this July. She can be found on Twitter @covo_noa.
Noah Cicero grew up in a small town near Youngstown, Ohio. He has lived in Eugene, Oregon, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Seoul, South Korea and currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. He has a movie made of his first book called The Human War which won the 2014 Beloit Film Festival award for Best Screenplay. He has books translated into Turkish, Kurdish and Spanish. His first book of poetry Bipolar Cowboy was voted one of the best books on Goodreads in 2015. He has many short stories, articles, and poems published at such places as Thought Catalog, 3AM Magazine, Wales Review, and Amphibi.us.
Noemi Martinez is a 1st gen boricua/Chicana queer femme crip poet-curanderx writer, mixed media artist and cultural worker living in the militarized borderlands of the Rio Grande Valley. Some of her work has been featured in Doubleback Review, Resistance and Hope: Essays by Disabled People, Rest for Resistance, Bitch, The Deaf Poets Society, Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines and Stirring: A Literary collection. They are the assistant managing editor at Raising Mothers and send tweets into the abyss at @hermanaresist.
Nora Macleod Nora MacLeod is a writer living in Los Angeles. She lurks from @chanceinh3ll.
Norris Eppes has published fiction, essays, and reporting in Hobart, The Surfer’s Journal, Newsweek, Bitter Southerner, Four Way Review, and elsewhere. He works on summer staff at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and received his MFA in fiction from the University of Tennessee. He's on Twitter @norriseppes.
Oli Johns has had stuff on Spork Press, Nauseated Drive, Expat Press and has a short novel called KRV out with Schism Press. All other work goes on Psycho Holosuite
Oliver Gaywood was raised in Scotland’s rugged north before gradually moving south, culminating with a permanent move to Australia. He’s worked in journalism and digital marketing and began getting serious about penning short stories in 2016. You can find examples of his work on olivergaywood.com or be the first to know what he’s up to by following @olivergaywood on Twitter.
Oliver Zarandi is a writer and editor. His work has appeared in Hotel, Hobart, Little White Lies, Vol 1 Brooklyn and FANZINE. His short story collection, Soft Fruit In The Sun is coming out with Hexus Press this year. He is working on a novel, IDIOTS. Contact him on Twitter: @zarandi.
Olivia Holbrook lives in Oakland, California where she is studying English Literature at Mills College. This is her first creative-nonfiction publication. Her work is heavily influenced by her interest in poetry and fiction. You can find her on Twitter at @moar_loaves.
Omar Hussain is a writer from the San Francisco Bay Area, transplanted to Ann Arbor, Michigan. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ellipsis Zine, Spelk, Dream Noir, the Drabble, the Potato Soup Journal, Fleas On the Dog and (mac)ro(mic), among others. Omar's beta-test novel, The Outlandish and the Ego, debuted in late 2017. It received some praise, remarkably.
Ona Akinde is a Nigerian writer, born and raised in Lagos. Her work has appeared in Oyster River Pages, Arts and Africa, and other publications. She is currently an MFA Fiction candidate in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston, where she serves as an Assistant Nonfiction Editor for Gulf Coast. She is also a recipient of the Inprint C. Glenn Cambor Fellowship.
Pamela Painter is the award-winning author of five story collections. Her stories have appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Ekphrastic Review, Fictive Dream, Flash Boulevard, Fractured Lit, Harper’s, JMWW, Smokelong Quarterly, Three Penny Review, and Vestal Review among others, and in the anthologies Sudden Fiction, Flash Fiction, and recently in Flash Fiction America, Best Microfiction of 2023, and Best Small Fictions 2023. Painter’s stories have received three Pushcart Prizes and have been staged by Word Theatre in LA, London and NYC.
Parker Young's debut short story collection, Cheap Therapist Says You're Insane, comes out today, May 24, from Future Tense Books. His fiction has appeared in Always Crashing, Juked, No Contact, and elsewhere.
Pat Foran can't stop/won't stop singing “Paper Roses” (Slim Whitman version) or that “Write on, brothers, write on! with a Paper Mate® Write Brothers pen” commercial. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tahoma Literary Review, MoonPark Review, LEON Literary Review and elsewhere. Website: http://neutralspaces.co/your_patforan/. Twitter: @pdforan.
Pat Jameson is a writer based in Roanoke, VA. His work has appeared in X-R-A-Y, Hemingway Shorts, SmokeLong Quarterly, BULL, HAD, and Hex, among others. Find him on bluesky @patjameson.bsky.social
Patricia Q. Bidar hails from San Pedro, California, with family roots in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. She is an alum of the U.C. Davis Graduate Writing Program and also holds a BA in Filmmaking. Patricia's stories have appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Sou'wester, Little Patuxent Review, and Pidgeonholes, among other places, and her work has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfiction. When she is not writing fiction, Patricia reads, enjoys nature, and ghostwrites for nonprofit organizations. She lives with her DJ husband and unusual dog in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit her at https://patriciaqbidar.com or on Twitter (@patriciabidar).
Patrick Eades is a writer from Sydney, Australia. He works as a physiotherapist in aged care, and through the years he has found humour to be a much more effective medicine than the exercises his clients regularly ignore. Patrick’s writing has appeared in a number of literary publications and anthologies, both in Australia and overseas, such as ACE III: Arresting, Contemporary stories by Emerging writers, published by Recent Work Press, and The Westchester Review. He also has a blog on Medium.com, where he publishes humour and fiction.
Patrick Reid is a writer.
Paul Beckman is a retired air traffic controller. He was one of the winners in The Best Small Fictions 2016! His latest of 3 collections of flash stories, “Kiss Kiss” ( Truth Serum Press), is available at Independent Book Stores & Amazon. He has been published at Literary Orphans, Matter Press, Spelk, Playboy, Yellow Mama, and Pank. His micro-story was selected for the 2018 New Norton Anthology on micro-fiction.
Paul Corman-Roberts is a finalist for subTerrrain’s annual fiction contest for his short story “The Deathbed Confession of Christopher Walken.” He has appeared in The Rumpus, Buddy, and sParkle and bLink. He’s mostly known as a poet but is the current fiction editor for Full of Crow and the founder of the Beast Crawl Literary Fest in his hometown of Oakland CA. His latest collection of poems is We Shoot Typewriters from Nomadic Press.
Paul Curran's novel Left Hand was published by CCM in 2014. Pieces from Bubblegum’s Funeral, a collaboration with visual artist Marc Hulson, have appeared in galleries across London and Paris. Paul currently lives in Tokyo and is slowly assembling a J-novel.
Paul Nevin is a London-born and based author of short fiction. His work has appeared in Fictive Dream, Idle Ink and Vamp Cat Magazine. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @paulnevin.
Paul Rousseau is a disabled writer from Minnesota. His work has appeared in Roxane Gay's The Audacity, Catapult, and Wigleaf. You can follow him on Twitter @Paulwrites7.
Paul Ruta lives in Hong Kong with his wife and a geriatric tabby called Zazu, though by the time you read this they will probably have moved to London. Recent work in Scrawl Place, Ghost Parachute, Litro, Truffle and Anti-Heroin Chic. He reads for No Contact magazine.
Paula Gil-Ordoñez Gomez is a Mexican-Spanish-American writer based in Brooklyn. She works as a narrative strategist at a social impact agency, and as the Social Media & Membership Manager for Brooklyn Poets. Her writing has been published or is forthcoming in HAD, Variant Lit, Rejection Letters, and Heavy Feather Review, among others. Say hi on Twitter @paulagilordonez and find more of her work at paulagilordonezgomez.com.
Paweł Markiewicz was born in 1983 in Poland (Siemiatycze). He published his English haikus as well as short poems in some literary magazines, including Ginyu (Tokyo), Atlas Poetica (U.S.), and The Cherita (U.K.). Recently, he has published some poems in Taj Mahal Review (India) and Better Than Starbucks (U.S.). He has also published poems and and prose at Blog Nostics, to wit: short prose entitled The Druid. Paweł has published more than fifty German-language poems in Germany and Austria and three Polish-language chapbooks in Poland.
Peter Krumbach lives and writes in Southern California. His new collection “Degrees of Romance,” the winner of the 2022 Antivenom Poetry Award, will be published by Elixir Press in 2023.
Phebe Jewell's recent work appears or is forthcoming in Monkeybicycle, Spelk, Ellipsis Zine, New Flash Fiction Review, Crack the Spine, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and The Cabinet of Heed. A teacher at Seattle Central College, she also volunteers for the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound, a nonprofit providing college courses for women in prison.
Philip Webb-Gregg is a lisping poet and a dyslexic writer who takes great pleasure in publishing strange stories in beautiful places. Some of these places include: Ad Hoc Press, Storgy, The Ogham Stone, The Molotov Cocktail, Flash Frontier, Fictive Dream and Reflex Fiction. His odd plays have been brilliantly stated at Theatre N16, Cambridge Junction, Corpus Christi Playhouse and The ADC. You can follow his antics over at: Philipwebbgregg.com.
Phoebe Billups is an MFA candidate at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan, where she studies and teaches. In her free time, she enjoys reading horror stories, doing crossword puzzles, and exploring the Upper Peninsula.
Pip Craighead was born of Australian blood, but grew up in the shadow of the sun-kissed San Gabriel Mountains of Altadena, California. He dwells now in the forested metropolis of Portland, Oregon, wrote and illustrated the kids' book Little Francis Falls Asleep, and has his first novel The Forest Museum coming out this summer. More info at pipcraighead.com and @pipcraighead
Piper Gourley is a ghostwriter from Houston, Texas. They are published in Glassworks Magazine, Etched Onyx, Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, and more. They are the EIC of The Institutionalized Review. They own an axolotl, Huxley, who loves worms.
Quinn Forlini (she/her) has writing published or forthcoming in The Journal, The Rupture, Milk Candy Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Capsule Stories, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA from the University of Virginia and lives in Pennsylvania.
R. J. Patteson is an author/screenwriter from Toronto and finalist for the Academy Nicholl Fellowship. His other stories can be seen in Ghost Parachute, MoonPark Review, and Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine. He tweets @rjpatteson.
R.E. Hengsterman is a Pushcart nominee, award-winning writer and photographer. He was born helpless and nude and now wanders under the Carolina blue sky. Reach him @robhengsterman and here.
R.S. Powers is a PhD candidate at Florida State University. His work has appeared in Glimmer Train and World Literature Today and other journals. He is working on a novel.
Rachael Marie Walker is a Seattle writer who learned to love words and music in the weeds of Virginia.
Rachel Attias hails from the Hudson River Valley of New York but has been slowly creeping west for several years. Her writing has appeared in The Portland Review, [PANK], n+1, Porter House Review, and more. A recipient of a residency at Hedgebrook, she holds an MFA from Oregon State University and is at work on her first novel and a collection of stories.
Rachel Dorn is a writer working in the healthcare field and residing in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Rachel L.E. Klammer is a PhD candidate in fiction with a secondary in film at Oklahoma State University. She is a queer writer interested in the intersections between queer identity, media, and nature. In the summers, she spends her time traveling to whatever national parks she can. Her previous work has appeared in Natural Bridge.
Rachel Laverdiere writes, pots and teaches in her little house on the Canadian prairies. She is CNF editor at Atticus Review and the creator of Hone & Polish Your Writing. Find Rachel's prose in Atlas and Alice, Bending Genres, The Citron Review and other fine journals. In 2020, her CNF made The Wigleaf Top 50 and was nominated for Best of the Net. For more, visit www.rachellaverdiere.com.
Rachel Mans McKenny is a writer of fiction, essays and humor, recently published in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Rumpus, Cotton Xenomorph, Split Lip Vol. 2, and The New York Times. Her work can be found on her website and she tweets @rmmckenny.
Ran Walker is a lawyer-turned-writer. He is the author of sixteen books, the most recent of which is a collection of poetry entitled Most of My Heroes Don’t Appear on No Stamp, slated for publication by the University of Hell Press in early 2019. Ran serves on the faculty of the Hampton University Department of English and Foreign Languages, where he teaches creative writing. He can be reached via his website, www.ranwalker.com.
Rasmenia Massoud is the author of three short story collections and some of her stories have been published at places like The Foundling Review, The Lowestoft Chronicle, Literary Orphans, The Sunlight Press, Molotov Cocktail, Flash Fiction Offensive, Big Pulp, and Underground Voices. Her novella Circuits End is forthcoming from Running Wild Press. You can visit her here.
Ravi Mangla's most recent novel is The Observant (Spuyten Duyvil, 2022). His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in The Cincinnati Review, Brooklyn Rail, American Short Fiction, Wigleaf, Salt Hill, and elsewhere. You can find more of his work at ravimangla.com.
Ray Ball grew up in a house full of snakes. She is a history professor and a poetry editor at Coffin Bell. Ray enjoys getting walked by her hound/husky mix twice a day. Her sophomore chapbook of poems Lararium came out with Variant Lit in December. You can find her fiction in Cabinet of Heed, Ellipsis Zine, and Twist in Time.
Rebecca Grace Cyr is a writer from Seattle. Her work has appeared in Blue Arrangements, Muumuu House, Hobart, Maudlin House, and elsewhere. Her instagram is rebeccagracecyr and her twitter is @madamepsycho_ .
Rebecca Gransden lives on an island. She is published at Tangerine Press, Ligeia, Expat, BRUISER, and Fugitives & Futurists, among others. Her books include anemogram., Sea of Glass, Creepy Sheen, and Figures Crossing the Field Towards the Group.
Rebecca Otter studies professional and creative writing at UNCW. She is a poetry editor and designer at semicolon literary journal. She likes the sound of rustling leaves, roads that point towards the sunset, and earthy-toned yarns. You can find her poetry and creative nonfiction in Entropy Magazine, Instant Literary Journal, and Atlantis Magazine.
Rebecca Portela is a writer in New York City. She has a BA in Psychology. Her most recent work can be found in Idle Ink and Beyond Words Literary Magazine (forthcoming). Her cynical idealism is showcased on her twitter @veganbex.
Rebecca Rubenstein is a writer and editor based in San Francisco. She received an MFA in Fiction from the Bennington Writing Seminars, is an alum of the Tin House Writers Workshop, and her work has been featured or is forthcoming in No Contact, Hobart After Dark, Past Ten, and elsewhere. When not writing, she is a Senior Fiction Editor at The Rumpus and the Editor-in-Chief of Midnight Breakfast, and can often be found thinking aloud on Twitter @rrrubenstein.
Rebekah Bergman's fiction appears in Hobart, Joyland, Tin House Online, and other journals. She was a 2018 winner of The Masters Review Anthology Prize. Rebekah is an editor of NOON. Her dog is named Speedy, which might be short for Godspeed. Read more: rebekahbergman.com.
Rebekah Morgan is living in Iași, Romania. He is the author of Blood Burger Parade (2016 Dostoevsky Wannabe), and recent work can be found at New York Tyrant, Faded Out, and Anti-Heroin Chic.
Regina Caggiano is an emerging student writer getting her undergraduate degree in Something Unrelated. Her work has been previously published in The Athena Review, Ember Chasm and others. You can find her on twitter at @reginacaggiano where she loves to connect with other writers and small presses!
Reid Sharpless is a Brooklyn-based writer from Texas. He received his MFA from Columbia, and his short fiction has appeared in The Baffler and earned an honorable mention from the 2023 Zoetrope: All-Story Short Fiction Competition. Read more of his work here: reidsharpless.com. Find him on Instagram here: @near_infrareid.
Rekha Valliappan writes short stories and poetry. A Best of the Net and Pushcart-nominated writer, her works feature in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, Red Fez, Dime Show Review, Ann Arbor Review, NonBinary Review, Aaduna, among other venues. Find her on her website SILICASUN or tweeting @silicasun.
Reza Jabrani writes coarse prose and crude poetry @coarseprose.
Rhea Ramakrishnan is from Baltimore. Her essays and poems have previously been published in swamp pink (formerly Crazyhorse), Ploughshares, and Hayden's Ferry Review, among others.
Rich Giptar was born and raised. Some of their recent publications include Spelk, Daily Drunk Mag and Versification. They tweet @richgiptar.
Richard Goodwin lives and writes in Vancouver, Washington.
Richard Leise recently accepted The Perry Morgan Fellowship in Creative Writing from Old Dominion University. While completing a MFA, he has a novel out on submission, and is completing a collection of short stories. He placed first in SUNY Cortland’s All-College Writing Competition, and has work accepted in Eckhard Gerdes’ Journal of Experimental Fiction.
Richard Mirabella is a writer and civil servant living in Upstate New York. His stories have appeared in American Short Fiction, Split Lip Magazine, wigleaf, and elsewhere. His debut novel, Brother & Sister Enter the Forest, will be published by Catapult in 2023.
Richie Smith is a New York City writer and physician. His work has appeared in ducts.org, 580 Split, Confrontation, The Dos Passos Review, Eleven Eleven, Forge, G.W. Review, and Quiddity. Website: richiesmithwriter.com. SoundCloud: RichieSmith.
Richie Zaborowske is a dad, librarian, and author from the Midwest. He has worked in a cheese factory, metal plating plant, and many other jobs throughout the years. His writing is forthcoming or appears in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Los Angeles Review, Barstow and Grand, Cowboy Jamboree, and others.
Rick Claypool (he/him) is the author of SKULL SLIME TENTACLE WITCH WAR (Anxiety Press, 2024), TENTACLE HEAD (Bear Creek Press, 2022), THE MOLD FARMER (Six Gallery Press, 2020), LEECH GIRL LIVES (Spaceboy Books, 2017), and short stories that appear here and there online, including HAD, Maudlin House, and Back Patio Press. He grew up in the industrial outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and lives in Rhode Island.
Rick White lives and writes in Manchester, UK. His work has been featured in Storgy, Lunate Fiction and Ellipsis Zine among others. Rick is currently working on his first novel and hopes to finish it before he expires.
RJC Smith lives in New York. He has work forthcoming in Post Road. He tweets @RJC_Smith.
Rob Kaniuk has been described as a dropout, a good for nothing junkie and a well rounded waste of potential. He works as a union carpenter in the Philadelphia area and his favorite past-time is sitting on the porch with his niece and nephew, telling stories.
rob mclennan lives in Ottawa, Canada’s glorious capital city, where he is home full-time with the two wee girls he shares with Christine McNair. The author of more than thirty trade books of poetry, fiction and non-fiction, his most recent titles include the poetry collection A perimeter (New Star Books, 2016), and the forthcoming How the alphabet was made (Spuyten Duyvil, 2018) and Household items (Salmon Poetry, 2018). robmclennan.blogspot.com
Robbie Herbst is a writer and violinist based in Chicago. His work has been published at Gulf Coast, Necessary Fiction, RHINO Poetry, and other publications. He is a member of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, and he enjoys the company of his dog, Reba, who is a very good girl. You can read more fiction at robbieherbst.com.
Robert John Miller's work has appeared in Soft Cartel, New Flash Fiction Review, Peregrine, Monkeybicycle and others. You can find more stories at robertjohnmiller.com. He lives in Chicago and is working on a novel.
Robert Julius is a queer writer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His debut chapbook, Death Salon, is out now from Seven Kitchens Press. His work appears in Brevity, cream city review, The Florida Review, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. You can follow him on Twitter @schumaker93.
Robert Long Foreman's most recent books are WEIRD PIG and I AM HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS. He has won awards that include a Pushcart prize, and his short fiction and essays have appeared in Crazyhorse, Agni, Wigleaf, Harvard Review, Kenyon Review Online, and elsewhere.
Robert Warf is from Portsmouth, Virginia. He has work in Post Road, X-R-A-Y, HAD, and Witch Craft.
Robin Zlotnick is a writer, editor, and fledgling potter from New York. She has fiction published in places like Five on the Fifth, Peach Mag, and After the Pause, and she has humor published in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Belladonna, Slackjaw, and elsewhere. You can check out her work at robinzlotnick.com.
Originally from Texas, Robyn Blocker is a writer and teacher in Taiwan. Her short fiction has appeared in Sixfold and The Magnolia Review.
Rodrigo Restrepo Montoya’s work has appeared in Triangle House Review, Joyland, and SPECTRA. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, and is at work on a couple of novels. Say hi @RodrigoResMon.
Rodrigo Toscano is a poet and dialogist based in New Orleans. He is the author of ten books of poetry. His newest book is The Charm & The Dread (Fence Books, 2022). His Collapsible Poetics Theater was a National Poetry Series selection. He has appeared in over 20 anthologies, including Best American Poetry and Best American Experimental Poetry (BAX). Toscano has received a New York State Fellowship in Poetry. He won the Edwin Markham 2019 prize for poetry.
Ron Riekki's books include U.P. (Ghost Road Press), Posttraumatic (Hoot ‘n’ Waddle), and My Ancestors are Reindeer Herders and I Am Melting in Extinction (Loyola University Maryland’s Apprentice House Press). Riekki co-edited Undocumented (Michigan State University Press) and The Many Lives of The Evil Dead (McFarland), and edited And Here (MSU Press), Here (MSU Press, Independent Publisher Book Award), and The Way North (Wayne State University Press, Michigan Notable Book).
Rosaleen Lynch is an Irish community worker, teacher and writer in London with work in various journals, anthologies and placed in a number of prizes and selected for the Wigleaf Top 50 2023, Best Small Fictions 2024 and Best of the Net 2024, with a collection/workbook, 52 Stories: A Toolkit for Readers and Writers, forthcoming from Adhoc Fiction and can be found on 52Quotes.blogspot.com.
Rosalind Margulies was born & raised in NJ & is currently exploring the West Coast. She has work published or forthcoming in EPOCH, StoryQuarterly, Epiphany, The Chestnut Review, Hobart, and elsewhere. You can find her on twitter @rothalind, or on her website, rosalindmargulies.com.
Roseline Mgbodichinma is a Nigerian writer whose works have appeared or in The African writer Magazine, The Hellebore, West Trestle Review, JFA human rights mag, Serotonin poetry, Artmosterrific & elsewhere. She won the Audience Favorite award for the Union Bank Campus writing challenge - Okada books, she is the third prize winner for the PIN food poetry contest and a finalist for the Shuzia Creative writing contest. She is a recipient of the NF2W9 2020 poetry scholarship. You can reach her on her blog www.mgbodichi.com and Twitter @Rmgbodichinma.
Rosella Birgy is a current sophomore at Coe College studying Religious Studies & Creative Writing. Her work can be found elsewhere in The Pearl, Coe Review, and The Claremont Review, among others. She is happy to call Minneapolis home.
Rosie Garland is a novelist, poet, and singer with post-punk band The March Violets. Her work appears in Under the Radar, Spelk, The Rialto, Ellipsis, Butcher’s Dog, Longleaf Review, The North and elsewhere. Forthcoming poetry collection ‘What Girls do the Dark’ (Nine Arches Press) is out in October 2020. She’s authored three novels: The Palace of Curiosities, Vixen, & The Night Brother, which The Times of London described as “a delight...with shades of Angela Carter.” In 2019, Val McDermid named her one of the UK’s Top 10 LGBT writers.
Roslyn James, artist and writer, grew up an Okie, but now lives in the Big Easy. She loves to travel and one day hopes to be able to spend every hurricane season in Berlin.
Ross McMeekin is author of the upcoming debut story collection, Below the Falls (Thirty West, 2024), as well as a noir, The Hummingbirds (Skyhorse, 2018.) His short fiction has appeared in literary journals and magazines such as Virginia Quarterly Review, Shenandoah, Redivider, and X-R-A-Y. He has won fellowships from Hugo House and Jack Straw Cultural Center in Seattle. For the last ten years, he has served as editor of the literary journal, Spartan. You can find him at www.rossmcmeekin.com.
Ruby Zuckerman is a writer living in Los Angeles. Her work has been published in the Beloit Ficiton Journal, Dream Boy Book Club, SARKA Journal, and the Quarterless Review. She works for a wedding DJ company and speaks Yiddish.
Rupert Taylor is from New Zealand. He wrote a film called BEVERLY that screened at one film festival. That’s right, one. He also won a major international screenwriting competition that led to absolutely nothing getting made, but he does have several TV series in development, so you never know. His short fiction has appeared in Hobart, Maudlin House, Points In Case and others, and he currently lives in Sydney, with his partner and his daughter, who likes unicorns and shouting. Find him on Instagram: @open_robe
Ruth Aitken is a fiction writer from Washington, D.C. Her favorite pencils are Ticonderoga.
Ryan Griffith’s fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Flash Frog, Monkeybicycle, Flash Boulevard, New World Writing, Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions of 2012 and 2022, Best Microfiction 2023, and elsewhere. He runs a multimedia narrative installation in San Diego called Relics of theHypnotist War.
Ryan Hall was born in Ogden, Utah, a place that holds the distinction of being where Hal Ashby grew up. He resides in Portland, Oregon.
Ryan Norman (he/him) is a queer writer from New York living in the Hudson Valley. Ryan enjoys swimming in mountain lakes and climbing tall things. He is a contributing editor of creative nonfiction with Barren Magazine. His work has appeared in From Whispers to Roars, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, Black Bough Poetry, Hobart, Maudlin House, and elsewhere. His micro chapbook I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BOND GIRL is forthcoming with The Daily Drunk (2021). You can find him on Twitter @RyanMGNorman or ryanmgnorman.com
Ryan Petersen is a writer based in New York City. He's previously published in Hobart, HAD, Car Crash Collective Anthology, The End Magazine, Expat Press, and Recliner. Follow him on Twitter or Instagram.
Ryan Riffenburgh is a writer from California. He lives in Los Angeles where he is pursuing a BA in English and Creative Writing from UCLA. His work has been featured in The Big One, swamp spit, Westwind Journal, and other publications.
Ryan-Ashley Anderson, a queer, neurodivergent, multidisciplinary artist, writer, and animal lover from the rural south who excavates her personal narrative to explore the politics of sex work alongside ideas of temporality, grief, and precarity.
Ryleigh Wann hails from Michigan and lives in Brooklyn, NY. She writes about music for The Alternative, interviews writers for Sundress Publications, and is a copywriter by day. She was awarded an MFA in poetry from the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, where she taught creative writing and served as the comics editor for Ecotone. Her work can be found in The McNeese Review, HAD, The Shore, and Longleaf Review, among others. Follow her on Twitter @wannderfullll or visit her website to read her published poetry, reviews, and prose: ryleighwann.com
Rylie Farr is a fresh graduate student with a passion for short stories. With publication in the past in the Indiana Native Plant Society (INPS) journal, this is her first creative published work. Having graduated with a major in Biology, she can usually be found running around in a field somewhere when not wanting to write about niche, fictional scenarios.
S.F. Wright lives and teaches in New Jersey. His work has appeared in Chiron Review, Steel Toe Review, and The Tishman Review, among other places. His website is sfwrightwriter.com.
S.S. Mandani is a writer, runner, and coffee person from NYC. His work is featured or forthcoming in New World Writing, XRAY, No Contact, and Lost Balloon. He holds and MFA in Creative Writing from The New School. Equal parts Murakami and Calvino, his novel-in-progress explores Sufi mysticism to tell the story of how a climate world war brings together a dysfunctional family of jinns spanning a hundred years. It envisions a murky, yet hopeful future. He radios @SuhailMandani.
Sabrina Hicks is a writer who enjoys all points of view and the occasional writing prompt. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Split Lip Magazine, Lost Balloon, Bending Genres, Barren, Matchbook, and other publications. More of her work can be found at sabrinahicks.com.
Sabrina Small writes, hosts the podcast Self Exposure, and runs the book store Tinker and Borrow in Berlin.
Sage Tyrtle's stories have been featured on NPR, CBC and PBS. She's a Moth GrandSLAM winner. Her work is available or upcoming in Pithead Chapel, Bending Genres, and Cheap Pop. She hasn't owned a smartphone since 2014, which is just one of the ways she lives as if it's still the Analog Age.
Salvatore Difalco is the author of two books of shorts stories, Black Rabbit (Anvil Press) and The Mountie at Niagara Falls (Anvil Press). He currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
Sam Berman is a short story writer who lives in Chicago and works at Lake Front Medical with Nancy, Andrew, and Reuben. They are terrific coworkers. He has had work published in The Quarterless Review, Expat Press, Maudlin House, Northwest Review, The Masters Review, D.F.L. Lit, HAD, Hobart, Illuminations, CRAFT, and SmokeLong Quarterly. He recently won Forever Magazine’s Unconventional Love Stories Contest. His work was selected as runner-up in The Kenyon Review’s 2022 Nonfiction Competition as well as a semi-finalist for the 2022 Halifax Ranch Prize and the ILS Fiction Contest. He has forthcoming work in Joyland, Dream Boy Book Club, Rejection Letters and The Idaho Review among others.
Sam Moe is the recipient of a 2023 St. Joe Community Foundation Poetry Fellowship from Longleaf Writers Conference. She has poetry books published or forthcoming from Bullshit Lit, Alien Buddha Press, and FlowerSong Press.
Sam Payne lives in Plymouth. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Spelk, Every day Fiction, Unbroken Journal, Literary Mama and Ink, Sweat and Tears. Find her on Twitter at @skpaynewriting.
Sam Phillips is an author an artist based in San Francisco. His work focuses on humanity while playing with viewpoint and universal truth. He is fascinated by how peoples understanding of existence. His work can be found at sadface4dayze.com.
Sam Pink hates your guts.
Samir Sirk Morato Samir Sirk Morató is a scientist, artist, and flesh heap. Some of their published and forthcoming work can be found in Tales to Terrify, Flash Fiction Online, ergot., and The Drabblecast. Find them on Twitter @spicycloaca and on Instagram @spicycloaca.
Sandra Arnold is an award-winning writer who lives in New Zealand. She has a PhD in Creative Writing and is the author of five books. Her most recent, a flash fiction collection, Soul Etchings (Retreat West Books, UK) and a novel, The Ash, the Well and the Bluebell (Mākaro Press, NZ) were published in 2019. Her flash fiction and short stories have been widely published and anthologized. More here.
Sara Comito is author of Bury Me in the Sky (Nixes Mate). She lives in Florida with some small backyard livestock, two indoor cats, and an indoor-outdoor husband.
Sara Hills has words at SmokeLong Quarterly, Cheap Pop, and New Flash Fiction Review. Her work has been included in the BIFFY50 and twice shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award and the Bridport Prize. Originally from America’s Desert Southwest, she lives in Warwickshire, England and tweets from @sarahillswrites.
Sara Kachelman has published fiction in New South, DIAGRAM, Portland Review, and many other journals. She studies prose and bookmaking at the Independent Publishing Resource Center in Portland, Oregon, where she is assembling her first chapbook. Contact her at sarakachelman.com.
Sara Lippmann is the author of the story collection Doll Palace. Her fiction has appeared in Berfrois, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Split Lip, Midnight Breakfast and elsewhere. She teaches at St. Joseph’s College and cohosts the Sunday Salon. For more: @saralippmann.
Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar is an Indian American. She was born in a middle-class family in India and will forever be indebted to her parents for educating her beyond their means. She is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee and her work has been published online in The Ellipsis zine, Lunch Ticket, Star82 Review, Cabinet of Heed, and also in print, most recently the National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2018. She blogs at Puny Fingers and can be reached @PunyFingers.
Sara Solberg is an MFA candidate at Northern Michigan University. She can usually be found trekking through the woods, procrastinating on all the work she should be doing. Her writing has appeared in Hippocampus, Emerge, Tiny Seed, and elsewhere.
Sara Torres-Albert works for corporate America by day and moonlights as a fiction writer. Her work has appeared in Okay Donkey, Second Chance Lit, and elsewhere. She lives in Philadelphia with her boyfriend and two cats. Find her occasionally tweeting at @saratorresalb.
Sarah Arantza Amador writes about longing, ghost-making, and the endearment of monsters from the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California. Her work is featured in Best Microfiction 2019 and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She tweets @ArantzaSarah and sometimes blogs here.
Sarah Butler is a Brooklyn-based copywriter, regular writer and future educator. Raised on the rural border of Vermont and Québec, Sarah's writing draws inspiration from the people she's met or imagined at home and the other places she's lived – including Montréal, Los Angeles and Chicago. Her work can be found in The Big One, Moral Crema, The Page News, Reductress, Dream Boy Book Club, and Yolk.
Sarah Carriger is the director of the International Writers’ Collective, a Netherlands-based creative writing school. Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, she currently lives in Amsterdam. Her work is published or forthcoming in Post Road and Gulf Coast. Website: sarahcarriger.com
Sarah Carson is the author of several poetry collections, including How to Baptize a Child in Flint, Michigan (2022), winner of the 2021 Lexi Rudnitsky Editor’s Choice Award from Persea Books. You can read more of her work at stuffsarahwrote.com.
Sarah E. Harris is a writer living in California’s central valley with her husband and two unruly dogs. Her work has previously appeared in publications such as SpringGun, Quarter After Eight, and NANO Fiction, where it was awarded the 3rd annual NANO Prize. Find her on Twitter @DrSeharris.
Sarah Freligh is the author of Sad Math, winner of the 2014 Moon City Press Poetry Prize and the 2015 Whirling Prize from the University of Indianapolis; A Brief Natural History of an American Girl (Accents Publishing, 2012), Sort of Gone (Turning Point Books, 2008) and We, forthcoming from Harbor Editions in late 2020. Recent work has been featured on Writer’s Almanac, appeared in the Cincinnati Review miCRo series, SmokeLong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Fractured Lit, and in the anthologies New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction (Norton 2018) and Best Microfiction 2019 and 2020. Among her awards are a 2009 poetry fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and a grant from the Constance Saltonstall Foundation in 2006.
Sarah Lyn Rogers is an NYC-based writer and editor. Her editing credits include award-winning books for Soft Skull Press, essays for Catapult, stories for The Rumpus, and co-editing the anthology Best Debut Short Stories: The PEN America Dau Prize. She is the author of two chapbooks (Inevitable What and Autocorrect Suggests “Tithe”), with work in HAD, The Millions, ZYZZYVA, and elsewhere. Her debut full-length poetry collection, Cosmic Tantrum, is forthcoming from Northwestern University Press/Curbstone Books. For more of her work, visit sarahlynrogers.com.
Sarah MW is a high school English teacher with a BA in Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Oxford. She lives with her wife in the West Midlands of the UK. Follow her on Twitter @sarahmw19.
Sarah Starr Murphy is a writer and teacher in rural Connecticut. Her writing has appeared in december (forthcoming), Qu Literary Magazine, Pithead Chapel, and other wonderful places. She’s a senior editor for The Forge Literary Magazine and eternally at work on a novel. She has two dogs, both alike in stench.
Sarp Sozdinler has been published in Electric Literature, Kenyon Review, X-R-A-Y, HAD, Hobart, Trampset, Lost Balloon, and Maudlin House, among other journals. His stories have been selected and nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions, Best of the Net, and Wigleaf Top 50.
Sascha Belle Nastasi is an actor who writes short fiction. She dislikes tomatoes, and almost attended New York University.
Sasha Brown is a Boston writer with work coming in failbetter, Pithead Chapel, and F&SF. He can be found on twitter @dantonsix and online at sashabrownwriter.com. His dog is named Leo, he's like yay big.
Sasha Tandlich is a native Floridian, and now lives in Los Angeles with her cat. She’s a recipient of the Kasdan Scholarship in Creative Writing.
Saul Lemerond is a dyslexic writer who lives in Madison Indiana where he teaches creative writing at Hanover College. His book Kayfabe and Other Stories was published by One Wet Shoe Press in 2013 and can be found on Amazon. His short stories have appeared in Bourbon Peen, Gigantic Sequins, decomP, Five: 2: One Magazine, and elsewhere. You can find links to many of his stories at his website: saullemerond.com. You can also follow him on Twitter: @saullemerond.
Savannah Slone is a writer, editor, and English professor from the Pacific Northwest. Her work has appeared in or will soon appear in Paper Darts, The Indianapolis Review, Glass: A Poetry Journal, FIVE:2:ONE, Pithead Chapel, Hobart Pulp, and elsewhere. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Homology Lit and the author of Hearing the Underwater (Finishing Line Press, 2019). You can read more of her work at www.savannahslonewriter.com.
Scott Bryan is a copy editor and ‘2018 Writer of the Year’ for Music in Minnesota. He also publishes the online novel/zine Get It Away From Me and penned the screenplay for the independent feature film Drunk. His fiction has appeared in Soda Killers Magazine and Coffin Bell Literary Journal.
Scott Garson is the author of IS THAT YOU, JOHN WAYNE?--a book of stories. His work has appeared via Threepenny Review, Electric Literature, Conjunctions, American Short Fiction, and many others. He lives in Missouri and edits Wigleaf.
Scott Laudati is the author of Hawaiian Shirts In The Electric Chair (Cephalo Press). Visit him anywhere @scottlaudati
Scott Malone lives in Richmond, Virginia. He can be found on his very exclusive, semi-living twitter account: @scottmalone0.
Scott Manley Hadley blogs at TriumphoftheNow.com and is Satire Editor at Queen Mob’s Teahouse. His debut poetry collection, Bad Boy Poet (Open Pen, 2018) is available now. He is bald and has a dog.
Scott Mashlan Scott is a writer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Scott works as a senior editor for New American Press and teaches at a local technical college. His stories have won finalist honors in Glimmer Train's new writer contest and Dzanc Book's Disquiet literary prize, as well as a nomination for Best American Short Stories. F(r)iction, Litro, MAYDAY, Rejection Letters and Necessary Fiction, among others, have featured his work.
SDL can be found online at the website mindofsdl.com, Instagram and on X - @mindofSDL.
Sean Cavanaugh is a writer living in Boston. His work has been published in Heavy Traffic Magazine and the Long River Review. Find him on twitter @DoctorSlop and on instagram at @seandcav.
Sean Craypo is a former bassoon teacher and retired firefighter. He lives with his family in Houston. His instagram handle is @intergalactic.tea
Sean Ennis is the author of CHASE US: Stories (Little A) and his flash fiction has recently appeared in New World Writing, Diagram, HAD, (mac)ro(mic) and Tiny Molecules. More of his work can be found at seanennis.net
Sean Hayes is a fiction writer who lives in Rhode Island. He is really a fiction writer, but Rhode Island isn't really an island. This is an excerpt from his novel, 'Baconeggncheeses.'
Sean Kilpatrick, raised in Detroit, is published or forthcoming at Boston Review, NERVE, New York Tyrant, BOMB, Fence, Columbia Poetry Review, evergreen review, Sleepingfish, VICE, Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora, Black Sun Lit, Spork, The Quietus, Whiskey Island, The Malahat Review, Hobart, Diagram, Vol.1 Brooklyn, LIT. He wrote Anatomy Courses (with Blake Butler, Lazy Fascist Press) and Sir William Forsythe’s Freebase Nuptials (Sagging Meniscus Press).
Sean Littlefield Chumley lives in Chicago and just graduated with his MFA in Writing. He is currently at work on a novel. He'd love to stay and chat, but he has cookies in the oven.
Sean Thor Conroe was born Kamura Sho (香村 翔宇) in Tokyo in 1991. He hosts the podcast “1storypod,” tweets @stconroe, and archives other art at 1storyhaus.com. He lives in Philadelphia.
Sean Williamson is a multidisciplinary storyteller. His debut feature film, Heavy Hands was an official selection to the 2013 Raindance Film Festival (London). In 2018, Sean released the audio series, Blight: Stories in the Key of Decay and Repair. His work has appeared in, or is forthcoming at, Post Road, The Drum, Juked and The Millions.
Sebastian Castillo is the author of 49 Venezuelan Novels (Bottlecap Press). His work has been published in The Fanzine, peach mag, Hobart, and elsewhere. He lives in New York, where he teaches writing. You can find him: @bartlebytaco.
Sebastian Mazza was born and raised in Washington, DC and just finished his BA at Columbia in NYC. His writing has been featured in Reverberations Magazine and on the Ugly Duckling Presse blog. You can follow him @geckocerebellum.
Selena Cotte is a poet/writer/shapeshifter living in Chicago by way of Orlando. Her poems and stories are published or forthcoming in journals such as HAD, Ligeia, Maudlin House & others. She can be found online @selenacotte.
Serkan Görkemli's short fiction has appeared in Ploughshares, Epiphany, Joyland, Foglifter, and Chelsea Station and is forthcoming in The Iowa Review. His nonfiction book Grassroots Literacies: Lesbian and Gay Activism and the Internet in Turkey (SUNY Press, 2014) won the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Lavender Rhetorics Book Award. Originally from Turkey, he has a Ph.D. in English from Purdue University and is an associate professor at the University of Connecticut in Stamford.
Serrana Laure grew up in the mountains of northern New Mexico. She lives in New York City and is currently an M.F.A candidate at Sarah Lawrence College. Her work has appeared recently in Prometheus Dreaming. You can find her on twitter @serranalaure.
Seth Wade is a tech ethicist studying and teaching at Bowling Green State University. You can read his fiction and poetry in publications like Hunger Mountain Review, Strange Horizons, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, HAD, Apparition Literary Magazine, The Cafe Irreal, the Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, The Gateway Review, and now X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine. His work is also forthcoming in hex and BAM Quarterly. You can follow him on Twitter / X: @SethWade4Real.
Severin Wiggenhorn has worked as a Senate staffer, a software engineer, and a technical writer. She is an MFA candidate at Randolph College and lives in Seattle.
Shae Sennett is a writer based in New York. Her poetry has been published by Spectra Poets and Ex Pat Lit Journal. She has written about film and television for Slash Film, Screen Rant, and more. Her debut short film Times Square Love Story is available to screen on NoBudge and her debut play Last Night Was A Play opened with a sold out off-off-Broadway run in 2023. Shae’s aunt recently introduced her to a friend as “between jobs right now” and “trying to be a writer” and it barely even hurt her feelings. She hopes you like the piece—this is her first short story.
Shane Cashman's stories have appeared in The Atlantic, Catapult, BBC Travel, Jellyfish Review, Atlas Obscura, and Penthouse. He teaches narrative studies at Manhattanville College in New York. Many of his previously published stories can be found at www.shanecashman.com
Shane Jesse Christmass is the author of the books:The Sex Shops of Sherman Oaks (Amphetamine Sulphate, 2021)Latex,Texas (Self Fuck, 2021)Xerox Over Manhattan (Apocalypse Party, 2019)Belfie Hell (Inside The Castle, 2018)Yeezus In Furs (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018)Napalm Recipe: Volume One (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2017)Police Force As A Corrupt Breeze (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2016)Acid Shottas (The Ledatape Organisation, 2014).He was a member of the band Mattress Grave and is currently a member in Snake Milker.An archive of his writing/artwork/music/social media can be found at: https://linktr.ee/sjxsjc
Shane Kowalski was born outside of Philadelphia. Currently he’s a lecturer at Cornell University. His work appears or is forthcoming in Puerto del Sol, Electric Literature, The Offing, Hobart, and elsewhere. He’s the author of Dog Understander (Frontier Slumber Press).
Shannon Frost Greenstein is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee, a Contributing Editor for Barren Magazine, and a former Ph.D. candidate in Continental Philosophy. Her work has appeared in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Crab Fat Magazine, Spelk Fiction, Scary Mommy, and elsewhere. She works as a copywriter and freelancer in Philadelphia, where she lives with her children, soulmate, and cats. Follow Shannon on her website at www.shannonfrostgreenstein.wordpress.com or on Twitter at @mrsgreenstein. She can also be Googled.
Shannon McLeod is the author of the forthcoming novella in stories WHIMSY (Curbside Splendor Publishing) and the essay chapbook PATHETIC (Etchings Press). Her writing has appeared in Tin House, Hobart, Joyland, and Wigleaf, among other publications. She’s on twitter @OcqueocSAM & has a website at www.shannon-mcleod.com.
Shannon Robinson’s debut short story collection, The Ill-Fitting Skin, is winner of the Press 53 Award for Short Fiction (forthcoming with Press 53 in May 2024). Her writing has appeared in The Gettysburg Review, The Iowa Review, Joyland, Water-Stone Review, Nimrod, failbetter, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in fiction from Washington University in St. Louis, and in 2011 she was the Writer-in-Residence at Interlochen Center for the Arts. Other honors include Nimrod’s Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction, grants from the Elizabeth George Foundation and the Canada Council for the Arts, a Hedgebrook Fellowship, a Sewanee Scholarship, and an Independent Artist Award from the Maryland Arts Council. She teaches creative writing at Johns Hopkins University and lives in Baltimore with her husband and son. www.shannonrobinson.org
Shannon St. Hilaire is a content writer at Airbnb. She serves on the board of directors for an arts organization, The People’s Colloquium, and is an editor of their anthology. Previously, she interned at Tin House Books and wrote for The Fig Tree, a social justice newspaper. Her creative writing has been published in VoiceCatcher and Reflection. Her website can be found at www.shannonsthilaire.com.
Sharon Dale Wexler's teaching and writing have been awarded fellowships from The Cullman Center Institute for Teachers, New Visions, and The New York Times. Her fiction has been published or is forthcoming from Ginosko Literary Journal, New World Review, Addiction/Recovery Anthology, Madness Muse Press, and Promethean. She is a graduate of the MA Writing Program at City College of New York, The University of Florida and has studied with Gordon Lish.
Shawn Berman runs The Daily Drunk. He is brave enough to admit that the Star Wars sequels rule. Twitter: @sbb_writer.
Shelby Colburn is an emerging writer from Eddington, Maine. She has earned her BA and MA at the University of Maine and will be pursuing her MFA at the University of New Hampshire. Colburn enjoys relishing in the weird, grotesque, and feminist body. She lives with two royal, spoiled cats and a supportive fiancé.
Sheldon Birnie lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with his wife and their two young children. The author of Missing Like Teeth: An oral history of Winnipeg underground rock (Eternal Cavalier), his fiction has recently appeared in Exoplanet, The Wicked Library, Parallel Prairies, among others. Find him lurking online @badguybirnie.
Sheldon Lee Compton is the author of five books of fiction and poetry. His third novel, Dysphoria: An Appalachian Gothic, will be published in the spring of 2019 by Cowboy Jamboree Press. He is now writing his first book of nonfiction for West Virginia University Press, a hybrid work about the writer Breece D’J Pancake.
Sheree Shatsky writes short fiction believing much can be conveyed with a few wild words. She was selected by the AWP Writer to Writer Mentorship Program as a Spring 2018 mentee for flash fiction. Recent work has appeared in KYSO Flash and mac(ro)mic with work forthcoming in Sleet Magazine, among others. Read more of her work along with her adventures with Wild Words here and @talktomememe.
Sherry Morris writes prize-winning flash fiction and short stories which have won prizes, placed on shortlists and been performed in London and Scotland. She lives on a farm in the Scottish Highlands where she watches clouds, pets cows, goes for long walks and scribbles stories. Her published work can be found at www.uksherka.com. Follow her @Uksherka.
Shome Dasgupta is the author of The Seagull And The Urn (HarperCollins India), and most recently, the novels The Muu-Antiques (Malarkey Books) and Tentacles Numbing (Thirty West), a prose collection, Histories Of Memories (Belle Point Press), a short story collection, Atchafalaya Darling, and a poetry collection, Iron Oxide (Assure Press). His writing has appeared in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Emerson Review, New Orleans Review, Jabberwock Review, American Book Review, Arkansas Review, Magma Poetry, and elsewhere. He lives in Lafayette, LA and can be found at www.shomedome.com and @laughingyeti.
Shy Watson is the author of Horror Vacui (House of Vlad). Her work appears in Joyland, Southwest Review, Hobart, New York Tyrant, and elsewhere. Follow her on Twitter @formermissNJ.
Simon Graham is from Sydney, Australia. He tweets at @s__graham
Simon Henry Stein is a writer and composer. His writing has appeared in or is forthcoming from Always Crashing and Electric Lit and can be found at @SimonHenryStein and, sometimes, @not_poem.
SJ Han is a bilingual writer originally from Seoul. He is a graduate student at Georgetown University. His work is published in Smokelong Quarterly, AAWW's The Margins, trampset, Hobart, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. He will one day write a novel.
Socrates Adams lives in Bristol with his wife and young son. He’s the author of two novels, Everything’s Fine (Transmission Print) and A Modern Family (Bluemoose Books). His website is socratesadams.com.
Sofia Banzhaf is a writer, filmmaker and actor based in Toronto. Her novella Pony Castle was the recipient of the Metatron Prize for Rising Authors and can be found here.
Sofia Drummond-Moore (she/her) is a writer born in Santa Fe, New Mexico to park ranger parents and grew up in National Parks around the U.S. She graduated from Knox College with a BA in Creative Writing and has a MFA in Screenwriting from the American Film Institute. Her work is upcoming in Waxwing and has previously appeared in Catch and on the fiction podcast Full Body Chills.
Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez (she/they) is a writer and educator living in Queens, New York. They are a Mexican immigrant, raised in Cicero, Illinois. Their stories have been published in Strange Horizons, Acentos Review, Longreads, Okay Donkey, Reckon Review, Mixed Mag, HAD, and elsewhere. Sonia's writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fiction, and Best Microfiction. Follow them on Twitter @RodriguezSoniaA.
Sonya Lara is a biracial Mexican American writer. She received her BA in Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her MFA in Poetry from Virginia Tech. Currently, she is the Poetry Editor for Minerva Rising and an Editor-at-Large for Cleaver Magazine. Previously, she was the Managing Editor for The New River, the Managing Editor of the minnesota review, and an Associate Fiction Editor for The Madison Review. Additionally, she has served as a juror for contests, such as the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. She was accepted for the Kenyon Review Writers’ Workshop with Leila Chatti, the Juniper Summer Writing Institute, the Hambidge Creative Residency Program, the Peter Bullough Foundation Residency, and the Blue Mountain Center Residency, and was shortlisted for The Eavan Boland Emerging Poet Award and runner-up in Shenandoah’s Graybeal-Gowen Prize for Virginia Poets. Her work appeared in Shenandoah, Ninth Letter, AGNI, The Los Angeles Review, The Acentos Review, and elsewhere. For more information, visit sonyalara.com.
Sophie Ruth is a twenty-two-year-old girl and writer from the Hudson Valley of New York. Her work has been featured in Chronogram, tagvverk, Pouch Mag, and forthcoming, Hobart. You can find more of her here.
Spencer Litmanis an emerging writer in Phoenix where he lives with his wife and two smaller versions of his wife (children). His work appears or is forthcoming in JMWW, Pithead Chapel, Ellipsis Zine, and Riggwelter Press. Find him on Twitter @LitmanSpencer.
Spencer Thomas Campbell writes fiction and plays. His work has been performed in New York City, Providence, and Cambridge, United Kingdom. Two of his plays, Chroma Key and Every Time I Turn Around, were Critics' Picks in Time Out New York. Recently, his writing was featured in the experimental fiction anthology, Praxis (ed. Hodgson, Snajdr, Clarke, Dostoyevsky Wannabe Originals). He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Jaime, and his dog, Whit.
Stella Lei's work is published or forthcoming in Four Way Review, Okay Donkey Magazine, trampset, and elsewhere. She is an Editor in Chief for The Augment Review, she has two cats, and she tweets @stellalei04. You can find more of her work at stellaleiwrites.weebly.com.
Stephanie Gresham is an ex-Floridian living and studying in Portland, Oregon where she lives with her family, a terrier, and a cat named Bird. She enjoys the idea of hiking and the act of eating donuts. Essays and stories in Entropy Magazine, Waxing and Waning, and the forthcoming issue of New South Journal.
Stephanie King is a past winner of the Quarterly West Novella Prize and the Lilith Short Fiction Prize, with stories also appearing in CutBank, Entropy, and Hobart. She received her MFA from Bennington and serves on the board of the Philadelphia Writers’ Conference. You can find her online at stephanieking.net or Twitter @stephstephking.
Stephanie Parent is a graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC and has published essays in the HuffPost, Entropy, and many others.
Stephanie Yu is an attorney and writer. She lives in Los Angeles with her partner Nate. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in carte blanche, Eclectica, Gingerbread House, Heavy Feather Review, and the Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. You can find her on Twitter @stfu_stephanie.
Stephen Meisel is a writer living in Atlanta, Georgia. He has work published/forthcoming in Maudlin House, Heavy Feather Review, and The Southern Review of Books. He can be reached at meiselstephen@gmail.com.
Stephen Mortland lives in Indiana. He’s on Twitter @stephenmortland.
Stephen Woolley is a North Somerset based artist who collages using the photocopied scraps he collects from his day job in a print shop, and draws the places he goes and the things he sees on his day-to-day journeys. He occasionally self publishes art zines, has exhibited internationally and locally, including at Bath’s 44ad gallery, and continually posts his work on Twitter @StephensVolume
Steve Anwyll is the author of Welfare (Tyrant Books 2018) and can be found online @oneloveasshole.
Steve Campbell writes short fiction which has been published in places such as Spelk, Fictive Dream, MoonPark Review, Molotov Cocktail and Flashback Fiction. He’s Managing Editor of Ellipsis Zine and is trying to write a novel. You can follow him via twitter @standondog and his website standondog.com.
Steve Chang is from the San Gabriel Valley, California. He holds an MFA from Cornell University and is a former bassist for Korean band GENIUS. His work has appeared recently in North American Review, The Southampton Review, Jellyfish Review, and Okay Donkey. He tweets at @stevexisxok and his website is, literally, stevehasawebsite.com This story is for SM.
Steve Gergley is the author of four books. His most recent novel, Episode 3328: Ian Sharp, will be published on January 27th, 2025, by Translucent Eyes Press. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Wigleaf, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, Maudlin House, Passages North, Always Crashing, and others. He tweets @GergleySteve. His fiction can be found at: https://stevegergleyauthor.wordpress.com/. In addition to his own writing, he is also the editor of scaffold literary magazine.
Stevie Trujillo writes about alchemy. Her essays have appeared in the NYT, Washington Post, Salon, and Huffington Post. She's currently working on a memoir about driving from California to Patagonia where she turned national scourges like heroin, loneliness, and the American dream into a different kind of gold. (Spoiler: It’s a love story.) You can find her on Twitter @NomadlyInLove and her website stevietrujillo.com
Sudha Balagopal's recent short fiction appears in Pidgeonholes, JMWW, Vestal Review and Nottingham Review among other journals. She is the author of a novel, A New Dawn. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fictions and appears in the Wigleaf Top 50, 2019. More at www.sudhabalagopal.com.
Susan Hatters Friedman is a psychiatrist specializing in forensic psychiatry and maternal mental health. She is pursuing a Master's in Crime Fiction at the University of Cambridge, and has studied satire writing with the Second City. Her recent creative writing can be read in Hobart, Eclectica, and JMWW.
Susan Rukeyser writes fiction but sometimes tells the truth. Her creative nonfiction appears in journals including River Teeth, Mom Egg Review, and Hippocampus Magazine, where she won their inaugural Remember in November contest. In 2018, she created her own imprint to publish 35 contributors in Feckless Cunt: A Feminist Anthology. Now and then she tweets: @SusanRukeyser.
Susanna Baird is a writer and editor in Salem, Massachusetts. Her nonfiction has been published in The Boston Globe and Boston Magazine, among others, and her fiction in failbetter, Across the Margin and more. She's a contributing editor to Spine Magazine and serves as authors co-chair of the Salem Literary Festival. When not writing or reading, she enjoys hiking with her dog and goofing off with her family. Find her online at susannabaird.com.
Susannah Felts lives in Nashville with a husband, daughter, three cats—two of which are orange boys—and many books. She's the cofounder and codirector of a literary arts nonprofit, The Porch, and her work has appeared in Joyland, Guernica, Longreads, StorySouth, Lit Hub, the Oxford American, and elsewhere. She's really interested in crows and works hard to believe they are interested in her. Her Substack is called FIELD TRIP.
Sutton Strother is a writer and teacher living in New York. Her writing has been featured in several publications and nominated for Best Small Fictions, Best of the Net, and the Pushcart Prize. Read more of her work at suttonstrother.wordpress.com.
Suzanne Craig-Whytock is a Canadian writer. Her first novel, Smile, was published in 2017, and her new novel, The Dome, will be released this October by Bookland Press. Her short fiction has appeared in Slippage Lit. She also writes humorous essays which she posts on her website here.
Suzanne Grove is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and received the J. Stanton Carson Grant for Excellence in Writing while studying at Robert Morris University. Her poetry and fiction appear in The Adirondack Review, The Carolina Quarterly, Okay Donkey, The Penn Review, Porter House Review, Raleigh Review, Farrar, Straus, & Giroux's Work in Progress website, and elsewhere. She currently serves as the short fiction editor for CRAFT literary magazine. You can find her @SuzanneGrove and www.SuzanneGrove.com.
Suzanne Richardson earned her M.F.A. in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the University of New Mexico. She currently lives in Binghamton, New York where she's a Ph.D. student in creative writing at SUNY Binghamton. She is working on a memoir, Throw it Up, and a full poetry collection, The Want Monster which was recently named a finalist for the 2024 Saturnalia Press Book Awards. She is the current nonfiction editor for Harpur Palate. Her nonfiction has appeared in New Ohio Review, New Haven Review, Rejection Lit, and No Contact Magazine. Her poetry has appeared in Bomb Magazine, Gulf Coast, Poet Lore, and DIALOGIST. Her fiction has appeared in Southern Humanities Review, Front Porch, and High Desert Journal. More about Suzanne and her writing can be found here: https://www-suzannerichardsonwrites.tumblr.com/
Suzy Eynon is from Arizona and lives in Seattle where she works in college admissions. Her fiction and poetry are published in Newfound, Overheard Lit, Hungry Ghost Magazine, King Ludd's Rag, and others.
Sylvia Math fled California for New York City, and is working on a memoir titled Looks Bad on Paper.
T.J. Larkey lives in the desert and tweets @tjlarkey.
T.S.J. Harling has a first class BA in English Literature from the University of Liverpool and an MA in Critical and Creative Writing from the University of Sussex. Literary influences include Mary Shelley, the Brontë sisters, Shirley Jackson and Elizabeth Wurtzel. Publications include The Ham Free Press , Twisted Sister Lit Mag, Dear Damsels, Queen Mob’s Tea House and Storgy, among others. T.S.J. Harling has embarked on a Creative Writing PhD at the Royal Holloway, University of London since September 2018.
Taleen V.'s writing has appeared in Maudlin House, Cleaver, Diva Magazine, and The Bold Italic. She's also known as Taleen Voskuni, author of the novels Sorry, Bro and Lavash at First Sight, published by Penguin Random House. She lives in San Francisco with her spouse and two kids, and spends most of her free time in the garden.
Tam Eastley (she/her) is a Canadian writer and web developer based in Berlin, Germany. Her work has appeared in various publications such as Berlin Flash Fiction, Fusion Fragment, and The Wild Word. In 2023 she participated in The Stinging Fly's summer school fiction workshop. She can be found online here: tamwrites.space.
Tamar Nachmany is a fiction writer and technologist. She is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars and has been a writer-in-residence at NM Poetics and The Artists and Climate Change Incubator. Her work has appeared in Electric Literature and elsewhere. Find her on Twitter at @tamarshmallows and at tamarnachmany.com.
Tanner Armatis (he/him) is a writer living in Northern Colorado with his wife and baby. He was published in Howling Mad Review, No Contact, the Daily Drunk, CP Quarterly, Royal Rose Magazine, the Bitchin’ Kitsch, Paragraph Planet, Expat Press, and Rejection Letters. His work has been included in three anthologies.
Tanya Zilinskas lives in Northern California. She is a 2020 Writing by Writers Fellow and the fiction editor of Invisible City. She can be found at tanyazilinskas.com and on Twitter @TanyaZilinskas.
Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, and fiction editor at Barrelhouse. Prior publication credits include SmokeLong Quarterly, Masters Review, Monkeybicycle, Jellyfish Review, Booth, Strange Horizons, and Escape Pod/Artemis Rising. She's the author of a novel, TreeVolution, a hybrid fiction/poetry collection, Circe's Bicycle, and a short story collection, Midnight at the Organporium. She received her MFA from American University in 2019. Find here here.
Tara Stillions Whitehead is a writer and filmmaker from Southern California now living and teaching in Central Pennsylvania. Her work has has appeared in or is forthcoming from a variety of journals, and magazines including Fairy Tale Review, The Rupture, and PRISM international. Her full-length collection of stories, The Year of the Monster, will be published with Unsolicited Press in 2022, and her hybrid chapbook, Blood Histories, is forthcoming at Galileo Press.
Taylor Alexandra Duffy lives in New York and works in research & development. She specializes in pending patents and penning short short stories. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, HAD, Truffle, Passages North, and elsewhere. She was longlisted for the 2021 SmokeLong Quarterly Grand Micro. www.tayloraduffy.com
Taylor Byas is a first year Creative Writing PhD student at the University of Cincinnati. She completed her Masters in English at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where she was a part of the reading and editing staff for both Birmingham Poetry Review and NELLE. Her work appears or is forthcoming in New Ohio Review, Borderlands Texas Poetry Review, Jellyfish Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, Another Chicago Magazine, and others.
Taylor Hickney, born in Dallas, is a writer and editor in NYC. She recently received her MFA in fiction from The New School and dreams big of collaborating as an editor with others on their writing to make something human together. Her own work has appeared in World Literature Today, D magazine, Fiction Southeast, Boyd Street, and The Aster Review, among other publications. She has complicated feelings about her Texas roots but adores her Siberian husky, Jagger.
Ted Prokash has 3 novels available at Joyless House Publishing. Napawaupee County Blues is coming soon from Expat Press. Find him in the falling-rock outfit, Hue Blanc’s Joyless Ones. He is a graduate of Algoma High School, class of 97.
Teddy Burnette is a writer living in New York City. His novel, Heartfelt Anything, is available from Expat Press.
Teddy Duncan Jr. is from Orlando, Florida and can be reached here.
Terri Bradshaw was born in Shreveport, Louisiana. She has been published in Indigo Magnolia and Sparkle Nut. She lives by this motto: Bad attitudes will ruin your team.
Tess Pollok is a writer and the editor of Animal Blood literary magazine. She is based in New York City.
Tex Gresham is the author of Violent Candy, Sunflower, and Heck, Texas. His work has appeared in McSweeney’s, XRAY, Rejection Letters, and others. He lives in Los Angeles. www.squeakypig.com
The X-R-A-Y Staff got in the holiday spirit and made you this ridiculous exquisite corpse treat.
Therese White is a Connecticut writer, teacher, and MFA candidate from Lindenwood University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Caveat Lector and Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine. She writes while sitting on a wee stool in front of the wood stove.
Thomas Barnes lives in Chicago, IL, where he works as a copywriter. His work recently appeared in the Southwest Review and Cleaver Magazine. You can find him @thmsbrns.
Thomas Thatcher is from Falmouth, Massachusetts and currently lives there with his dog Sophie.
Tim Bird has published a number of comics through Avery Hill Publishing as well as creating self-published zines and contributed work to a diverse range of anthologies. His comic From the City to the Sea won best comic at the British Comic Awards in 2015. He is currently working on a graphic novel which will be published later this year. He can be found at www.timothybird.co.uk and on Instagram @timothybird
Tim Frank's short stories have been published in Wrongdoing Magazine, Eunoia Review, Rejection Letters, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Maudlin House and elsewhere. He was runner-up in The Forge Literary Flash Fiction competition '22. He has been nominated for Best Small Fictions '22. He is the associate fiction editor for Able Muse Literary Journal and lives with his wife in North London, England.
Tim Lane's words have appeared in The Los Angeles Review, Maudlin House, Tin House online, and Monkey Bicycle among others. He lives in Portland, Oregon where he is a stay-at-home father for two boys. His novel, Rules for Becoming a Legend, is out now from Viking Press.
Timi Sanni is a Nigerian writer and literary enthusiast studying at Lagos State University, Nigeria. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Radical Art Review, Writers Space Africa, Rather Quiet, Fahmidan, Praxis Magazine and elsewhere.
Timothy Boudreau lives in northern New Hampshire with his wife, Judy. His collection Saturday Night and other Short Stories is available through Hobblebush Books. His novel All We Knew Were Our Hearts is due out from ELJ Editions in 2026. He is an editor at The Loveliest Review. Find him on Twitter at @tcboudreau or at timothyboudreau.com
Timothy Parfitt is an essayist and critic based in Chicago. His work has been featured or is forthcoming in Contrary, riverbabble, Thread, Newcity and Punctuate.
Timothy Willis Sanders is the author of Orange Juice and Other Stories and Matt Meets Vik. He lives in San Francisco.
Tina Kimbrell is from rural Missouri and now lives in Iowa where she works from home in the educational technology industry. She received an MFA from the University of Washington. Much of her free time is spent taking pictures of her dog, Frank.
Tina S. Zhu is a Californian writer who hasn't written a real proof since her college computer science and math classes. She has fiction in Fireside Magazine and Cossmass Infinities. When she's not hiding among the redwoods, she can be found on Twitter at @tinaszhu.
Tina Wayland is a freelance copywriter by day and occasional dabbler in fiction and poetry by night. She holds a BA in Creative Writing from Concordia University, in Montreal, where she has always lived. She’s had various bits and pieces published in Every Day Fiction, Halfway Down the Stairs, The Foundling Review, and carte blanche. You can find her copywriting work and published fiction at tinawaylandcopywriter.com.
Tippy Rex’s creative nonfiction has appeared in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Atticus Review, and Lunch Ticket. Her work has received support from the Vermont Studio Center, the Tin House Summer Conference, and the Gulkistan Center in Iceland. She holds an MFA in fiction from Columbia University.
Tobias Carroll is the author of the novel Reel and the short story collection Transitory. He’s the managing editor of Vol.1 Brooklyn, frequently writes about culture for a variety of journals, and can be found on Twitter at @tobiascarroll.
Todd Clay Stuart is an emerging Midwestern writer and poet. He studied creative writing at the University of Iowa. His recent work appears in New World Writing, Bending Genres, Cleaver Magazine, Milk Candy Review, Janus Literary, and Emerge Literary Journal. He lives with his wife, daughter, and two loyal but increasingly untrustworthy pets. Find him on Twitter @toddclaystuart and at https://toddclaystuart.com/.
Tom Mcallister Tom McAllister is the author of the novels How to Be Safe and The Young Widower’s Handbook, as well as the memoir Bury Me in My Jersey. He is the nonfiction editor at Barrelhouse and co-host of the Book Fight! podcast. He lives in New Jersey and teaches at Temple University. Find him on Twitter @t_mcallister
Tom Weller is a former factory worker, Peace Corps volunteer, Planned Parenthood sexuality educator, and college writing instructor. His fiction has appeared recently in Synaesthesia, The Molotov Cocktail, Pidgeonholes, Booth, and Barrelhouse. He lives in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.
Tomas Marcantonio is a fiction writer from Brighton, England. He has been published in various journals and anthologies, most recently The Fiction Pool, The Cabinet of Heed, and Okay Donkey. Tomas is currently based in Busan, South Korea, where he teaches English and writes whenever he can escape the classroom. You can connect with Tomas on Twitter @TJMarcantonio.
Tomas Moniz edited Rad Dad, Rad Families, and the kids book Collaboration/Colaboración. He has stuff on the internet but loves letters and penpals: PO Box 3555, Berkeley CA 94703. He promises to write back.
Tommy Dean Tommy Dean lives in Indiana with his wife and two children. He is the author of a flash fiction chapbook entitled Special Like the People on TV from Redbird Chapbooks. He has been previously published in the BULL Magazine, The MacGuffin, Split Lip Magazine, Spartan, Hawaii Pacific Review, and New Flash Fiction Review. Find him @TommyDeanWriter on Twitter.
Toom Bucksaw divides his time between skulking the buttes of Montana, rustling Flapjack McGraw’s cattle and cutting his nails with a dull knife. His twitter handle, branded on the side of his steed, is @toom_buck.
Torrey Kurtzner is an out-of-work writer and master of self-deprecation. Against the better judgment of his peers, he’s determined to pursue a career within the creative arts, even if it kills him. He’s on Twitter @YabbaDabbZoinks
Toshiya Kamei (@KameiToshiya) translates Latin American literature.
Travis Dahlke is the author of Milkshake (Long Day Press) and Mount Summer (Out to Lunch Records). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Joyland, HAD, Juked, and The Longleaf Review, among other journals and collections.
Trent England is a playwright and author of short fiction. His most recent play, Solitaire Suite, premiered in February of 2021. Since 2009, his stories have appeared at The Masters Review, Hobart, and Conjunctions, among other places. He has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and he was named a Best Microfiction 2020 winner. He lives in Boston and can be found online at tengland.com.
Trevor Wing is a poet, writer, spoken word artist, and homeless outreach worker from San Diego, CA. He has been published in CounterPunch magazine. When he’s not writing, he’s listening to any music he can get his hands on.
Troy James Weaver can be found here.
Tucker Leighty-Phillips is a writer living in Tempe, Arizona. His website is TuckerLP.net.
Tyler Barton is the author of Eternal Night at the Nature Museum (Sarabande) and The Quiet Part Loud (Split/Lip). His fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, The Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, and has been twice listed as "Distinguished" by Best American Short Stories. With the artist Erin Dorney he co-curates the ongoing literary art installation, "The Hidden Museum," currently on view at the Susquehanna Museum of Art. He lives in Saranac Lake, NY where he works for the Adirondack Center for Writing. Find him @tylerbartonlol or tsbarton.com
Tyler Dempsey is the author of 4 books. He hosts Another Fucking Writing Podcast and lives in Utah with his dog. Find him on Twitter @tylercdempsey or here.
Tyler Dillow Tyler Dillow lives in Wichita, Kansas. His work has previously been featured in X-R-A-Y and Heavy Feather Review.
Tyler Engström is a digital farmer/artisanal producer of scalable content and farm-2-table works of literature for an audience of cultural taste makers. He is currently located in X-R-A-Y’s “Hustle Hub,” a pseudo-literary influencer house where everyone was promised a free Ferrari.
Tyler Fleser (he/him) is a writer from Grand Rapids, MI obsessed with place, Star Wars, nostalgia, and a lot of other, much more embarrassing things. He’s been in writing school for too long and wonders if he should have started a band nine years ago instead. He lives in Philly with a roommate that is deathly and frustratingly allergic to dogs. He wishes he had a dog more than he wishes he had more money. Still, that same roommate has a snake, and that's pretty cool too.
Tyler Plofker is a writer in NYC. In his free time, he likes drinking water.
Uyen P. Dang is a first-generation Vietnamese American from Saigon, Vietnam, where she writes from. She is currently carrying out research on ghosts, cemeteries, and spiritual tourism in Vietnam. Her work appears in or is forthcoming in Fugue, Sundog Lit, Passages North, and elsewhere.
Valerie Hegarty is an emerging writer and established visual artist. Her short story in the New England Review won a 2020 PEN Dau debut short story prize. Her writing has been published in Jellyfish Review, WigLeaf Top 50 list, LitBreak, Flash Fiction Magazine, and Atticus Review. She has been invited to write art related non-fiction in ArtForum, Hyperallergic, and American Art Magazine. She is also a sculptor and her artwork is in many museum and private collections. www.valeriehegarty.com
Valerie Visnic is a writer living in Los Angeles. Her writing has appeared in Bullshit Lit, Change Seven, drip Literary Magazine, Points in Case, and elsewhere. She is currently working on her first book.
Vallie Lynn Watson lives in Wilmington, NC and teaches at UNCW. Her Pushcart-nominated fiction appears in journals such as PANK, decomP, and Gargoyle, and her novel, A River So Long, was published by Luminis Books in 2012.
Vanessa Chan is a Malaysian writer who writes about race, colonization, and women who don't toe the line. Her writing has been published in Porter House Review, Atticus Review, Jezebel, and more. She is based in New York where she is an MFA candidate at The New School and a reader for the literary magazine One Story. This follows a 12-year career in public relations, including most recently as director of communications for Facebook in California. Her writing has received support from Tin House, Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, Aspen Words, and Disquiet International. You can find her at on her website or at @vanjchan. She is at work on her novel.
Vanessa Norton is an artist living in Oakland. She is the writer of Sweet 16: 16 Photographs of 16 Ex-Boyfriends Taken When They Were 16 (Wasted Books, 2018). Her writing appears or is forthcoming in Fanzine, Tammy, Black Warrior Review, and DIAGRAM. Her work may be found here @vfnorton and here.
Veronica Klash loves living in Las Vegas and writing in her living room. Her nonfiction can be found in NPR publication Desert Companion. She is a reader for Witness and her fiction has been published or is forthcoming in Rhythm & Bones, Cheap Pop, and Ellipsis Zine. You can find Veronica and her work here.
Vi Khi Nao is the author of seven poetry collections & of the short stories collection, A Brief Alphabet of Torture (winner of the 2016 FC2's Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize), the novel, Swimming with Dead Stars. Her poetry collection, The Old Philosopher, won the Nightboat Books Prize for Poetry in 2014. Her book, Suicide: the Autoimmune Disorder of the Psyche is out of 11:11 in Spring 2023. The Fall 2019 fellow at the Black Mountain Institute, her work includes poetry, fiction, film and cross-genre collaboration. She was the 2022 recipient of the Jim Duggins, PhD Outstanding Mid-Career Novelist Prize. | https://www.vikhinao.com | https://twitter.com/vikhinao | https://www.instagram.com/vikhinao/ | https://www.facebook.com/vikhinao
Victoria Brooks (they/she) is a writer interested in trauma, time-travel, ethics, and trans-dimensional sexuality. They are the author of Mistress Ethics (Bloomsbury) and Fucking Law (Zero Books) and various short form pieces and essays. Silicone God (MOIST Books) is her first novel. You can find her on Instagram @queermistresswifehuman.
Victoria Buitron is a writer and translator with an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Fairfield University. Her work has been featured or is upcoming in Bare Life Review, and more. She hikes, rock climbs, and goes to movie theaters whenever she needs a break from reading and writing.
Wayland Tracy lives in Wichita, Kansas where he sells flowers wholesale and plays drums for Ponyboy.
Wendy BooydeGraaff's fiction and essays have been included in The Ilanot Review, The Brooklyn Review, Porter House Review, Miracle Monocle, NOON, and elsewhere. Born and raised in Ontario, Canada, she now lives in Michigan, United States.
Wes Holtermann’s writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, SPECTRA, The Kenyon Review, Radioactive Moat, and elsewhere. He is a gardener, living and working in Oakland, California. pleasuregardenlandscapes.com
Will Bernardara Jr.is the author of America (voidfront press 2018) and the founder of the occult criminal artist collective The Tender Wolves Society. His work has appeared in The Society of Misfit Stories, Broadswords and Blasters, Grotesque Quarterly, Underbelly, and elsewhere. Contact @kat0n9000.
Will Cordeiro has work appearing or forthcoming in Agni, The Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, DIAGRAM, Fourteen Hills, Nashville Review, [PANK], Sycamore Review, The Threepenny Review, Zone 3, and elsewhere. Will co-edits the small press Eggtooth Editions and lives in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Will Finlayson's work can be found in Inscape, Hobart After Dark, The Southampton Review, and elsewhere mag, and he was chosen to be included in Best Microfiction 2019.
Will Gilmer is a writer and poet living in Metro-Detroit. Over two dozen of his stories have appeared in print and online. When he’s not putting his thoughts on paper you can find him piddling in a garden, brewing beer, or practicing for he and his wife’s imaginary appearance on The Great British Bake Off.
Will Musgrove is a writer and journalist from Northwest Iowa. He received an MFA from Minnesota State University, Mankato. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in TIMBER, The McNeese Review, Oyez Review, Tampa Review, Vestal Review, and elsewhere. Connect on Twitter at @Will_Musgrove or at williammusgrove.com.
Will VanDenBerg's short fiction has been published in Threadcount, Denver Quarterly, New South, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the Literary Arts MFA program at Brown University. He volunteers as a clinic escort at PPGNY and lives with his wife in Sunnyside, NY. Their dog is no longer afraid of wind.
William Falo's stories have appeared or are forthcoming in the Foliate Oak Review, Newfound, Fictive Dream, Litro Magazine, and others. He loves dogs and books. Find him on Twitter at @williamfalo.
William Lessard has writing that has appeared or is forthcoming in McSweeney’s, FANZINE, Prelude, Hyperallergic, PANK, Brooklyn Rail, Heavy Feather Review, glitterMOB. His work has also been featured at MoMA PS1. He co-curates the Cool as F*** reading series in Brooklyn and is Poetry editor of Boog City.
William Wegman is a video artist, conceptualist, photographer, painter, and writer. Find him on Instagram @williamwegman. His website is: williamwegman.com
Wilson Koewing is a writer from South Carolina. His work is forthcoming in Wigleaf, Gargoyle and Hobart.
Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind is a sophomore at Yale, where he serves as a literary editor for the Yale Literary Magazine. He has strong opinions about olives.
xTx is a writer living in Southern California. Her work has been published in places like The Collagist, PANK, Hobart, The Rumpus, The Chicago Review, Smokelong Quarterly and Wigleaf. She says nothing at www.notimetosayit.blogspot.com.
Xueyi Zhou is an emerging writer in mainland China. A native Chinese, she enjoys the challenge of writing in English, a language out of her parents' reach. More importantly, she enjoys the eyerolling of her family when they demand to know but can't. She currently works full-time in a stainless-steel trading company in Foshan. She is on Facebook.
Yasmina Din Madden is a Vietnamese American writer who lives in Iowa. Her fiction and nonfiction have been published in The Idaho Review, PANK, Necessary Fiction, The Forge, The Fairy Tale Review, Hobart, The Atticus Review, The Forge, JMCC, and other journals. Her short fiction has been a finalist for The Iowa Review Award in Fiction, the Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions, and the Fractured Micro-Fiction Contest. She teaches writing and literature at Drake University.
Z.H. Gill was approved for a new apartment today; his writings have appeared in Maudlin House, Triangle House, Expat, Apocalypse Confidential, hex literary, Forever Magazine, HAD, Hobart, and Rejection Letters.
Zac Smith, baby.
Zach Powers is the author of the novel FIRST COSMIC VELOCITY (Putnam 2019) and the story collection GRAVITY CHANGES (BOA Editions 2017). He is a native of Savannah, Georgia, and lives in Arlington, Virginia. Get to know him at ZachPowers.com.
Zach VandeZande is an author and professor. He lives in Ellensburg, Washington (sometimes) and Washington, DC (sometimes). He is the author of a novel, Apathy and Paying Rent (Loose Teeth Press, 2008), and a forthcoming short story collection, Liminal Domestic: Stories (Gold Wake Press, 2019). He knows all the dogs in his neighborhood. Find him at zachvz.com.
Zachary Bernstein is a Los Angeles-based writer and songwriter. His work has appeared in The Rupture, New Thinking, and Los Angeleno. His musical Disasteroid! was published by Stage Rights in 2020. He is working on a new novel.
Zachary Kennedy-Lopez is a born-and-bred Left Coaster working toward his MFA at Rutgers University–Camden. A cat-dad who likes swimming and Latin American electronic music, his work has been supported by the Patrick Rosal Dice Fellowship, as well as fellowships from Writing by Writers, and has appeared in The Southampton Review, Mortar Magazine, and other publications. He can be found on Instagram and Twitter, both @queerbooksloth.
Zack Peercy is a writer based out of Chicago, where he now sees an eye doctor regularly. He was recently selected as one of the first resident playwrights at Three Brothers Theatre. His plays can be found on New Play Exchange. His prose has been featured in formercactus, Memoir Mixtapes, Occulum Journal, Toasted Cheese Magazine, The Sandy River Review, and others. You can boost his ego by sending him an email, following him on twitter (@zackpeercy), or mailing a check with the memo line “credit card debt.”
Zarah Butcher-McGunnigle is from Auckland, New Zealand and currently lives in Melbourne, Australia. Her work has appeared in publications such as Fanzine, Turbine, and Best NZ Poems. She is the author of Autobiography of a Marguerite (Hue & Cry Press, 2014). She can be found on Twitter and Instagram as @zarahbm.
Zee Carlstrom (they/them) is a queer writer and creative director from Chicago. Their stories have been featured or are forthcoming in Hobart Pulp, The NoSleep Podcast, and elsewhere. Zee occasionally tweets: @ZeeCarlstrom
Zhu Yue, viewed by many as Borges in China, has published three collections: The Blindfolded Traveler, Masters of Sleep, and Chaos of Fiction. In English translation, his works appear in The Washington Square Review, The Portland Review, The Margins, Litro Magazine,among others.
Zsófia Czakó was born in 1987 in Győr, Hungary. “It is not Proper to Garden on Good Friday” appeared in 2019. It is a set of 19 linked stories that was shortlisted for the 2020 Margó Prize for the best first fiction; two excerpts have appeared in English. Her second novel "Heartsound", was published this spring.