Contributors: N – R

Ashley Naftule is writer from Phoenix, AZ. He’s been published in Pitchfork, Vice, Bandcamp, The Hard Times, and Ghost City Press. He’s written and produced two full-length plays, Ear and The First Annual Bookburners Convention, at Space55 theatre in downtown Phoenix.

Elle Nash is the author of the novel Animals Eat Each Other (Dzanc Books, 2018), and the chapbooks AVOKA (Ghost City Press, 2017). She is a founding editor at Witch Craft Magazine, a fiction editor at Hobart Pulp, and lives in the Ozarks with her husband and their dog.

Paul Nevin is a London-born and based author of short fiction. His work has appeared in Fictive Dream, Idle Ink and Vamp Cat Magazine. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @paulnevin.

Benjamin Niespodziany is a night librarian at UChicago and has no idea how to ride a pogo stick. He spends his days running the multimedia art blog and music label [neonpajamas]. He recently released a chapbook of lofi poems known as Ants on Stilts and has had his work published in formercactus, Occulum, Ghost City Press, tenderness, yea, and a small handful of others. Find him: @neonpajamas or soundcloud.

Vanessa Norton is an artist living in Oakland. She is the writer of Sweet 16: 16 Photographs of 16 Ex-Boyfriends Taken When They Were 16 (Wasted Books, 2018). Her writing appears or is forthcoming in Fanzine, Tammy, Black Warrior Review, and DIAGRAM. Her work may be found here @vfnorton and here.

James Nulick lives in Seattle, WA. He holds a BA in English from Coe College and an MA in Library Science from the University of Arizona. He is the author of the novels Valencia and Distemper. “Husk” will appear in the forthcoming short story collection ‘Haunted Girlfriend,’ to be published by Expat Press in Spring 2019.

Anna O’Brien is a writer and veterinarian in central Maryland. She writes about horses, livestock, and dogs for Horse IllustratedHobby Farms, and Just Labs and on the literary side she’s the managing blog editor for Luna Station Quarterly. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and her short fiction has appeared in numerous journals, most recently Barren MagazineBad Pony, and upcoming in The Society for MIsfit Stories. You can find her on Twitter @annaobriendvm.

Marc Olmsted has appeared in City Lights Journal, New Directions in Prose & Poetry, New York Quarterly, The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry and a variety of small presses. He is the author of four collections of poetry, including What Use Am I a Hungry Ghost?, which has an introduction by Allen Ginsberg with praise from Michael McClure and Diane di Prima. Olmsted’s 25 year relationship with Ginsberg is chronicled in his Beatdom Books memoir Don’t Hesitate: Knowing Allen Ginsberg 1972-1997 – Letters and Recollections. Find more of his work here.

Josh Olsen is a librarian in Flint, Michigan and the co-creator of Gimmick Press.

Katherine Osborne is a writer in Massachusetts. She is the editor of Little River and author of Fire Sign. Some of her poetry can be read in Fanzine and Salò Press.

Rebecca Otter  studies professional and creative writing at UNCW. She is a poetry editor and designer at semicolon literary journal. She likes the sound of rustling leaves, roads that point towards the sunset, and earthy-toned yarns. You can find her poetry and creative nonfiction in Entropy Magazine, Instant Literary Journal, and Atlantis Magazine.

Marcus Pactor’s short story collection, Vs. Death Noises, won the 2011 Subito Press Prize for Fiction. His work has most recently appeared in The Collagist, South Dakota Review, and Heavy Feather Review. He lives and works in Jacksonville, Florida.

Emily Painton, a painter and writer, grew up in Norman, Ok. but now lives in New Orleans. She earned an MA in Art History from Tulane and an MLIS from the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to travel and one day hopes to be able to spend every hurricane season in Berlin. Her work has appeared in Third Wednesday and Route 7. Find her here.

Diane Payne’s most recent publications include:Notre Dame Review, Obra/Artiface, Reservoir, Southern Fugitives, Spry Literary Review, Watershed Review, Superstition Review, Windmill Review, Tishman Review, Whiskey Island, Quarterly, Fourth RiverSplit Lip Review,The Offing, Elke: A little Journal, PunctuateOutpost 19, McNeese Review, The Meadow, Burnt Pine, Story South, Five to One, and forthcoming in Barn House.

Timothy Parfitt is an essayist and critic based in Chicago. His work has been featured or is forthcoming in Contraryriverbabble, Newcity and Punctuate, and Thread. 

Zack Peercy is a writer based out of Chicago, where he now sees an eye doctor regularly. He was recently selected as one of the first resident playwrights at Three Brothers Theatre. His plays can be found on New Play Exchange. His prose has been featured in formercactus, Memoir Mixtapes, Occulum Journal, Toasted Cheese Magazine, The Sandy River Review, and others. You can boost his ego by sending him an email, following him on twitter (@zackpeercy), or mailing a check with the memo line “credit card debt.”

Alexander Perez lives in Upstate New York. His work has appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine, Defenestration, SOFT CARTEL, mac(ro)mic, Anti-Heroin Review and elsewhere.

Nick Perilli is a writer and library person living in Philadelphia with loved ones who have yet to watch Gremlins II with him. Work of his has appeared in Pidgeonholes, Breadcrumbs Magazine, Maudlin House and elsewhere. He tweets @nicoloperilli and spared no expense on his very cheap website

Ashleigh Bryant Phillips is from Woodland, North Carolina. Read her work in The Tusk, Bull, Parhelion, drDOCTOR, and Show Your Skin. Or listen to it on the radio.

Jeff Phillips is a washed up varsity cross country skier and storefront theatre method actor. He was co-host of The Liquid Burning, an apocalypse themed reading series, and he co-hosted the Chicago reading series Pungent Parlour. His short fiction has appeared in Seeding Meat, This Zine Will Change Your Life, Metazen, Chicago Literati, and Literary Orphans. He is the co-founder of Zizobotchi Papers, a literary journal dedicated to the novella and a regular contributor at the site Drinkers With Writing Problems. You can find him @TheIglooOven or on his site.

Meghan Phillips is editor in chief of Third Point Press and an associate editor for SmokeLong Quarterly. Her flash fiction chapbook “Abstinence Only” is forthcoming from Barrelhouse. You can find more of her writing at She lives in Lancaster, PA, and tweets @mcarphil. 

Sam Phillips is an author an artist based in San Francisco. His work focuses on humanity while playing with viewpoint and universal truth. He is fascinated by how peoples understanding of existence. His work can be found at

Megan Pillow (formerly Megan Pillow Davis, and writing here as John Torrance) is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a doctoral candidate in the University of Kentucky’s English Department. Her work has appeared in, among other places, Electric Literature, SmokeLong Quarterly, Hobart, Paper Darts, and Passages North. She’s on Twitter @megpillow.

Kristen M. Ploetz (@KristenPloetz) lives in Massachusetts. Her recent short fiction has been published (or is forthcoming) with CRAFT Literary, BULL, The Normal School, Atticus Review, Wigleaf, jmww, and elsewhere. She is Creative Nonfiction Editor for Atlas + Alice. You can find her on the web at

Robert Stuart Powers is a PhD candidate at Florida State University. His work has appeared in Glimmer Train and World Literature Today and other journals. He is working on a novel.

Zach Powers is the author of the novel FIRST COSMIC VELOCITY (Putnam 2019) and the story collection GRAVITY CHANGES (BOA Editions 2017). He is a native of Savannah, Georgia, and lives in Arlington, Virginia. Get to know him at

Grace Loh Prasad received her MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College and is an alumna of VONA. Her essays have appeared in Longreads, Catapult, Jellyfish Review, Ninth Letter, Blood Orange Review, Memoir Mixtapes, The Manifest-Station, and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. Grace is a member of The Writers Grotto and her memoir-in-progress is entitled The Translator’s Daughter.

Michael Prihoda lives in central Indiana. He is the editor of After the Pause, an experimental literary magazine and small press. His work has received nominations for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net Anthology and he is the author of eight poetry collections, most recently Years Without Room (Weasel Press, 2018).

Ted Prokash has 3 novels available at Joyless House Publishing. Napawaupee County Blues is coming soon from Expat Press. Find him in the falling-rock outfit, Hue Blanc’s Joyless Ones. He is a graduate of Algoma High School, class of 97.

Cyndie Randall‘s words have appeared or are forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, Love’s Executive Order, Whale Road Review, Boston Accent Lit, The Manifest-Station, Yes Poetry, and elsewhere. She works as a therapist and plays among the Great Lakes. Connect with her on Twitter @CyndieRandall or at

Kerry Rawlinson was raised in Zambia and still goes barefoot. Because she’s a bloody-minded optimist, and because her first career as an Architectural Designer was way too long, she’s throwing herself into the deep-end of writing & photo-art from her eerie the Okanagan, BC. Work can be seen at EllipsisZineSpelkTupelo Quarterly, among others. You may find her here or @kryrawli.

Bob Raymonda is the Founding Editor of Breadcrumbs Magazine. He graduated from SUNY Purchase with a focus in creative nonfiction and will be pursuing his MFA in speculative fiction at Sarah Lawrence College in the fall. Some of his other work can be found in Luna Luna Magazine, Peach Mag, and OCCULUM. Read more here or find him at bobbysnacks (Instagram) or @bobby_snacks.

Chad Redden lives in Bloomington, Indiana. Links to his work can be found here.

Patrick Reid is a writer based in Poughkeepsie and Boston. He won the July 2014 /r/NoSleep story of the month. He is working on novels and a short story collection. He tweets at @patatoreid.

Ron Riekki’s books include U.P. (Ghost Road Press), Posttraumatic (Hoot ‘n’ Waddle), and My Ancestors are Reindeer Herders and I Am Melting in Extinction (Loyola University Maryland’s Apprentice House Press).  Riekki co-edited Undocumented (Michigan State University Press) and The Many Lives of The Evil Dead (McFarland), and edited And Here (MSU Press), Here (MSU Press, Independent Publisher Book Award), and The Way North (Wayne State University Press, Michigan Notable Book).

Bram Riddlebarger is author of a poetry chapbook, Chez Filthy (JKPublishing), and two novels, Earplugs (Livingston Press) and Golden Rod (Cabal Books). He lives in Athens, Ohio.

Craig Rodgers has an extensive collection of literary rejections folded into the shape of cranes and spends most of his time writing in North Texas. His newest release is novella The Ghost of Mile 43.

Austin Ross lives near Philadelphia with his wife and son. His fiction has appeared at Hobart, Necessary Fiction, and elsewhere. You can follow him @AustinTRoss and find more at

Doug Ross is a writer and photographer based in Brooklyn. They raised him in Michigan, with his twin. Find him on twitter @dougrosswrite.

Michelle Ross is the author of There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You (2017), which won the 2016 Moon City Press Short Fiction Award. Her fiction has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Colorado Review, Pidgeonholes, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, SmokeLong Quarterly, and other venues. She is fiction editor of Atticus Review. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.

Jenn Stroud Rossmann is the author of the novel The Place You’re Supposed to Laugh (7.13 Books) and the essay series “An engineer reads a novel” at Public Books. Her short stories have appeared in such journals as Hobart, Cheap Pop, Literary Orphans, and Jellyfish Review, and have garnered four Pushcart nominations. She is also a professor of mechanical engineering at Lafayette College. @jenn_rossmann

Colleen Rothman’s work has appeared in or is forthcoming from The AtlanticJellyfish ReviewOkay Donkey, and Mutha Magazine, among others. After more than a decade living in the Midwest, she is proud to once again call New Orleans home. Find her on Twitter @colleenrothman or at

Jim Ruland is the author of the novel Forest of Fortune and the short story collection Big Lonesome, and the co-author of My Damage with Keith Morris, founding member of Black Flag, Circle Jerks and OFF!  He runs the Southern California-based reading series Vermin on the Mount, now in its fourteenth year, and is currently working on a book with the band Bad Religion.

Levi Rumata, from Cincinnati, lives and writes in Spain.

Nayt Rundquist‘s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Etchings, The Long Road to Spring, and Up North Lit. He is the managing editor for New Rivers Press. Nayt lives just outside space and time with his artist-jeweler wife and their fifth-dimensional dog.

Christopher X. Ryan lives in Helsinki, Finland, where he works as a writer, editor, and ghostwriter. Born on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, he has an MFA from the Jack Kerouac School in Boulder, Colorado. His work has been published in a wide variety of journals and magazines. He is represented by the Trentin Agency for his novel BOGORE. Chris can be found at

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Ashley Naftule is writer from Phoenix, AZ. He’s been published in Pitchfork, Vice, Bandcamp, The Hard Times, and Ghost City Press. He’s written and produced two full-length plays, Ear and The First Annual Bookburners Convention, at Space55 theatre in downtown Phoenix.

Elle Nash is the author of the novel Animals Eat Each Other (Dzanc Books, 2018), and the chapbooks AVOKA (Ghost City Press, 2017). She is a founding editor at Witch Craft Magazine, a fiction editor at Hobart Pulp, and lives in the Ozarks with her husband and their dog.

Paul Nevin is a London-born and based author of short fiction. His work has appeared in Fictive Dream, Idle Ink and Vamp Cat Magazine. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @paulnevin.

Benjamin Niespodziany is a night librarian at UChicago and has no idea how to ride a pogo stick. He spends his days running the multimedia art blog and music label [neonpajamas]. He recently released a chapbook of lofi poems known as Ants on Stilts and has had his work published in formercactus, Occulum, Ghost City Press, tenderness, yea, and a small handful of others. Find him: @neonpajamas or soundcloud.

Vanessa Norton is an artist living in Oakland. She is the writer of Sweet 16: 16 Photographs of 16 Ex-Boyfriends Taken When They Were 16 (Wasted Books, 2018). Her writing appears or is forthcoming in Fanzine, Tammy, Black Warrior Review, and DIAGRAM. Her work may be found here @vfnorton and here.

James Nulick lives in Seattle, WA. He holds a BA in English from Coe College and an MA in Library Science from the University of Arizona. He is the author of the novels Valencia and Distemper. “Husk” will appear in the forthcoming short story collection ‘Haunted Girlfriend,’ to be published by Expat Press in Spring 2019.

Anna O’Brien is a writer and veterinarian in central Maryland. She writes about horses, livestock, and dogs for Horse IllustratedHobby Farms, and Just Labs and on the literary side she’s the managing blog editor for Luna Station Quarterly. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and her short fiction has appeared in numerous journals, most recently Barren MagazineBad Pony, and upcoming in The Society for MIsfit Stories. You can find her on Twitter @annaobriendvm.

Marc Olmsted has appeared in City Lights Journal, New Directions in Prose & Poetry, New York Quarterly, The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry and a variety of small presses. He is the author of four collections of poetry, including What Use Am I a Hungry Ghost?, which has an introduction by Allen Ginsberg with praise from Michael McClure and Diane di Prima. Olmsted’s 25 year relationship with Ginsberg is chronicled in his Beatdom Books memoir Don’t Hesitate: Knowing Allen Ginsberg 1972-1997 – Letters and Recollections. Find more of his work here.

Josh Olsen is a librarian in Flint, Michigan and the co-creator of Gimmick Press.

Katherine Osborne is a writer in Massachusetts. She is the editor of Little River and author of Fire Sign. Some of her poetry can be read in Fanzine and Salò Press.

Rebecca Otter  studies professional and creative writing at UNCW. She is a poetry editor and designer at semicolon literary journal. She likes the sound of rustling leaves, roads that point towards the sunset, and earthy-toned yarns. You can find her poetry and creative nonfiction in Entropy Magazine, Instant Literary Journal, and Atlantis Magazine.

Marcus Pactor’s short story collection, Vs. Death Noises, won the 2011 Subito Press Prize for Fiction. His work has most recently appeared in The Collagist, South Dakota Review, and Heavy Feather Review. He lives and works in Jacksonville, Florida.

Emily Painton, a painter and writer, grew up in Norman, Ok. but now lives in New Orleans. She earned an MA in Art History from Tulane and an MLIS from the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to travel and one day hopes to be able to spend every hurricane season in Berlin. Her work has appeared in Third Wednesday and Route 7. Find her here.

Diane Payne’s most recent publications include:Notre Dame Review, Obra/Artiface, Reservoir, Southern Fugitives, Spry Literary Review, Watershed Review, Superstition Review, Windmill Review, Tishman Review, Whiskey Island, Quarterly, Fourth RiverSplit Lip Review,The Offing, Elke: A little Journal, PunctuateOutpost 19, McNeese Review, The Meadow, Burnt Pine, Story South, Five to One, and forthcoming in Barn House.

Timothy Parfitt is an essayist and critic based in Chicago. His work has been featured or is forthcoming in ContraryriverbabbleThread,  Newcity and Punctuate

Zack Peercy is a writer based out of Chicago, where he now sees an eye doctor regularly. He was recently selected as one of the first resident playwrights at Three Brothers Theatre. His plays can be found on New Play Exchange. His prose has been featured in formercactus, Memoir Mixtapes, Occulum Journal, Toasted Cheese Magazine, The Sandy River Review, and others. You can boost his ego by sending him an email, following him on twitter (@zackpeercy), or mailing a check with the memo line “credit card debt.”

Alexander Perez lives in Upstate New York. His work has appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine, Defenestration, SOFT CARTEL, mac(ro)mic, Anti-Heroin Review and elsewhere.

Nick Perilli is a writer and library person living in Philadelphia with loved ones who have yet to watch Gremlins II with him. Work of his has appeared in Pidgeonholes, Breadcrumbs Magazine, Maudlin House and elsewhere. He tweets @nicoloperilli and spared no expense on his very cheap website

Ashleigh Bryant Phillips is from Woodland, North Carolina. Read her work in The Tusk, Bull, Parhelion, drDOCTOR, and Show Your Skin. Or listen to it on the radio.

Jeff Phillips is a washed up varsity cross country skier and storefront theatre method actor. He was co-host of The Liquid Burning, an apocalypse themed reading series, and he co-hosted the Chicago reading series Pungent Parlour. His short fiction has appeared in Seeding Meat, This Zine Will Change Your Life, Metazen, Chicago Literati, and Literary Orphans. He is the co-founder of Zizobotchi Papers, a literary journal dedicated to the novella and a regular contributor at the site Drinkers With Writing Problems. You can find him @TheIglooOven or on his site.

Meghan Phillips is editor in chief of Third Point Press and an associate editor for SmokeLong Quarterly. Her flash fiction chapbook “Abstinence Only” is forthcoming from Barrelhouse. You can find more of her writing at She lives in Lancaster, PA, and tweets @mcarphil. 

Sam Phillips is an author an artist based in San Francisco. His work focuses on humanity while playing with viewpoint and universal truth. He is fascinated by how peoples understanding of existence. His work can be found at

Megan Pillow (formerly Megan Pillow Davis, and writing here as John Torrance) is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a doctoral candidate in the University of Kentucky’s English Department. Her work has appeared in, among other places, Electric Literature, SmokeLong Quarterly, Hobart, Paper Darts, and Passages North. She’s on Twitter @megpillow.

Kristen M. Ploetz (@KristenPloetz) lives in Massachusetts. Her recent short fiction has been published (or is forthcoming) with CRAFT Literary, BULL, The Normal School, Atticus Review, Wigleaf, jmww, and elsewhere. She is Creative Nonfiction Editor for Atlas + Alice. You can find her on the web at

Robert Stuart Powers is a PhD candidate at Florida State University. His work has appeared in Glimmer Train and World Literature Today and other journals. He is working on a novel.

Zach Powers is the author of the novel FIRST COSMIC VELOCITY (Putnam 2019) and the story collection GRAVITY CHANGES (BOA Editions 2017). He is a native of Savannah, Georgia, and lives in Arlington, Virginia. Get to know him at

Grace Loh Prasad received her MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College and is an alumna of VONA. Her essays have appeared in Longreads, Catapult, Jellyfish Review, Ninth Letter, Blood Orange Review, Memoir Mixtapes, The Manifest-Station, and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. Grace is a member of The Writers Grotto and her memoir-in-progress is entitled The Translator’s Daughter.

Michael Prihoda lives in central Indiana. He is the editor of After the Pause, an experimental literary magazine and small press. His work has received nominations for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net Anthology and he is the author of eight poetry collections, most recently Years Without Room (Weasel Press, 2018).

Ted Prokash has 3 novels available at Joyless House Publishing. Napawaupee County Blues is coming soon from Expat Press. Find him in the falling-rock outfit, Hue Blanc’s Joyless Ones. He is a graduate of Algoma High School, class of 97.

Cyndie Randall‘s words have appeared or are forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, Love’s Executive Order, Whale Road Review, Boston Accent Lit, The Manifest-Station, Yes Poetry, and elsewhere. She works as a therapist and plays among the Great Lakes. Connect with her on Twitter @CyndieRandall or at

Kerry Rawlinson was raised in Zambia and still goes barefoot. Because she’s a bloody-minded optimist, and because her first career as an Architectural Designer was way too long, she’s throwing herself into the deep-end of writing & photo-art from her eerie the Okanagan, BC. Work can be seen at EllipsisZineSpelkTupelo Quarterly, among others. You may find her here or @kryrawli.

Bob Raymonda is the Founding Editor of Breadcrumbs Magazine. He graduated from SUNY Purchase with a focus in creative nonfiction and will be pursuing his MFA in speculative fiction at Sarah Lawrence College in the fall. Some of his other work can be found in Luna Luna Magazine, Peach Mag, and OCCULUM. Read more here or find him at bobbysnacks (Instagram) or @bobby_snacks.

Chad Redden lives in Bloomington, Indiana. Links to his work can be found here.

Patrick Reid is a writer based in Poughkeepsie and Boston. He won the July 2014 /r/NoSleep story of the month. He is working on novels and a short story collection. He tweets at @patatoreid.

Ron Riekki’s books include U.P. (Ghost Road Press), Posttraumatic (Hoot ‘n’ Waddle), and My Ancestors are Reindeer Herders and I Am Melting in Extinction (Loyola University Maryland’s Apprentice House Press).  Riekki co-edited Undocumented (Michigan State University Press) and The Many Lives of The Evil Dead (McFarland), and edited And Here (MSU Press), Here (MSU Press, Independent Publisher Book Award), and The Way North (Wayne State University Press, Michigan Notable Book).

Bram Riddlebarger is author of a poetry chapbook, Chez Filthy (JKPublishing), and two novels, Earplugs (Livingston Press) and Golden Rod (Cabal Books). He lives in Athens, Ohio.

Craig Rodgers has an extensive collection of literary rejections folded into the shape of cranes and spends most of his time writing in North Texas. His newest release is novella The Ghost of Mile 43.

Austin Ross lives near Philadelphia with his wife and son. His fiction has appeared at Hobart, Necessary Fiction, and elsewhere. You can follow him @AustinTRoss and find more at

Doug Ross is a writer and photographer based in Brooklyn. They raised him in Michigan, with his twin. Find him on twitter @dougrosswrite.

Michelle Ross is the author of There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You (2017), which won the 2016 Moon City Press Short Fiction Award. Her fiction has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Colorado Review, Pidgeonholes, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, SmokeLong Quarterly, and other venues. She is fiction editor of Atticus Review. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.

Jenn Stroud Rossmann is the author of the novel The Place You’re Supposed to Laugh (7.13 Books) and the essay series “An engineer reads a novel” at Public Books. Her short stories have appeared in such journals as Hobart, Cheap Pop, Literary Orphans, and Jellyfish Review, and have garnered four Pushcart nominations. She is also a professor of mechanical engineering at Lafayette College. @jenn_rossmann

Colleen Rothman’s work has appeared in or is forthcoming from The AtlanticJellyfish ReviewOkay Donkey, and Mutha Magazine, among others. After more than a decade living in the Midwest, she is proud to once again call New Orleans home. Find her on Twitter @colleenrothman or at

Jim Ruland is the author of the novel Forest of Fortune and the short story collection Big Lonesome, and the co-author of My Damage with Keith Morris, founding member of Black Flag, Circle Jerks and OFF!  He runs the Southern California-based reading series Vermin on the Mount, now in its fourteenth year, and is currently working on a book with the band Bad Religion.

Levi Rumata, from Cincinnati, lives and writes in Spain.

Nayt Rundquist‘s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Etchings, The Long Road to Spring, and Up North Lit. He is the managing editor for New Rivers Press. Nayt lives just outside space and time with his artist-jeweler wife and their fifth-dimensional dog.

Christopher X. Ryan lives in Helsinki, Finland, where he works as a writer, editor, and ghostwriter. Born on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, he has an MFA from the Jack Kerouac School in Boulder, Colorado. His work has been published in a wide variety of journals and magazines. He is represented by the Trentin Agency for his novel BOGORE. Chris can be found at


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