M.A. Boswell

M.A. Boswell is a 2021 graduate of the MFA in Writing program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. M.A.’s work appears or is forthcoming in BULL, Taco Bell Quarterly Vol. 6, JMWW, and Hobart, and her fiction has been nominated for Best of the Net. She is a flash CNF editor for The Good Life Review. Find her on X or TikTok @ma_boswell.


After Olivia tore out of the parking lot, Hyundai stuffed with all the nice shit from their place, Josh mixed batter and slammed it into a bruised Teflon pan. He’d survived on easy food before, when other exes ruined his life. Josh flipped the pancake, watched it coil into a lopsided heap. Earlier, Olivia changed the title of their shared playlist from Babe to You’re a literal adult child, deleted everything except one Taylor Swift breakup song. Josh rammed his spatula under the wreckage, realizing how bad this would be. The pancake grinned from the plate, torn and ugly, but never judging.

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