Chris Campanioni is a first-generation American, the son of immigrants from Cuba and Poland, and the author of the Internet is for real (C&R Press) and Drift (King Shot Press). His “Billboards” poem was awarded an Academy of American Poets College Prize in 2013, his novel Going Down was selected as Best First Book at the 2014 International Latino Book Awards, and his hybrid piece This body’s long (& I’m still loading) was adapted as an official selection of the Canadian International Film Festival in 2017. He edits PANK, At Large Magazine, and Tupelo Quarterly, and teaches Latino literature and creative writing at Pace University and Baruch College.
Jonathan Cardew hails from the steel city, Sheffield, but lives in the cream city, Milwaukee. His short fiction can be found at wigleaf, cream city review, Passages North, Maudlin House, and elsewhere. He edits fiction for Connotation Press. Check out more here or @cardewjcardew.
K.B. Carle lives outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and earned her MFA from Spalding University’s Low-Residency program in Kentucky. Her stories have appeared in Homology Lit., Black Warrior Review, CHEAP POP, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. She can be found online here or on Twitter @kbcarle.
Tobias Carroll is the author of the novel Reel and the short story collection Transitory. He’s the managing editor of Vol.1 Brooklyn, frequently writes about culture for a variety of journals, and can be found on Twitter at @tobiascarroll.
Shane Cashman’s stories have appeared in The Atlantic, Catapult, BBC Travel, Jellyfish Review, Atlas Obscura, and Penthouse. He teaches narrative studies at Manhattanville College in New York. Many of his previously published stories can be found at
Sebastian Castillo is the author of 49 Venezuelan Novels (Bottlecap Press). His work has been published in The Fanzine, peach mag, Hobart, and elsewhere. He lives in New York, where he teaches writing. You can find him: @bartlebytaco.
Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar is an Indian American. She was born in a middle-class family in India and will forever be indebted to her parents for educating her beyond their means. She is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee and her work has been published online in The Ellipsis zine, Lunch Ticket, Star82 Review, Cabinet of Heed, and also in print, most recently the National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2018. She blogs at Puny Fingers and can be reached @PunyFingers.
Avee Chaudhuri is from Wichita, Kansas. More of his work can be found at Fluland, FLAPPERHOUSE, and Necessary Fiction.
Jimmy Chen maintains his website
Leland Cheuk authored of the story collection LETTERS FROM DINOSAURS (2016) and the novel THE MISADVENTURES OF SULLIVER PONG (2015). His stories and essays have been in Salon, Catapult, Joyland and others. Find him at @lcheuk on Twitter and
K Chiucarello is a non-binary queer writer living in Brooklyn, NY. They currently oversee submissions for Susie Magazine. Their work can be found at Slaughterhouse, Trampset, Nightbird Zine, Lammergeier and others. They always have approximately 14 photos of sand dunes overtaking homes sitting on their phone at any given time. Twitter quips on writing and gender can usually be found @_kc_kc_kc_.
Mbizo Chirasha is an International Fellow for literary activism and the Vice Presidente de PPDM, Africa, El Movimiento Poetas del Mundo ( He holds a Certificate of Merit from Directorio Mundial de Escritores through Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura (2018.) and is widely published in more than 35 journals, magazines, and anthologies around the world.
Shane Jesse Christmass is the author of the novels, Yeezus In Furs (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018), Napalm Recipe: Volume One (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2017), Police Force As A Corrupt Breeze (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2016) and Acid Shottas (The Ledatape Organisation, 2014). An archive of his writing/artwork/music can be found at
Andrew Ciaccio got his start in the word business delivering Warren Buffett’s newspaper. Now he makes a living as a freelance writer working on commercials. He also writes poetry, prose and text messages. His work has been published in Liquid Imagination and YogaPoetica.
Chloe N. Clark is the author of The Science of Unvanishing Objects and Your Strange Fortune. She is co-EIC of Cotton Xenomorph, writes for Nerds of a Feather, and can be found on Twitter @PintsNCupcakes.
Jordan Clark lives in California and works within the ceramics industry. He has been previously published at Silent Auctions Magazine and can be found on Instagram @y1k35.
Neil Clark is a writer from Edinburgh, Scotland. His work is published or forthcoming in The Molotov Cocktail, Okay Donkey, Five:2:One, The Open Pen, Occulum Journal, and other cool places. Most days, he posts very short stories on Twitter @NeilRClark. Say ‘hi’ to him there, or visit
Shelby Colburn is an emerging writer from Eddington, Maine. She has earned her BA and MA at the University of Maine and will be pursuing her MFA at the University of New Hampshire. Colburn enjoys relishing in the weird, grotesque, and feminist body. She lives with two royal, spoiled cats and a supportive fiancé.
Sheldon Lee Compton’s is the author of five books of fiction and poetry. His third novel, Dysphoria: An Appalachian Gothic, will be published in the spring of 2019 by Cowboy Jamboree Press. He is now writing his first book of nonfiction for West Virginia University Press, a hybrid work about the writer Breece D’J Pancake.
Jon Conley is a writer and musician from Cleveland. His work has been published or is forthcoming in Hobart, Bad Nudes, Bodega, Hello Horror, Bending Genres, and FIVE:2:ONE. He is co-founder of Long Long Journal and produces and performs music as Beach Stav. Find him online @beachstav.
Sean Thor Conroe was born Kamura Sho (香村 翔宇) in Tokyo in 1991. He hosts the podcast “1storypod,” tweets @stconroe, and archives other art at He lives in Philadelphia.
David Cook’s stories have appeared in the National Flash Fiction Anthology, Spelk, The Sunlight Press, Ginger Collect and more. He’s a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee. He lives in Bridgend, Wales, with his wife, daughter, cats and fish. Say hi on Twitter @davidcook100 or at his site here.
Will Cordeiro has work appearing or forthcoming in Agni, The Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, DIAGRAM, Fourteen Hills, Nashville Review, [PANK], Sycamore Review, The Threepenny Review, Zone 3, and elsewhere. Will co-edits the small press Eggtooth Editions and lives in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Erin Cork lives and hikes in Missoula, MT. She writes in the morning and works the swing shift as a train dispatcher. She drinks a lot of coffee and wears trucker hats. Her work has recently been featured in Hypnopomp, Image OutWrite and Memoir Mixtapes. She is working on another draft of her first novel. She can be found @elcork17 and on instagram here.
Paul Corman-Roberts is a finalist for subTerrrain’s annual fiction contest for his short story “The Deathbed Confession of Christopher Walken.” He has appeared in The Rumpus, Buddy, and sParkle and bLink. He’s mostly known as a poet but is the current fiction editor for Full of Crow and the founder of the Beast Crawl Literary Fest in his hometown of Oakland CA. His latest collection of poems is We Shoot Typewriters from Nomadic Press.
Mike Corrao is a young writer working out of Minneapolis. His work has been featured in publications such as Entropy, decomP, Cleaver, and Fanzine. His first novel will be released in fall of 2018 by Orson’s Publishing. Further information at
Suzanne Craig-Whytock is a Canadian writer. Her first novel, Smile, was published in 2017, and her new novel, The Dome, will be released this October by Bookland Press. Her short fiction has appeared in Slippage Lit. She also writes humorous essays which she posts on her website here.
Marisa Crane is a lesbian writer and editor. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pigeon Pages, Pidgeonholes, Drunk Monkeys, among others. She currently lives in San Diego with her fiancée. She loves wiener dogs, all flavors of aioli, and making Allen Iverson references. Her Twitter handle is @marisabcrane.
Dan Crawley’s writing appears or is forthcoming in a number of journals, including Wigleaf, Bending Genres, Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Atticus Review. Ad Hoc Fiction will publish his novella-in-flash in the near future. Along with teaching creative writing workshops and literature courses, he is a fiction reader for Little Patuxent Review. You can find him on Twitter @danbillyc.
Paul Curran’s novel Left Hand was published by CCM in 2014. Pieces from Bubblegum’s Funeral, a collaboration with visual artist Marc Hulson, have appeared in galleries across London and Paris. Paul currently lives in Tokyo and is slowly assembling a J-novel.
Melanie Czerwinski is a lesbian author living in Delaware. Her work has been published or is forthcoming by The Sucarnochee Review, Dark Ink Press, From Whispers To Roars, Not Your Mother’s Breast Milk, Underwood Press, Reflex Fiction, and littledeathlit. Her Twitter is @mel_czer, but she neglects it.
Travis Dahlke lives in Middletown, CT. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Structo, Sporklet, SAND Journal, Bridge Eight Press, Occulum, and The Longleaf Review, among other places. He has a novella about spooky Christmas trees available from Otherwhere Press. Find him on Twitter: @hammockreview.
Chris Dankland is the co-founder of X-R-A-Y and lives in Pennsylvania. He’s the author of Weed Monks and other ebooks. His head is made of smoke.
Darren DeFrain is the author of the novel The Salt Palace (New Issues & Dzanc Books) and the story collection Inside & Out (MSR & Dzanc Books). Along with Fran Connor, he is currently at work on a book about the postpunk history of Kansas. He directs the Writing Program at Wichita State University. Hackers are encouraged to friend him on Facebook.
Devan Collins Del Conte is a queer writer living in Memphis, Tennessee. Her work has appeared in Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, Lunch Ticket and elsewhere. Find her here.
Tyler Dempsey was a finalist in Glimmer Train and New Millennium Writings competitions. His work appears in Five:2:One Magazine, Buck Off Magazine, Wilderness House Literary Review, and The 3288 Review, amongst others. Find him on Twitter @tylercdempsey or here.
Josh Denslow has a short story collection called NOT EVERYONE IS SPECIAL (7.13 Books). Recent stories have been spotted in Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Okay Donkey, and BULL. In addition to wearing matching sweaters with his three boys, he plays the drums in the band Borrisokane and edits at SmokeLong Quarterly. Find out more at or on Twitter @joshdenslow.
Benjamin DeVos is the author of The Bar Is Low (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018), Lord of the Game (Apocalypse Party, 2017), and Madness Has a Moment and Then Vanishes Before Returning Again (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2016). He lives in Philadelphia.
Christopher DeWan is a writer living in Los Angeles, equidistant from the Malibu fire and the Ridgecrest earthquake. He vacations on or near volcanoes, has an abiding fear of deep water, and keeps a go-bag full of chocolate. Follow him and his writing at here.
Chance Dibben is a writer and photographer living in Lawrence, KS. His writing has appeared in Split Lip, Reality Beach, Yes Poetry, Atlas and Alice, matchbook, Hobart, as well as others.
Tyler Dillow lives in Wichita, Kansas. His work has been featured in Occulum and BALDHIP.
Louis Dickins is a 23-year-old writer, actor, and artist from Melbourne.
Salvatore Difalco is the author of two books of shorts stories, Black Rabbit (Anvil Press) and The Mountie at Niagara Falls (Anvil Press). He currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
Giovanni DeJaneiro is an internationally recognized literary supertzar. He has been described as rude and unsociable by his mother, arrogant and condescending by his lawyer, and socioeconomically challenged by his primary physician.
Maggie Dove is a cross-genre Southern writer by way of South Florida. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, JMWW, Drunk Monkeys, Foliate Oak, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, The New Southern Fugitives, Crab Fat Magazine and elsewhere. She is petty and immature, and has many tribal tattoos from the 90s for which she refuses to be apologetic. Her blog can be found at and she’s on Twitter @romcomdojo.
Nathan Dragon lives in Western Massachusetts with his best friend and partner. Dragon is currently writing short stories and something longer about a marine biologist. Read more by Nathan here.
Anthony Dragonetti writes fiction and criticism. His work has appeared in Expat Press, Soft Cartel, Philosophical Idiot, and elsewhere. He writes book reviews at Neutral Spaces. Follow him on Twitter @dragoneddied.
Jessica Drake-Thomas is a poet and freelance writer, currently living North of Fort Worth. Her work has been published in Ploughshares, Ghost City Review, Grimoire, and Anti-Heroin Chic, among others. Find her here and on Twitter.
Łukasz Drobnik’s writing has been published or is forthcoming in Quarterly West, Lighthouse, Bare Fiction, SHARKPACK Annual, Mojave Heart Review, Cartridge Lit, Foglifter and elsewhere. He has written two novellas in his native Polish, “Nocturine” and “Cunninghamella” (Forma, 2011). An English version of “Nocturine” is forthcoming in 2019 from Fathom Books. You can find him on Twitter @drobnik.
Charles Duffie is a writer working in the Los Angeles area. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Anastamos, Bacopa Literary Review, Prime Number Magazine, Exposition Review, Opossum, Meat for Tea, Heavy Feather Review, FlashBack Fiction, and American Fiction by New Rivers Press.
Nathaniel Duggan is from Maine and likes used 2008 Honda Civics. He can be found on Twitter @asdkfjasdlfjd.
Gary Duncan’s stories have appeared in Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, 100 Word Story, New Flash Fiction Review, Fictive Dream, Train Lit, Gravel, and The Cabinet of Heed, among others, and are forthcoming in Unbroken Journal and Ellipsis Zine. His flash fiction collection, You’re Not Supposed to Cry, is available from Vagabond Voices.
Teddy Duncan, Jr., is from Orlando, Florida and can be reached here.
Derick Dupre’s work is forthcoming or featured in publications including NOON, New York Tyrant, 7×7, Fanzine, and Hobart. He lives in southern Arizona.
Lanny Durbin lives in Springfield, Illinois, plays in a few bands and drives a Buick. His work has appeared in Hobart Pulp, Maudlin House and *82 Review, among others. He can be found on Twitter @LannyDurbin.
Caleb Echterling’s short story ‘Haikuzilla’ won first prize in the 2016 Bartleby Snopes Dialogue Contest. He tweets funny fiction using the highly original handle @CalebEchterling. You can find more of his work at
Nathan Elias is the author of the chapbooks A Myriad of Roads That Lead to Here: A Novelette and Glass City Blues: Poems. He received an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles where he also served as editor on the literary journal Lunch Ticket. His work has appeared in Entropy, PANK, Hobart, and other publications.
Brian Alan Ellis is the author of three novellas, three short-story collections, a book of humorous non-fiction, and Something to Do with Self-Hate, a novel. His writing has appeared at Juked, Hobart, Monkeybicycle, Electric Literature, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Funhouse, The Collapsar, Talking Book, and Queen Mob’s Tea House, among other places. He lives in Florida.
Kaiter Enless is a writer, researcher and the founder of Logos. He is currently working on a forthcoming novel, Tomb of the Father, and a nonfiction work, Sovereigns of the Outer Dark.
Laura Eppinger is a Pushcart-nominated writer of fiction, poetry and essay. Her work has appeared at the Rumpus, the Toast, and elsewhere. She’s the managing editor at Newfound Journal.
Juliet Escoria wrote Black Cloud (CCM/Emily Books 2014) and Witch Hunt (Lazy Fascist 2016). She lives in West Virginia.
Isabella Esser-Munera teaches in Brooklyn, New York and is an advocate of children everywhere. Her work has been featured in Faded-Out magazine, Maudlin House, and Anti-Heroin Chic. A child of immigrants, her projects focus on identity and intersection. She is currently working on a novel and tweets as @esserisst.
Alex Evans lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and has done for a while now. He writes stories, makes coffee, sings songs, drinks wine, and doesn’t sleep nearly enough. He loves wrinkly dogs and hates the smell of airplanes. His little fictions have been featured in the Jet Fuel Review, Five on the Fifth, and Ohio’s Emerging Writers: an Anthology of Fiction. He tweets here and lives here.
Chris Campanioni is a first-generation American, the son of immigrants from Cuba and Poland, and the author of the Internet is for real (C&R Press) and Drift (King Shot Press). His “Billboards” poem was awarded an Academy of American Poets College Prize in 2013, his novel Going Down was selected as Best First Book at the 2014 International Latino Book Awards, and his hybrid piece This body’s long (& I’m still loading) was adapted as an official selection of the Canadian International Film Festival in 2017. He edits PANK, At Large Magazine, and Tupelo Quarterly, and teaches Latino literature and creative writing at Pace University and Baruch College.
Jonathan Cardew hails from the steel city, Sheffield, but lives in the cream city, Milwaukee. His short fiction can be found at wigleaf, cream city review, Passages North, Maudlin House, and elsewhere. He edits fiction for Connotation Press. Check out more here or @cardewjcardew.
K.B. Carle lives outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and earned her MFA from Spalding University’s Low-Residency program in Kentucky. Her stories have appeared in Homology Lit., Black Warrior Review, CHEAP POP, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. She can be found online here or on Twitter @kbcarle.
Tobias Carroll is the author of the novel Reel and the short story collection Transitory. He’s the managing editor of Vol.1 Brooklyn, frequently writes about culture for a variety of journals, and can be found on Twitter at @tobiascarroll.
Shane Cashman’s stories have appeared in The Atlantic, Catapult, BBC Travel, Jellyfish Review, Atlas Obscura, and Penthouse. He teaches narrative studies at Manhattanville College in New York. Many of his previously published stories can be found at
Sebastian Castillo is the author of 49 Venezuelan Novels (Bottlecap Press). His work has been published in The Fanzine, peach mag, Hobart, and elsewhere. He lives in New York, where he teaches writing. You can find him: @bartlebytaco.
Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar is an Indian American. She was born in a middle-class family in India and will forever be indebted to her parents for educating her beyond their means. She is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee and her work has been published online in The Ellipsis zine, Lunch Ticket, Star82 Review, Cabinet of Heed, and also in print, most recently the National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2018. She blogs at Puny Fingers and can be reached @PunyFingers.
Avee Chaudhuri is from Wichita, Kansas. More of his work can be found at Fluland, FLAPPERHOUSE, and Necessary Fiction.
Jimmy Chen maintains his website
Leland Cheuk authored of the story collection LETTERS FROM DINOSAURS (2016) and the novel THE MISADVENTURES OF SULLIVER PONG (2015). His stories and essays have been in Salon, Catapult, Joyland and others. Find him at @lcheuk on Twitter and
Mbizo Chirasha is an International Fellow for literary activism and the Vice Presidente de PPDM, Africa, El Movimiento Poetas del Mundo ( He holds a Certificate of Merit from Directorio Mundial de Escritores through Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura (2018.) and is widely published in more than 35 journals, magazines, and anthologies around the world.
K Chiucarello is a non-binary queer writer living in Brooklyn, NY. They currently oversee submissions for Susie Magazine. Their work can be found at Slaughterhouse, Trampset, Nightbird Zine, Lammergeier and others. They always have approximately 14 photos of sand dunes overtaking homes sitting on their phone at any given time. Twitter quips on writing and gender can usually be found @_kc_kc_kc_.
Shane Jesse Christmass is the author of the novels, Yeezus In Furs (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018), Napalm Recipe: Volume One (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2017), Police Force As A Corrupt Breeze (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2016) and Acid Shottas (The Ledatape Organisation, 2014). An archive of his writing/artwork/music can be found at
Andrew Ciaccio got his start in the word business delivering Warren Buffett’s newspaper. Now he makes a living as a freelance writer working on commercials. He also writes poetry, prose and text messages. His work has been published in Liquid Imagination and YogaPoetica.
Chloe N. Clark is the author of The Science of Unvanishing Objects and Your Strange Fortune. She is co-EIC of Cotton Xenomorph, writes for Nerds of a Feather, and can be found on Twitter @PintsNCupcakes.
Jordan Clark lives in California and works within the ceramics industry. He has been previously published at Silent Auctions Magazine and can be found on Instagram @y1k35.
Neil Clark is a writer from Edinburgh, Scotland. His work is published or forthcoming in The Molotov Cocktail, Okay Donkey, Five:2:One, The Open Pen, Occulum Journal, and other cool places. Most days, he posts very short stories on Twitter @NeilRClark. Say ‘hi’ to him there, or visit
Shelby Colburn is an emerging writer from Eddington, Maine. She has earned her BA and MA at the University of Maine and will be pursuing her MFA at the University of New Hampshire. Colburn enjoys relishing in the weird, grotesque, and feminist body. She lives with two royal, spoiled cats and a supportive fiancé.
Sheldon Lee Compton’s is the author of five books of fiction and poetry. His third novel, Dysphoria: An Appalachian Gothic, will be published in the spring of 2019 by Cowboy Jamboree Press. He is now writing his first book of nonfiction for West Virginia University Press, a hybrid work about the writer Breece D’J Pancake.
Jon Conley is a writer and musician from Cleveland. His work has been published or is forthcoming in Hobart, Bad Nudes, Bodega, Hello Horror, Bending Genres, and FIVE:2:ONE. He is co-founder of Long Long Journal and produces and performs music as Beach Stav. Find him online @beachstav.
Sean Thor Conroe was born Kamura Sho (香村 翔宇) in Tokyo in 1991. He hosts the podcast “1storypod,” tweets @stconroe, and archives other art at He lives in Philadelphia.
David Cook’s stories have appeared in the National Flash Fiction Anthology, Spelk, The Sunlight Press, Ginger Collect and more. He’s a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee. He lives in Bridgend, Wales, with his wife, daughter, cats and fish. Say hi on Twitter @davidcook100 or at his site here.
Will Cordeiro has work appearing or forthcoming in Agni, The Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, DIAGRAM, Fourteen Hills, Nashville Review, [PANK], Sycamore Review, The Threepenny Review, Zone 3, and elsewhere. Will co-edits the small press Eggtooth Editions and lives in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Erin Cork lives and hikes in Missoula, MT. She writes in the morning and works the swing shift as a train dispatcher. She drinks a lot of coffee and wears trucker hats. Her work has recently been featured in Hypnopomp, Image OutWrite and Memoir Mixtapes. She is working on another draft of her first novel. She can be found @elcork17 and on instagram here.
Paul Corman-Roberts is a finalist for subTerrrain’s annual fiction contest for his short story “The Deathbed Confession of Christopher Walken.” He has appeared in The Rumpus, Buddy, and sParkle and bLink. He’s mostly known as a poet but is the current fiction editor for Full of Crow and the founder of the Beast Crawl Literary Fest in his hometown of Oakland CA. His latest collection of poems is We Shoot Typewriters from Nomadic Press.
Mike Corrao is a young writer working out of Minneapolis. His work has been featured in publications such as Entropy, decomP, Cleaver, and Fanzine. His first novel will be released in fall of 2018 by Orson’s Publishing. Further information at
Suzanne Craig-Whytock is a Canadian writer. Her first novel, Smile, was published in 2017, and her new novel, The Dome, will be released this October by Bookland Press. Her short fiction has appeared in Slippage Lit. She also writes humorous essays which she posts on her website here.
Marisa Crane is a lesbian writer and editor. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pigeon Pages, Pidgeonholes, Drunk Monkeys, among others. She currently lives in San Diego with her fiancée. She loves wiener dogs, all flavors of aioli, and making Allen Iverson references. Her Twitter handle is @marisabcrane.
Dan Crawley’s writing appears or is forthcoming in a number of journals, including Wigleaf, Bending Genres, Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Atticus Review. Ad Hoc Fiction will publish his novella-in-flash in the near future. Along with teaching creative writing workshops and literature courses, he is a fiction reader for Little Patuxent Review. You can find him on Twitter @danbillyc.
Paul Curran’s novel Left Hand was published by CCM in 2014. Pieces from Bubblegum’s Funeral, a collaboration with visual artist Marc Hulson, have appeared in galleries across London and Paris. Paul currently lives in Tokyo and is slowly assembling a J-novel.
Melanie Czerwinski is a lesbian author living in Delaware. Her work has been published or is forthcoming by The Sucarnochee Review, Dark Ink Press, From Whispers To Roars, Not Your Mother’s Breast Milk, Underwood Press, Reflex Fiction, and littledeathlit. Her Twitter is @mel_czer, but she neglects it.
Travis Dahlke lives in Middletown, CT. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Structo, Sporklet, SAND Journal, Bridge Eight Press, Occulum, and The Longleaf Review, among other places. He has a novella about spooky Christmas trees available from Otherwhere Press. Find him on Twitter: @hammockreview.
Chris Dankland is the co-founder of X-R-A-Y and lives in Pennsylvania. He’s the author of Weed Monks and other ebooks. His head is made of smoke.
Darren DeFrain is the author of the novel The Salt Palace (New Issues & Dzanc Books) and the story collection Inside & Out (MSR & Dzanc Books). Along with Fran Connor, he is currently at work on a book about the postpunk history of Kansas. He directs the Writing Program at Wichita State University. Hackers are encouraged to friend him on Facebook.
Devan Collins Del Conte is a queer writer living in Memphis, Tennessee. Her work has appeared in Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, Lunch Ticket and elsewhere. Find her here.
Tyler Dempsey was a finalist in Glimmer Train and New Millennium Writings competitions. His work appears in Five:2:One Magazine, Buck Off Magazine, Wilderness House Literary Review, and The 3288 Review, amongst others. Find him on Twitter @tylercdempsey or here.
Josh Denslow has a short story collection called NOT EVERYONE IS SPECIAL (7.13 Books). Recent stories have been spotted in Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Okay Donkey, and BULL. In addition to wearing matching sweaters with his three boys, he plays the drums in the band Borrisokane and edits at SmokeLong Quarterly. Find out more at or on Twitter @joshdenslow.
Benjamin DeVos is the author of The Bar Is Low (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018), Lord of the Game (Apocalypse Party, 2017), and Madness Has a Moment and Then Vanishes Before Returning Again (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2016). He lives in Philadelphia.
Christopher DeWan is a writer living in Los Angeles, equidistant from the Malibu fire and the Ridgecrest earthquake. He vacations on or near volcanoes, has an abiding fear of deep water, and keeps a go-bag full of chocolate. Follow him and his writing at here.
Chance Dibben is a writer and photographer living in Lawrence, KS. His writing has appeared in Split Lip, Reality Beach, Yes Poetry, Atlas and Alice, matchbook, Hobart, as well as others.
Tyler Dillow lives in Wichita, Kansas. His work has been featured in Occulum and BALDHIP.
Louis Dickins is a 23-year-old writer, actor, and artist from Melbourne.
Salvatore Difalco is the author of two books of shorts stories, Black Rabbit (Anvil Press) and The Mountie at Niagara Falls (Anvil Press). He currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
Giovanni DeJaneiro is an internationally recognized literary supertzar. He has been described as rude and unsociable by his mother, arrogant and condescending by his lawyer, and socioeconomically challenged by his primary physician.
Maggie Dove is a cross-genre Southern writer by way of South Florida. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, JMWW, Drunk Monkeys, Foliate Oak, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, The New Southern Fugitives, Crab Fat Magazine and elsewhere. She is petty and immature, and has many tribal tattoos from the 90s for which she refuses to be apologetic. Her blog can be found at and she’s on Twitter @romcomdojo.
Nathan Dragon lives in Western Massachusetts with his best friend and partner. Dragon is currently writing short stories and something longer about a marine biologist. Read more by Nathan here.
Anthony Dragonetti writes fiction and criticism. His work has appeared in Expat Press, Soft Cartel, Philosophical Idiot, and elsewhere. He writes book reviews at Neutral Spaces. Follow him on Twitter @dragoneddied.
Jessica Drake-Thomas is a poet and freelance writer, currently living North of Fort Worth. Her work has been published in Ploughshares, Ghost City Review, Grimoire, and Anti-Heroin Chic, among others. Find her here and on Twitter.
Łukasz Drobnik’s writing has been published or is forthcoming in Quarterly West, Lighthouse, Bare Fiction, SHARKPACK Annual, Mojave Heart Review, Cartridge Lit, Foglifter and elsewhere. He has written two novellas in his native Polish, “Nocturine” and “Cunninghamella” (Forma, 2011). An English version of “Nocturine” is forthcoming in 2019 from Fathom Books. You can find him on Twitter @drobnik.
Charles Duffie is a writer working in the Los Angeles area. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Anastamos, Bacopa Literary Review, Prime Number Magazine, Exposition Review, Opossum, Meat for Tea, Heavy Feather Review, FlashBack Fiction, and American Fiction by New Rivers Press.
Nathaniel Duggan is from Maine and likes used 2008 Honda Civics. He can be found on Twitter @asdkfjasdlfjd.
Gary Duncan’s stories have appeared in Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, 100 Word Story, New Flash Fiction Review, Fictive Dream, Train Lit, Gravel, and The Cabinet of Heed, among others, and are forthcoming in Unbroken Journal and Ellipsis Zine. His flash fiction collection, You’re Not Supposed to Cry, is available from Vagabond Voices.
Teddy Duncan, Jr., is from Orlando, Florida and can be reached here.
Derick Dupre’s work is forthcoming or featured in publications including NOON, New York Tyrant, 7×7, Fanzine, and Hobart. He lives in southern Arizona.
Lanny Durbin lives in Springfield, Illinois, plays in a few bands and drives a Buick. His work has appeared in Hobart Pulp, Maudlin House and *82 Review, among others. He can be found on Twitter @LannyDurbin.
Caleb Echterling’s short story ‘Haikuzilla’ won first prize in the 2016 Bartleby Snopes Dialogue Contest. He tweets funny fiction using the highly original handle @CalebEchterling. You can find more of his work at
Nathan Elias is the author of the chapbooks A Myriad of Roads That Lead to Here: A Novelette and Glass City Blues: Poems. He received an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles where he also served as editor on the literary journal Lunch Ticket. His work has appeared in Entropy, PANK, Hobart, and other publications.
Brian Alan Ellis is the author of three novellas, three short-story collections, a book of humorous non-fiction, and Something to Do with Self-Hate, a novel. His writing has appeared at Juked, Hobart, Monkeybicycle, Electric Literature, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Funhouse, The Collapsar, Talking Book, and Queen Mob’s Tea House, among other places. He lives in Florida.
Kaiter Enless is a writer, researcher and the founder of Logos. He is currently working on a forthcoming novel, Tomb of the Father, and a nonfiction work, Sovereigns of the Outer Dark.
Laura Eppinger is a Pushcart-nominated writer of fiction, poetry and essay. Her work has appeared at the Rumpus, the Toast, and elsewhere. She’s the managing editor at Newfound Journal.
Juliet Escoria wrote Black Cloud (CCM/Emily Books 2014) and Witch Hunt (Lazy Fascist 2016). She lives in West Virginia.
Isabella Esser-Munera teaches in Brooklyn, New York and is an advocate of children everywhere. Her work has been featured in Faded-Out magazine, Maudlin House, and Anti-Heroin Chic. A child of immigrants, her projects focus on identity and intersection. She is currently working on a novel and tweets as @esserisst.
Alex Evans lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and has done for a while now. He writes stories, makes coffee, sings songs, drinks wine, and doesn’t sleep nearly enough. He loves wrinkly dogs and hates the smell of airplanes. His little fictions have been featured in the Jet Fuel Review, Five on the Fifth, and Ohio’s Emerging Writers: an Anthology of Fiction. He tweets here and lives here.