August 14, 2023 · Fiction
Those twins out of St. Paul are doing some live podcast tour about living without lungs but that’s easy, the no lungs thing.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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August 9, 2023 · Fiction
The Weatherman describes the snow as dumping. Feathery bundles fall against all things and accumulate against all things, and besides that: the grey, and the cawing of invisible birds.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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August 2, 2023 · Fiction
It was exciting and sad and over too fast and underwhelming and amazing, all at the same. It was all of it. It was beautiful.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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July 31, 2023 · Fiction
His physique is quite distressing. It is not something I like to observe.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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July 26, 2023 · Fiction
Like anything, Hot Wheels has a language. Like any language you encounter, you want to make this one your own.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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July 24, 2023 · Fiction
At sixteen I went ocean swimming. I swam so deep that the land turned into a thin grey line. The ocean turned into hills like blue elephants.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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July 17, 2023 · Fiction
Oh, the bear came with the house, I lied. The Lord hates a lying tongue, the pastor said.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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July 12, 2023 · Fiction
“It’s not that it disappears,” he said. “It’s just deep. It’s like a cliff. It goes all the way down. But it’s something new, Rico.”
Crow Jonah Norlander
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July 3, 2023 · Fiction
People—and I mean even absolute strangers—they’ll just talk and talk and talk and they expect you to listen to their whole life story. Have you ever experienced this? Do you know what I mean?
Crow Jonah Norlander
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June 26, 2023 · Fiction
nevertheless i have grown tired of it already, as anyone in my situation would. anyway, i am stuck. hand looks bad.
Crow Jonah Norlander
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