You mutter “Fuck you” under your breath at his daily counting routine, for the apathy it shows for the hell the world is girdled in.
Ash Kaul is a Kashmiri writer, mountaineer and strategist. His short stories, essays and flash pieces appear or are forthcoming in Indiana Review, Terrain, Consequence, Another Chicago Magazine, X-R-A-Y Magazine, The Ocotillo Review and elsewhere. He was a finalist in Cutbank’s Montana Prize for Fiction, won a ‘favorite’ in a Reflex Fiction (UK) competition, and was longlisted in a Retreat West, UK themed competition. He also enjoys writing political satire. He contributed an international political satire column in LITRO, UK and USA. His political satire also appears or is forthcoming in Barzakh magazine, The Satirist and Bella Caledonia. He can be contacted as LaughingAshes(at)