NUNS & ROSES by Ana Carrete

NUNS & ROSES by Ana Carrete

A nun was cloistered in a convent near me. I knew her. She was the Mother Superior. She was the main bitch. Top energy. She left that cloistered convent and moved to the Midwest. 

I was visiting the Midwest for poetry and to fuck a writer I’d been sexting with for months. I waxed my pussy right before I went on that trip and that was a mistake. My boyfriend dropped me off at the airport. 

I took a pill to fall asleep on the plane. When the plane landed, my head was resting on the stranger next to me. My head was on his shoulder but he never tried to wake me up. I was embarrassed but he was polite about it. I am no longer embarrassed and it’s kind of a brag. I had my head on a random man’s shoulder on a plane and I was so comfortable and he probably wasn’t but he was cool with it. I wonder if he enjoyed it.

When the plane landed, the writer I was going to fuck was waiting for me. He rolled my luggage to a restaurant. We had sushi. We had beers and sex. 

I texted the nun. She texted me her address. I didn’t know nuns could live alone. The writer took the L with me to the nun’s neighborhood. The writer made a racist comment about the neighborhood and walked me near her apartment. I asked him to leave. I called the nun. She came out. 

She asked me to come up to her place. We went up and down a very tight staircase. Her apartment looked exactly like all the memes about the coziest lesbian homes with green walls and mismatched furniture. 

This was the first time I saw the nun’s hair. I had imagined it when she wore her habit. Her current congregation allowed her to wear regular but modest clothing. She could show me her hair and I liked it. Her outfit was highly nun-coded. As expected. As it should be. And I loved it. I put on a black, velvet bodysuit and jeans to my date with the nun. I had my hair down. 

She drove me to an area the writer hadn’t taken me to yet. It was a tourist spot by the water and it was beautiful. We walked on the boardwalk but didn’t hold hands. We ate Italian food. She talked about how much she loved to go camping. We got ice cream cones. We licked the ice cream cones. I had never seen her licking anything before. Her licks were meticulous. 

When we got done licking, we got on the wrong elevator and got lost in the parking structure. Neither of us had paid attention to where she’d parked. We were too excited. We were on a date. We kept getting back on the elevator and coming out on different levels. I was getting sweaty. She said it was the priests’ fault. I thought about giving up and getting on our knees. Asking god for help so we could find her car.

I imagined her having a sexy amount of authority as Mother Superior. Making sure a sexy amount of suffering happened at all times. 

An hour later, we found her car. 

I told her I would take the L back to where I was staying but she insisted on driving. When she dropped me off, she waited for me to go inside. As you should. 

When you go on a date with someone you care about, you wait to make sure they’re safe. 

I went back into the writer’s apartment. He woke me up with his dick the next morning. It was similar to the ending of Kids (1995). A drunk Casper rapes Jennie as she sleeps. He was sober and we were in bed.

I forgot to reply to my boyfriend for most of my trip, so when I got back home, we broke up in his parents’ living room. 

Ana Carrete is a poet. Her latest collection is Blush & Blink (Lang Books, 2023). Instagram: @ana__carrete

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